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  1. Use one character instead of line drawings. (details)
  2. Increase extent and set font size. (details)
  3. StandardFont (details)
  4. Update (details)
  5. Fix assert message (details)
  6. Use one character instead of line drawings. (details)
  7. Increase extent and set font size. (details)
  8. StandardFont (details)
  9. Remove Evaluate=true for fixed=false parameter 'n_b' (details)
  10. implemented example Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/ (details)
  11. add comparisonSignals.txt (details)
  12. Update documentation (details)
  13. Fix HTML error (details)
  14. Add electrical quantities per length (details)
  15. Uodate names and comments according to discussion (details)
  16. Add explicit conversion rules (details)
  17. Remove term "shunt" from docstring (details)
  18. Revert major part of #227 - compare with af01213debfd82ab3e16d76346673466b4c6925b (details)
  19. AlsoIntegrator (details)
  20. Also remove unit here, as it caused similar problems. (details)
  21. Remove startBackward and startForward from reference results (#3870) (details)
  22. refs #3867: Remove ModelicaUtilities.h (details)
  23. refs #3867: Remove LICENSE_ModelicaUtilities.txt (details)
  24. Pass extrapolation and verbose from init2 to init3 functions (#3889) (details)
  25. Avoid values out of bound, and simplify logic. (details)
  26. Update block descriptions (#3888) (details)
  27. Generate MSL Release Notes by GitHub Actions (#3886) (details)
  28. refs #3865: Added QuasiRMS voltage and current single phase sensors (details)
  29. Add semicolon after conversion commands (#3753) (details)
  30. Run spelling check via GitHub Actions (#3899) (details)
  31. refs #3903: Fix error handling for invalid format specifier in text file (#3905) (details)
  32. Fix misspelled file name (#3923) (details)
  33. Fix the bad Evaluate annotation (#3924) (details)
  34. Implemented and tested PowerSupply (details)
  35. tidy html and annotation (details)
  36. Fix derivatives in 2D-table for one-sided extrapolation by constant continuation (#3896) (details)
  37. Start docstring with upper case letter (details)
  38. Fix wording of back current exception (details)
  39. addresses #3895 (details)
  40. corrected a html bug and created an entry in the ReleaseNotes (details)
  41. corrected a typo (details)
  42. removed funny character(s) before within; (details)
  43. Remove blank line. (details)
  44. Liberate machine parameter m (#3920) (details)
  45. Remove annotation noise and add missing comma. (details)
  46. Remove superfluous imports (already done in the Electrical package (details)
  47. Revert dummy changes to unrelated classes. (details)
  48. Correct assert and white space fixes (details)
  49. Fix typo (details)
  50. Improve visibility of connections (details)
  51. Remove obsolete colons (see UsersGuide) (details)
  52. Strip leading newline in img.alt attributes (#3938) (details)
  53. refs #3897: Fix typo (details)
Commit 9e4d4641ea4f791d4dfa47ab3375a6ab9a43202d by Hans.Olsson
Use one character instead of line drawings.
This is more consistent with the name of the operator,
and avoids graphical artifacts in some tools like Dymola.
(The new variant works with and without anti-aliasing, the old
one worked with neither.)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit be4ca805b26c51282148d041cae182602a215f98 by Hans.Olsson
Increase extent and set font size.
Note: The extents are different - the reason is that *- are not vertically aligned in Arial (verified in MS Word).
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 50b0a047366366c071687c3a0545a4b7d53b54cc by modelica

* Remove superfluous import of PartialMixtureMedium
* Fix number of records from 37 to 38
* Fix documentation (change spelling of "1-Heptane" to "1-Heptene", add "1-Butanol", fix columns (there is no such gas "Neon Oxygen"))
* Add gas name as record description
* Add IUPAC name where available (except CO2 and NO2)
The file was modified Modelica/Media/IdealGases/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Media/IdealGases/Common/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Fluid/ (diff)
Commit ecc0b4182bf289fb21911d1cd8e19e4c91827831 by modelica
Use one character instead of line drawings.
This is more consistent with the name of the operator,
and avoids graphical artifacts in some tools like Dymola.
(The new variant works with and without anti-aliasing, the old
one worked with neither.)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 24032447dfbe706222bbae6ac725eda4c7ffa8f1 by modelica
Increase extent and set font size.
Note: The extents are different - the reason is that *- are not vertically aligned in Arial (verified in MS Word).
The file was modified (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit 86359740c9d5881140d9c5e747285485a739db4f by noreply
Remove Evaluate=true for fixed=false parameter 'n_b'

From the brief discussion in, it seems that `Evaluate = true` on a parameter with `fixed = false` is not expected to have any effect.  Thus I'd like to propose that the `Evaluate = true` is removed in order to get better correspondence between presence of `Evaluate = true` and parameters actually becoming evaluated.
The file was modified Modelica/Mechanics/MultiBody/Joints/Assemblies/ (diff)
Commit 1b9badaf8aed6c53254833fd8afbf12c2841d1ac by Anton.Haumer
implemented example Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/package.order (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/ (diff)
The file was addedModelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/
Commit 5a26da3ae43355cd83ab7f74eb592f944e2305c2 by Anton.Haumer
add comparisonSignals.txt
The file was addedModelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/IMC_Inverter/comparisonSignals.txt
Commit f3c4e9696f637badc808d41ef9225d52379d3888 by dr.christian.kral
Update documentation
Add <code> for Modelica variables
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/ (diff)
Commit 7d2e3c1beff74a2f1ee365fd172f5f080f91314e by dr.christian.kral
Add electrical quantities per length
resistance, reactance, impedance, conductance, susceptance, admittance
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit 68d09d01798d7776f8449b793b1c52225dd4997f by dr.christian.kral
Uodate names and comments according to discussion
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit bbb75a5e60b2c80a43531b89943db8a1ca4a3308 by modelica
Add explicit conversion rules

* Add explicit conversion rules for Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialCondensingGases.gasConstant and Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialRealCondensingGases.gasConstant
* Add conversion test medium packages

As reported by
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Scripts/Conversion/ConvertModelica_from_3.2.3_to_4.0.0.mos (diff)
The file was modified (diff)
Commit a321dd836d466967c868ef69bc30c6d1a6ba8c66 by dr.christian.kral
Remove term "shunt" from docstring
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit 1290058361a4c51cfd101fe95950beefe4067e86 by Hans.Olsson
Revert major part of #227 - compare with af01213debfd82ab3e16d76346673466b4c6925b
If you want unit="1" for a gain-block, add parameter with unit="1" as in the updated test-case.
Closes #3878
The file was modified ModelicaTest/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Blocks/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Blocks/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Blocks/ (diff)
Commit d033dcbe06348f7f75e873622a11a245d9d793cc by Hans.Olsson
Also remove unit here, as it caused similar problems.
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Machines/Examples/ControlledDCDrives/Utilities/ (diff)
Commit da13364ca0feb340601ee40c6261d40949c2153b by noreply
Remove startBackward and startForward from reference results (#3870)

refs #3866: The transition from startBackward or startForward to mode = Backward bzw. Forward depends on the arbitrary value of the velocity difference during stuck.
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Mechanics/Rotational/Examples/CoupledClutches/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Mechanics/Rotational/Examples/Friction/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified ModelicaTest/Resources/Reference/ModelicaTest/Rotational/TestFriction/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Mechanics/MultiBody/Examples/Systems/RobotR3/OneAxis/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Mechanics/Translational/Examples/HeatLosses/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified ModelicaTest/Resources/Reference/ModelicaTest/Rotational/AllComponents/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified ModelicaTest/Resources/Reference/ModelicaTest/Rotational/TestBearingConversion/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Mechanics/Rotational/Examples/HeatLosses/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Mechanics/Translational/Examples/Friction/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Mechanics/Rotational/Examples/SimpleGearShift/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Mechanics/Rotational/Examples/LossyGearDemo2/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Mechanics/Translational/Examples/Brake/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
The file was modified ModelicaTest/Resources/Reference/ModelicaTest/Rotational/ForUsersGuide/SupportTorque1/comparisonSignals.txt (diff)
Commit 1bb1d40d50ee1547d0c052babb6f099bb87f0362 by modelica
refs #3867: Remove ModelicaUtilities.h

ModelicaUtilities.h is ought to be distributed by Modelica tools and no longer by the MSL.
The file was removedModelica/Resources/C-Sources/ModelicaUtilities.h
The file was modified .CI/Test/Common.c (diff)
The file was modified .github/workflows/checkCI.yml (diff)
The file was modified .CI/Jenkinsfile (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/BuildProjects/VisualStudio2005/ModelicaStandardTables.vcproj (diff)
The file was added.CI/Test/ModelicaUtilities.h
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/BuildProjects/VisualStudio2005/ModelicaMatIO.vcproj (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Utilities/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/BuildProjects/readme.txt (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/BuildProjects/VisualStudio2005/ModelicaIO.vcproj (diff)
Commit 7fe506f5217f69f03ba8336e5ed446a522f044c4 by modelica
refs #3867: Remove LICENSE_ModelicaUtilities.txt
The file was removedModelica/Resources/Licenses/LICENSE_ModelicaUtilities.txt
Commit 565fd48ff28fde4c0d2dc41278c4dae2ca06c99d by noreply
Pass extrapolation and verbose from init2 to init3 functions (#3889)

* Pass extrapolation to init3 functions

The extrapolation funcionality was not passed to the init3 function,
whereas it used to be used by init2.

Initial report:

* FIXUP pass verbose
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/C-Sources/ModelicaStandardTables.c (diff)
Commit 865ce07e2de55954182f39afcc876c19dd07c73c by Hans.Olsson
Avoid values out of bound, and simplify logic.
Closes #3887
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCAC/Control/ (diff)
Commit 9fcc5312ccc138732e791cbaf351902f00d56220 by noreply
Update block descriptions (#3888)

The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCAC/Control/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCAC/Control/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/ACAC/Control/ (diff)
Commit dab5202c3b211091e219693deab5c69d32294b9d by noreply
Generate MSL Release Notes by GitHub Actions (#3886)

The file was added.github/workflows/generateReleaseNotes.yml
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Documentation/ (diff)
Commit a42691cb3ccddfb51f1408945db7f0c3d9e29b00 by modelica
refs #3865: Added QuasiRMS voltage and current single phase sensors
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/ (diff)
The file was addedModelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/
The file was modified ModelicaTest/Electrical/QuasiStatic/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/package.order (diff)
The file was addedModelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/SinglePhase/Sensors/
Commit a02283246dbeae8915e118d09d1e606f91b22dde by noreply
Add semicolon after conversion commands (#3753)

The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Scripts/Conversion/ConvertModelica_from_3.2.3_to_4.0.0.mos (diff)
Commit 8d090810980e1e2e51559721cdd4c267a4c849ae by noreply
Run spelling check via GitHub Actions (#3899)

The file was modified Modelica/Blocks/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/ (diff)
The file was modified ModelicaTest/Electrical/package.order (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/FluxTubes/Shapes/Force/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Examples/Lines/ (diff)
The file was removedModelicaTest/Electrical/
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/FundamentalWave/UsersGuide/ (diff)
The file was removedModelicaTest/Resources/Reference/ModelicaTest/Electrical/SingularTransfomer/comparisonSignals.txt
The file was modified Modelica/Math/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Examples/ (diff)
The file was modified .github/workflows/checkCron.yml (diff)
The file was addedModelicaTest/Resources/Reference/ModelicaTest/Electrical/SingularTransformer/comparisonSignals.txt
The file was addedModelicaTest/Electrical/
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/Machines/Interfaces/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Sources/ (diff)
Commit 76557cb0001d37483947f5c8ebc5703146439a64 by noreply
refs #3903: Fix error handling for invalid format specifier in text file (#3905)

The file was modified Modelica/Resources/C-Sources/ModelicaIO.c (diff)
Commit cfbb98270a4ba6eb141d0529dfb7c9e2a46b4ecf by noreply
Fix misspelled file name (#3923)

The file was modified .gitattributes (diff)
Commit b66df3195a8f1e1aeabd29f8727671137dc921e3 by noreply
Fix the bad Evaluate annotation (#3924)

The file was modified Modelica/Fluid/ (diff)
Commit 1fbc971d81cbbcf53016fb67d0fff99478429d2e by Anton.Haumer
Implemented and tested PowerSupply
The file was addedModelica/Electrical/Analog/Examples/
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Examples/package.order (diff)
The file was addedModelica/Electrical/Analog/Examples/
The file was addedModelica/Electrical/Analog/Sources/
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Sources/package.order (diff)
The file was addedModelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Examples/DemoPowerSupplyWithBuffer/comparisonSignals.txt
The file was addedModelica/Resources/Reference/Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Examples/DemoPowerSupply/comparisonSignals.txt
Commit a40052cf4a9bddd7ecef658e426d7c9efb7730c9 by Anton.Haumer
tidy html and annotation
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Sources/ (diff)
Commit e5f0e7eb5050456a8040d5a847adaab939cf866b by noreply
Fix derivatives in 2D-table for one-sided extrapolation by constant continuation (#3896)

* refs #3894: Fix derivatives in 2D-table for one-sided extrapolation by constant continuation

* refs #3894: Add test model
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/Licenses/LICENSE_ModelicaStandardTables.txt (diff)
The file was addedModelicaTest/Resources/Reference/ModelicaTest/Tables/CombiTable2Ds/Test33/comparisonSignals.txt
The file was modified ModelicaTest/Tables/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Resources/C-Sources/ModelicaStandardTables.c (diff)
The file was modified ModelicaTest/Tables/ (diff)
The file was addedModelicaTest/Resources/Reference/ModelicaTest/Tables/CombiTable2Dv/Test33/comparisonSignals.txt
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit 5ca9e776fe6dc0397a3cf79ba1999b4f75a9c65d by dr.christian.kral
Start docstring with upper case letter
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Sources/ (diff)
Commit 701325e21e3adb68315bb9d42e5f046cfad64471 by dr.christian.kral
Fix wording of back current exception
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Sources/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCDC/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCDC/Control/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/Examples/DCDC/HBridge/ (diff)
Commit 3c0884d84b0e89df5d696cd21c4e866497203a8e by dietmar.winkler
corrected a html bug and created an entry in the ReleaseNotes
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCDC/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit bc7e4ed7011f01478877bbd34635e4d47ac42162 by dietmar.winkler
removed funny character(s) before within;
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/Examples/DCDC/HBridge/ (diff)
Commit 0021e1a8fdbd9f4b3df58f916c3c3d1a14305f3c by noreply
Liberate machine parameter m (#3920)

* Liberate Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Utilities.ParameterRecords.InductionMachineData.m
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Machines/Utilities/ParameterRecords/ (diff)
Commit 5914e8da913c304b9874788114e026aa42e8e1d4 by dietmar.winkler
Remove annotation noise and add missing comma.

The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Sources/ (diff)
Commit 122aa769dedc01bfa049c81c1edb70c139fd1ae9 by dietmar.winkler
Remove superfluous imports (already done in the Electrical package

The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Sources/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Examples/ (diff)
Commit c7a3e5624f18a1dab8a08a542eb00c5954e525c4 by dietmar.winkler
Revert dummy changes to unrelated classes.

The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Examples/BasicMachines/InductionMachines/ (diff)
Commit 819f79bd0bf1f4f77a6cb2acb747f1251453030e by noreply
Correct assert and white space fixes

Co-authored-by: Thomas Beutlich <>
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Analog/Sources/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)
Commit 1e9140ec8e067cfaa14e077d1470ceecba0300a2 by dr.christian.kral
Improve visibility of connections
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCDC/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCDC/Control/ (diff)
Commit 4eaef61ce83263153764eabc3a44bc9eba469640 by dr.christian.kral
Remove obsolete colons (see UsersGuide)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCDC/Control/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/PowerConverters/DCDC/ (diff)
Commit bd8f3c3039338dbc0a80869b5564ec37f1dca99a by noreply
Strip leading newline in img.alt attributes (#3938)

I don't know exactly why, but these are causing some kind of problem in System Modeler, and I don't see why one would like to keep them.
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/QuasiStatic/UsersGuide/Overview/ (diff)
Commit b7e9430f11eca27fc9c00b80e11b422b4255b086 by modelica
refs #3897: Fix typo
The file was modified Modelica/ (diff)