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  1. Update icon color of red dot (details)
  2. Update CoupledClutches.mos (details)
  3. Update (#4351) (details)
  4. Use sqrt(x) instead of x^0.5 in several places. (details)
  5. OneMore (details)
  6. ManyMoreGibbsEtc (details)
  7. Fix documentation typo (#4366) (details)
Commit a3a900706b6aca9ec5a2aa5f800791ee718efb9e by modelica
Update icon color of red dot
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit 95318f85bd4885f57cc5f8d5511c2d26581a9917 by noreply
Update CoupledClutches.mos

Making this change to master branch, duplicate of commit b0f2a98.
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/Mechanics/Rotational/CoupledClutches.mos (diff)
Commit 1f8e25f101dc6563cdac408ed7051429c3a7c388 by noreply
Update (#4351)

Fixed to make type more clear, and make it work in Modelon Impact. Also, removed an unused line of code.
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Examples/ (diff)
Commit 5f30811bded91e56478bb3544c76f7ddfa4afb18 by Hans.Olsson
Use sqrt(x) instead of x^0.5 in several places.
Some reasons:
- Clarity; it is not an arbitrary exponent that happens to be 0.5, but exactly the square root.
- Ease of unit-checking; the proposals handle sqrt special as well as integer exponents, but not real numbers that happen to be fractions.
The file was modified Modelica/Fluid/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Media/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Media/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Media/ (diff)
Commit 1b88744a1e56e4f19a78f2ee8cfa02e368097edb by noreply
Fix documentation typo (#4366)

The file was modified Modelica/Math/ (diff)