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  1. Cast result of malloc (details)
  2. User's Guide: add recommendation for 'tab' and 'group' annotations (details)
  3. Documentation: clarify mind-set of planar rotation (details)
  4. Improve EN grammar (details)
  5. Add a rule priorizing the 'general' tab (details)
  6. Add example how to define tab and group annotations (details)
  7. Enhance the 'Tabs and Groups' example (details)
  8. Remove newlines at end of Text primitive. (#4187) (details)
  9. Based on comments in #4156 just remove eps. (details)
  10. Update .mailmap file (details)
  11. Remove call of localtime (details)
  12. Improve ElastoGap (details)
  13. - added partial massFraction to partialMedium (details)
  14. Update Modelica/Media/ (details)
  15. Use spaces instead of tabs (details)
Commit 4e3bb749a883583cb3fd151a878aa3c0613dab0d by dietmar.winkler
Cast result of malloc

This is common practice in MSL.
It is mandatory when compiling external C code as C++.
Also mind the later cast in "return (void*) table" that is
neither required by C nor by C++, nevertheless expressing the intention.
The file was modified ModelicaReference/ (diff)
Commit 86d1f7cd1872bdcae24cb36219a567aeafbd4ebd by jakub.tobolar
User's Guide: add recommendation for 'tab' and 'group' annotations
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit d1e6ce5cf3c90389a306fe25decc1bd3fe42f0b2 by jakub.tobolar
Documentation: clarify mind-set of planar rotation
The file was modified Modelica/Mechanics/MultiBody/Frames/ (diff)
Commit 471e321692ee5b8e3785e79532b2f9a8427d0b5a by noreply
Improve EN grammar

Co-authored-by: Hans Olsson <>
The file was modified Modelica/Mechanics/MultiBody/Frames/ (diff)
Commit 54d744a42bc0647339cfc9deea1dfe914bf3972b by jakub.tobolar
Add a rule priorizing the 'general' tab
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit 77a8db228d227d49475a51ba13e7105501a63a3f by jakub.tobolar
Add example how to define tab and group annotations
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit c476e0cf9567d72191b2dfb00f3b81e7c912afcb by jakub.tobolar
Enhance the 'Tabs and Groups' example
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit e51c78d792af9f18ad9e4531a93ebf31cb0dfef1 by noreply
Remove newlines at end of Text primitive. (#4187)

Newline behavior in Text primitives is undefined, and in these cases seem to serve no purpose regardless.
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/SynchronousMachines/ComparisonPolyphase/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/SynchronousMachines/ComparisonPolyphase/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/SynchronousMachines/ComparisonPolyphase/ (diff)
Commit b88bed813f364f50566d477b0cd6d4b21b51593b by dietmar.winkler
Based on comments in #4156 just remove eps.
The file was modified Modelica/ComplexBlocks/Sources/ (diff)
Commit de43b207611cf802b50d40d57d33493714dbb725 by modelica
Update .mailmap file

Create by command

git log --raw | grep "^Author: " | sort | uniq | cut -d ' ' -f2- | sed 's/^//' > .mailmap
The file was modified .mailmap (diff)
Commit 349a1fb8c15eac617229a4959ab90dfb678041b5 by HansOlsson
Remove call of localtime

There is a race condition between localtime and ftime/gettimeofday in ModelicaInternal_getTime. In case ftime/gettimeofday is called at a very new second, this can lead to a inaccuracy of (almost) 1 second for the calculated time.

Using gmtime, there is no need to call localtime. Instead the struct tm can be directly computed from the obtained timebuffer and timezone information.
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/C-Sources/ModelicaInternal.c (diff)
Commit 043aaab98f8be0d319fb4b817fcb46a953eca571 by HansOlsson
Improve ElastoGap
Closes #4197

Prefer code to pre, and move things.

Add scaling ratio variable and add parameter description

Simplify computation of f_d

Documentation: add non-braking spaces where needed

Add scaling ratio variable and add parameter description

Simplify computation of f_d

Documentation: add non-braking spaces where needed

Improve documentation concerning s_rel and f_rel

Enable only positive values of s_rel and f_rel
The file was modified Modelica/Mechanics/Translational/Components/ (diff)
Commit d42719131c7733eacb38e8da55ccefb19f6974af by dirk.zimmer
- added partial massFraction to partialMedium
- implemented massFraction for partialPureSubstance
- implemented massFraction for PartialMixtureMedium
- added 3 test cases for ModeliceTest covering pure / reduced mixture / non-reduced misture
The file was modified Modelica/Media/ (diff)
The file was modified ModelicaTest/ (diff)
Commit 68f52e6cce278bdbc9c978263a9f0422c3022c24 by noreply
Update Modelica/Media/

Accepted suggestion

Co-authored-by: Thomas Beutlich <>
The file was modified Modelica/Media/ (diff)
Commit 038f2941c30511750ae0b33bacb71fcdaaedf270 by noreply
Use spaces instead of tabs
The file was modified Modelica/Media/ (diff)