Started by timer
[Fri Dec 20 10:18:08 CET 2024] Starting branch indexing...
10:18:08 Connecting to using GitHub Access Token
Examining OpenModelica/OMSimulator
Checking branches...
Getting remote branches...
Checking branch master
Getting remote pull requests...
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: master (still at 193355bb370cfa4f6f8941bf5d9244335fa48e81)
Checking branch maintenance/v2.0
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: maintenance/v2.0 (still at bbe20fb6b3c74415e9d4bb6f26e3f788315b98f9)
Checking branch maintenance/v2.1
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: maintenance/v2.1 (still at 46fa40fcf72dad3513e029bfb34aebf8a4d99e10)
Checking branch om_maintenance/v1.21
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: om_maintenance/v1.21 (still at 7ca192a0a03da8803d9caaabca23f6d61d4a63f3)
4 branches were processed
Checking pull-requests...
Checking pull request #1414
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1414 (still at f5f51777352aed9046b7d5352678024724959f74+193355bb370cfa4f6f8941bf5d9244335fa48e81 (6278fed99e0cc8c043a921af4dd7a5d069da12ac))
Checking pull request #1292
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1292 (still at db0d0fc5b78e54787a669b88dcab02c0009ecc6c+193355bb370cfa4f6f8941bf5d9244335fa48e81 (dd300df1888cd00bb266e2a5226d8dbee5ea2e18))
2 pull requests were processed
Checking tags...
Getting remote tags...
Checking tag v0.0.0
‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
Does not meet criteria
Checking tag v0.1.0
‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
Does not meet criteria
Checking tag v2.0.0-dev
‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
Does not meet criteria
Checking tag v2.0.0
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: v2.0.0 (still at 29991f2a1645256bf6c351d9f052e894c4df9a74)
Checking tag v2.0.1
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: v2.0.1 (still at bbe20fb6b3c74415e9d4bb6f26e3f788315b98f9)
Checking tag v2.1.0-dev
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: v2.1.0-dev (still at d90764d0ddb973709f42f965d14f4a4fd9252c62)
Checking tag v2.1.0
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
Changes detected: v2.1.0 (null → c26d668617697c5e5132045af624a709612b865d)
No automatic build triggered for v2.1.0
Checking tag v2.1.1
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
Changes detected: v2.1.1 (null → 1527a82dec90b0a5c790bb6207136c7056f655ec)
No automatic build triggered for v2.1.1
Checking tag v2.1.2
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
Changes detected: v2.1.2 (null → 1eb92ef35793b73e75d0cfed0c7b0311497d6278)
No automatic build triggered for v2.1.2
Checking tag v2.1.3
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
Changes detected: v2.1.3 (null → 46fa40fcf72dad3513e029bfb34aebf8a4d99e10)
No automatic build triggered for v2.1.3
Checking tag v3.0.0
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
Changes detected: v3.0.0 (null → 10a23e5404f937dc8bf3753df01a32dc495e712f)
No automatic build triggered for v3.0.0
11 tags were processed
Finished examining OpenModelica/OMSimulator
[Fri Dec 20 10:18:19 CET 2024] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 11 sec
Evaluating orphaned items in OMSimulator
Will not remove PR-1412 as it is only #1 in the list
Will not remove PR-1407 as it is only #2 in the list
Will not remove lochel-patch-1 as it is only #3 in the list
Will not remove PR-1406 as it is only #4 in the list
Will not remove PR-1405 as it is only #5 in the list
Will not remove PR-1404 as it is only #6 in the list
Will remove PR-1412 as it is too old
Will remove PR-1407 as it is too old
Will remove lochel-patch-1 as it is too old
Will remove PR-1406 as it is too old
Will remove PR-1405 as it is too old
Will remove PR-1404 as it is too old
Finished: SUCCESS