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openmodelica_dataReconciliation.Splitter5e.mos (from (result.xml))

Failing for the past 212 builds (Since #3553 )
Took 23 sec.


Output mismatch (see stdout for details)

Standard Output

 + Splitter5e                                                                        ... equation mismatch [time: 23]

==== Log C:\Users\adrpo33\AppData\Local\Temp/omc-rtest-adrpo33/openmodelica/dataReconciliation/Splitter5e.mos_temp5799/log-Splitter5e.mos
"Notification: Automatically loaded package Modelica 3.2.3 due to uses annotation from NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.
Notification: Automatically loaded package Complex 3.2.3 due to uses annotation from Modelica.
Notification: Automatically loaded package ModelicaServices 3.2.3 due to uses annotation from Modelica.
Notification: Automatically loaded package ThermoSysPro 3.2 due to uses annotation from NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.

ModelInfo: NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e

OrderedVariables (48)
1: T3_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: T2_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
3: T1_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
4: V_h5:VARIABLE()  type: Real
5: V_h4:VARIABLE()  type: Real
6: V_h3:VARIABLE()  type: Real
7: V_h2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
8: V_h1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
9: V_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
10: V_P3:VARIABLE()  type: Real
11: V_P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
12: V_P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
13: P:VARIABLE()  type: Real
14: T3_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
15: T3_Q1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
16: T2_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
17: T2_Q1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
18: T1_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
19: T1_Q1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
20: V_Q5:VARIABLE()  type: Real
21: V_Q4:VARIABLE()  type: Real
22: V_Q3:VARIABLE()  type: Real
23: V_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
24: V_Q1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
25: T3_P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
26: T3_P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
27: T2_P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
28: T2_P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
29: T1_P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
30: T1_P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
31: Q05:VARIABLE()  type: Real
32: Q04:VARIABLE()  type: Real
33: h03:VARIABLE()  type: Real
34: h02:VARIABLE()  type: Real
35: h01:VARIABLE()  type: Real
36: Q03:VARIABLE()  type: Real
37: Q02:VARIABLE()  type: Real
38: P01:VARIABLE()  type: Real
39: P3:VARIABLE()  type: Real
40: P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
41: P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
42: T:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
43: T3:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
44: T2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
45: T1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
46: Q3:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
47: Q2:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
48: Q1:VARIABLE(start = 2.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

OrderedEquation (48, 48)
1/1 (1): Q04 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
2/2 (1): V_h4 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
3/3 (1): Q05 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
4/4 (1): V_h5 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
5/5 (1): V_Q4 = Q04   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
6/6 (1): V_Q5 = Q05   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
7/7 (1): T1_P1 = P01   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
8/8 (1): T2_Q2 = Q02   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
9/9 (1): T3_Q2 = Q03   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
10/10 (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
11/11 (1): T2_P1 - T2_P2 = Q2 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
12/12 (1): T3_P1 - T3_P2 = Q3 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
13/13 (1): V_Q1 = V_Q2 + V_Q3 + V_Q4 + V_Q5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
14/14 (1): V_Q1 = T1_Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
15/15 (1): T1_Q2 = Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
16/16 (1): V_Q2 = T2_Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
17/17 (1): T2_Q1 = Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
18/18 (1): V_Q3 = T3_Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
19/19 (1): T3_Q1 = Q3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
20/20 (1): T1_P2 = V_P1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
21/21 (1): V_P1 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
22/22 (1): T2_P1 = V_P2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
23/23 (1): V_P2 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
24/24 (1): T3_P1 = V_P3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
25/25 (1): V_P3 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
26/26 (1): T1_Q1 = Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
27/27 (1): T2_Q2 = Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
28/28 (1): T3_Q2 = Q3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
29/29 (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
30/30 (1): V_h1 = T1_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
31/31 (1): V_h2 = T2_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
32/32 (1): V_h3 = T3_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
33/33 (1): T1_h = h01   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
34/34 (1): T2_h = V_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
35/35 (1): T3_h = V_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
36/36 (1): T1_h = cp * T1 + b * P1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
37/37 (1): T2_h = cp * T2 + b * P2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
38/38 (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
39/39 (1): V_h = cp * T   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
40/40 (1): P1 = 0.5 * (T1_P1 + T1_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
41/41 (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
42/42 (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
43/43 (1): P01 = 3.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
44/44 (1): Q02 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
45/45 (1): Q03 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
46/46 (1): h01 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
47/47 (1): h02 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
48/48 (1): h03 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]

48 variables and equations
var 1 is solved in eqn 35
var 2 is solved in eqn 31
var 3 is solved in eqn 33
var 4 is solved in eqn 4
var 5 is solved in eqn 2
var 6 is solved in eqn 32
var 7 is solved in eqn 29
var 8 is solved in eqn 30
var 9 is solved in eqn 34
var 10 is solved in eqn 25
var 11 is solved in eqn 23
var 12 is solved in eqn 20
var 13 is solved in eqn 21
var 14 is solved in eqn 9
var 15 is solved in eqn 19
var 16 is solved in eqn 8
var 17 is solved in eqn 17
var 18 is solved in eqn 14
var 19 is solved in eqn 26
var 20 is solved in eqn 6
var 21 is solved in eqn 5
var 22 is solved in eqn 18
var 23 is solved in eqn 16
var 24 is solved in eqn 13
var 25 is solved in eqn 12
var 26 is solved in eqn 24
var 27 is solved in eqn 11
var 28 is solved in eqn 22
var 29 is solved in eqn 10
var 30 is solved in eqn 7
var 31 is solved in eqn 3
var 32 is solved in eqn 1
var 33 is solved in eqn 48
var 34 is solved in eqn 47
var 35 is solved in eqn 46
var 36 is solved in eqn 45
var 37 is solved in eqn 44
var 38 is solved in eqn 43
var 39 is solved in eqn 42
var 40 is solved in eqn 41
var 41 is solved in eqn 40
var 42 is solved in eqn 39
var 43 is solved in eqn 38
var 44 is solved in eqn 37
var 45 is solved in eqn 36
var 46 is solved in eqn 28
var 47 is solved in eqn 27
var 48 is solved in eqn 15

Standard BLT of the original model:(48)

48: Q1: (15/15): (1): T1_Q2 = Q1
47: Q2: (27/27): (1): T2_Q2 = Q2
46: Q3: (28/28): (1): T3_Q2 = Q3
45: T1: (36/36): (1): T1_h = cp * T1 + b * P1
44: T2: (37/37): (1): T2_h = cp * T2 + b * P2
43: T3: (38/38): (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3
42: T: (39/39): (1): V_h = cp * T
41: P1: (40/40): (1): P1 = 0.5 * (T1_P1 + T1_P2)
40: P2: (41/41): (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)
39: P3: (42/42): (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)
38: P01: (43/43): (1): P01 = 3.0
37: Q02: (44/44): (1): Q02 = 1.0
36: Q03: (45/45): (1): Q03 = 1.0
35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 1e5
34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 1e5
33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 1e5
32: Q04: (1/1): (1): Q04 = 0.0
31: Q05: (3/3): (1): Q05 = 0.0
30: T1_P1: (7/7): (1): T1_P1 = P01
29: T1_P2: (10/10): (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0
28: T2_P1: (22/22): (1): T2_P1 = V_P2
27: T2_P2: (11/11): (1): T2_P1 - T2_P2 = Q2 ^ 2.0
26: T3_P1: (24/24): (1): T3_P1 = V_P3
25: T3_P2: (12/12): (1): T3_P1 - T3_P2 = Q3 ^ 2.0
24: V_Q1: (13/13): (1): V_Q1 = V_Q2 + V_Q3 + V_Q4 + V_Q5
23: V_Q2: (16/16): (1): V_Q2 = T2_Q1
22: V_Q3: (18/18): (1): V_Q3 = T3_Q1
21: V_Q4: (5/5): (1): V_Q4 = Q04
20: V_Q5: (6/6): (1): V_Q5 = Q05
19: T1_Q1: (26/26): (1): T1_Q1 = Q1
18: T1_Q2: (14/14): (1): V_Q1 = T1_Q2
17: T2_Q1: (17/17): (1): T2_Q1 = Q2
16: T2_Q2: (8/8): (1): T2_Q2 = Q02
15: T3_Q1: (19/19): (1): T3_Q1 = Q3
14: T3_Q2: (9/9): (1): T3_Q2 = Q03
13: P: (21/21): (1): V_P1 = P
12: V_P1: (20/20): (1): T1_P2 = V_P1
11: V_P2: (23/23): (1): V_P2 = P
10: V_P3: (25/25): (1): V_P3 = P
9: V_h: (34/34): (1): T2_h = V_h
8: V_h1: (30/30): (1): V_h1 = T1_h
7: V_h2: (29/29): (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2
6: V_h3: (32/32): (1): V_h3 = T3_h
5: V_h4: (2/2): (1): V_h4 = 1e5
4: V_h5: (4/4): (1): V_h5 = 1e5
3: T1_h: (33/33): (1): T1_h = h01
2: T2_h: (31/31): (1): V_h2 = T2_h
1: T3_h: (35/35): (1): T3_h = V_h

Variables of interest (7)
1: T:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
2: T3:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
3: T2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
4: T1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
5: Q3:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
6: Q2:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
7: Q1:VARIABLE(start = 2.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

Boundary conditions (6)
1: h03:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: h02:VARIABLE()  type: Real
3: h01:VARIABLE()  type: Real
4: Q03:VARIABLE()  type: Real
5: Q02:VARIABLE()  type: Real
6: P01:VARIABLE()  type: Real

Binding equations:(6)

33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 1e5
34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 1e5
35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 1e5
36: Q03: (45/45): (1): Q03 = 1.0
37: Q02: (44/44): (1): Q02 = 1.0
38: P01: (43/43): (1): P01 = 3.0

E-BLT: equations that compute the variables of interest:(7)

42: T: (39/39): (1): V_h = cp * T
43: T3: (38/38): (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3
44: T2: (37/37): (1): T2_h = cp * T2 + b * P2
45: T1: (36/36): (1): T1_h = cp * T1 + b * P1
46: Q3: (28/28): (1): T3_Q2 = Q3
47: Q2: (27/27): (1): T2_Q2 = Q2
48: Q1: (15/15): (1): T1_Q2 = Q1

Extracting SET-C and SET-S from E-BLT
Procedure is applied on each equation in the E-BLT
>>>42: T: (39/39): (1): V_h = cp * T
9: V_h: (34/34): (1): T2_h = V_h
2: T2_h: (31/31): (1): V_h2 = T2_h
7: V_h2: (29/29): (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2
4: V_h5: (4/4): (1): V_h5 = 1e5
5: V_h4: (2/2): (1): V_h4 = 1e5
6: V_h3: (32/32): (1): V_h3 = T3_h
1: T3_h: (35/35): (1): T3_h = V_h
8: V_h1: (30/30): (1): V_h1 = T1_h
3: T1_h: (33/33): (1): T1_h = h01
h01 is a boundary condition ---> exit procedure
Procedure failed

>>>43: T3: (38/38): (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3
39: P3: (42/42): (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)
25: T3_P2: (12/12): (1): T3_P1 - T3_P2 = Q3 ^ 2.0
26: T3_P1: (24/24): (1): T3_P1 = V_P3
10: V_P3: (25/25): (1): V_P3 = P
13: P: (21/21): (1): V_P1 = P
12: V_P1: (20/20): (1): T1_P2 = V_P1
29: T1_P2: (10/10): (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0
30: T1_P1: (7/7): (1): T1_P1 = P01
P01 is a boundary condition ---> exit procedure
Procedure failed

>>>44: T2: (37/37): (1): T2_h = cp * T2 + b * P2
40: P2: (41/41): (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)
27: T2_P2: (11/11): (1): T2_P1 - T2_P2 = Q2 ^ 2.0
28: T2_P1: (22/22): (1): T2_P1 = V_P2
11: V_P2: (23/23): (1): V_P2 = P
13: P: (21/21): (1): V_P1 = P
12: V_P1: (20/20): (1): T1_P2 = V_P1
29: T1_P2: (10/10): (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0
30: T1_P1: (7/7): (1): T1_P1 = P01
P01 is a boundary condition ---> exit procedure
Procedure failed

>>>45: T1: (36/36): (1): T1_h = cp * T1 + b * P1
41: P1: (40/40): (1): P1 = 0.5 * (T1_P1 + T1_P2)
29: T1_P2: (10/10): (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0
30: T1_P1: (7/7): (1): T1_P1 = P01
P01 is a boundary condition ---> exit procedure
Procedure failed

>>>46: Q3: (28/28): (1): T3_Q2 = Q3
14: T3_Q2: (9/9): (1): T3_Q2 = Q03
Q03 is a boundary condition ---> exit procedure
Procedure failed

>>>47: Q2: (27/27): (1): T2_Q2 = Q2
16: T2_Q2: (8/8): (1): T2_Q2 = Q02
Q02 is a boundary condition ---> exit procedure
Procedure failed

>>>48: Q1: (15/15): (1): T1_Q2 = Q1
18: T1_Q2: (14/14): (1): V_Q1 = T1_Q2
24: V_Q1: (13/13): (1): V_Q1 = V_Q2 + V_Q3 + V_Q4 + V_Q5
20: V_Q5: (6/6): (1): V_Q5 = Q05
31: Q05: (3/3): (1): Q05 = 0.0
21: V_Q4: (5/5): (1): V_Q4 = Q04
32: Q04: (1/1): (1): Q04 = 0.0
22: V_Q3: (18/18): (1): V_Q3 = T3_Q1
15: T3_Q1: (19/19): (1): T3_Q1 = Q3
23: V_Q2: (16/16): (1): V_Q2 = T2_Q1
17: T2_Q1: (17/17): (1): T2_Q1 = Q2
Procedure success

Extraction procedure failed for iteration count: 1, re-running with modified model

OrderedVariables (48)
1: T3_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: T2_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
3: T1_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
4: V_h5:VARIABLE()  type: Real
5: V_h4:VARIABLE()  type: Real
6: V_h3:VARIABLE()  type: Real
7: V_h2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
8: V_h1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
9: V_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
10: V_P3:VARIABLE()  type: Real
11: V_P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
12: V_P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
13: P:VARIABLE()  type: Real
14: T3_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
15: T3_Q1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
16: T2_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
17: T2_Q1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
18: T1_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
19: T1_Q1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
20: V_Q5:VARIABLE()  type: Real
21: V_Q4:VARIABLE()  type: Real
22: V_Q3:VARIABLE()  type: Real
23: V_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
24: V_Q1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
25: T3_P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
26: T3_P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
27: T2_P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
28: T2_P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
29: T1_P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
30: T1_P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
31: Q05:VARIABLE()  type: Real
32: Q04:VARIABLE()  type: Real
33: h03:VARIABLE()  type: Real
34: h02:VARIABLE()  type: Real
35: h01:VARIABLE()  type: Real
36: Q03:VARIABLE()  type: Real
37: Q02:VARIABLE()  type: Real
38: P01:VARIABLE()  type: Real
39: P3:VARIABLE()  type: Real
40: P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
41: P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
42: T:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
43: T3:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
44: T2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
45: T1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
46: Q3:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
47: Q2:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
48: Q1:VARIABLE(start = 2.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

OrderedEquation (48, 48)
1/1 (1): T = 0.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
2/2 (1): T3 = 0.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
3/3 (1): Q3 = 0.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
4/4 (1): Q2 = 0.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
5/5 (1): Q04 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
6/6 (1): V_h4 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
7/7 (1): Q05 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
8/8 (1): V_h5 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
9/9 (1): V_Q4 = Q04   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
10/10 (1): V_Q5 = Q05   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
11/11 (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
12/12 (1): T2_P1 - T2_P2 = Q2 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
13/13 (1): T3_P1 - T3_P2 = Q3 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
14/14 (1): V_Q1 = V_Q2 + V_Q3 + V_Q4 + V_Q5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
15/15 (1): V_Q1 = T1_Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
16/16 (1): T1_Q2 = Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
17/17 (1): V_Q2 = T2_Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
18/18 (1): T2_Q1 = Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
19/19 (1): V_Q3 = T3_Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
20/20 (1): T3_Q1 = Q3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
21/21 (1): T1_P2 = V_P1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
22/22 (1): V_P1 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
23/23 (1): T2_P1 = V_P2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
24/24 (1): V_P2 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
25/25 (1): T3_P1 = V_P3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
26/26 (1): V_P3 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
27/27 (1): T1_Q1 = Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
28/28 (1): T2_Q2 = Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
29/29 (1): T3_Q2 = Q3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
30/30 (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
31/31 (1): V_h1 = T1_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
32/32 (1): V_h2 = T2_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
33/33 (1): V_h3 = T3_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
34/34 (1): T2_h = V_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
35/35 (1): T3_h = V_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
36/36 (1): T1_h = cp * T1 + b * P1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
37/37 (1): T2_h = cp * T2 + b * P2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
38/38 (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
39/39 (1): V_h = cp * T   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
40/40 (1): P1 = 0.5 * (T1_P1 + T1_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
41/41 (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
42/42 (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
43/43 (1): P01 = 3.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
44/44 (1): Q02 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
45/45 (1): Q03 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
46/46 (1): h01 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
47/47 (1): h02 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
48/48 (1): h03 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]

48 variables and equations
var 1 is solved in eqn 35
var 2 is solved in eqn 34
var 3 is solved in eqn 31
var 4 is solved in eqn 8
var 5 is solved in eqn 6
var 6 is solved in eqn 33
var 7 is solved in eqn 32
var 8 is solved in eqn 30
var 9 is solved in eqn 39
var 10 is solved in eqn 25
var 11 is solved in eqn 24
var 12 is solved in eqn 22
var 13 is solved in eqn 26
var 14 is solved in eqn 29
var 15 is solved in eqn 20
var 16 is solved in eqn 28
var 17 is solved in eqn 18
var 18 is solved in eqn 15
var 19 is solved in eqn 27
var 20 is solved in eqn 10
var 21 is solved in eqn 9
var 22 is solved in eqn 19
var 23 is solved in eqn 17
var 24 is solved in eqn 14
var 25 is solved in eqn 42
var 26 is solved in eqn 13
var 27 is solved in eqn 12
var 28 is solved in eqn 23
var 29 is solved in eqn 21
var 30 is solved in eqn 11
var 31 is solved in eqn 7
var 32 is solved in eqn 5
var 33 is solved in eqn 48
var 34 is solved in eqn 47
var 35 is solved in eqn 46
var 36 is solved in eqn 45
var 37 is solved in eqn 44
var 38 is solved in eqn 43
var 39 is solved in eqn 38
var 40 is solved in eqn 41
var 41 is solved in eqn 40
var 42 is solved in eqn 1
var 43 is solved in eqn 2
var 44 is solved in eqn 37
var 45 is solved in eqn 36
var 46 is solved in eqn 3
var 47 is solved in eqn 4
var 48 is solved in eqn 16

Standard BLT of the original model:(48)

48: Q1: (16/16): (1): T1_Q2 = Q1
47: Q2: (4/4): (1): Q2 = 0.0
46: Q3: (3/3): (1): Q3 = 0.0
45: T1: (36/36): (1): T1_h = cp * T1 + b * P1
44: T2: (37/37): (1): T2_h = cp * T2 + b * P2
43: T3: (2/2): (1): T3 = 0.0
42: T: (1/1): (1): T = 0.0
41: P1: (40/40): (1): P1 = 0.5 * (T1_P1 + T1_P2)
40: P2: (41/41): (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)
39: P3: (38/38): (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3
38: P01: (43/43): (1): P01 = 3.0
37: Q02: (44/44): (1): Q02 = 1.0
36: Q03: (45/45): (1): Q03 = 1.0
35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 1e5
34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 1e5
33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 1e5
32: Q04: (5/5): (1): Q04 = 0.0
31: Q05: (7/7): (1): Q05 = 0.0
30: T1_P1: (11/11): (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0
29: T1_P2: (21/21): (1): T1_P2 = V_P1
28: T2_P1: (23/23): (1): T2_P1 = V_P2
27: T2_P2: (12/12): (1): T2_P1 - T2_P2 = Q2 ^ 2.0
26: T3_P1: (13/13): (1): T3_P1 - T3_P2 = Q3 ^ 2.0
25: T3_P2: (42/42): (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)
24: V_Q1: (14/14): (1): V_Q1 = V_Q2 + V_Q3 + V_Q4 + V_Q5
23: V_Q2: (17/17): (1): V_Q2 = T2_Q1
22: V_Q3: (19/19): (1): V_Q3 = T3_Q1
21: V_Q4: (9/9): (1): V_Q4 = Q04
20: V_Q5: (10/10): (1): V_Q5 = Q05
19: T1_Q1: (27/27): (1): T1_Q1 = Q1
18: T1_Q2: (15/15): (1): V_Q1 = T1_Q2
17: T2_Q1: (18/18): (1): T2_Q1 = Q2
16: T2_Q2: (28/28): (1): T2_Q2 = Q2
15: T3_Q1: (20/20): (1): T3_Q1 = Q3
14: T3_Q2: (29/29): (1): T3_Q2 = Q3
13: P: (26/26): (1): V_P3 = P
12: V_P1: (22/22): (1): V_P1 = P
11: V_P2: (24/24): (1): V_P2 = P
10: V_P3: (25/25): (1): T3_P1 = V_P3
9: V_h: (39/39): (1): V_h = cp * T
8: V_h1: (30/30): (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2
7: V_h2: (32/32): (1): V_h2 = T2_h
6: V_h3: (33/33): (1): V_h3 = T3_h
5: V_h4: (6/6): (1): V_h4 = 1e5
4: V_h5: (8/8): (1): V_h5 = 1e5
3: T1_h: (31/31): (1): V_h1 = T1_h
2: T2_h: (34/34): (1): T2_h = V_h
1: T3_h: (35/35): (1): T3_h = V_h

Variables of interest (7)
1: T:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
2: T3:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
3: T2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
4: T1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
5: Q3:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
6: Q2:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
7: Q1:VARIABLE(start = 2.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

Boundary conditions (6)
1: h03:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: h02:VARIABLE()  type: Real
3: h01:VARIABLE()  type: Real
4: Q03:VARIABLE()  type: Real
5: Q02:VARIABLE()  type: Real
6: P01:VARIABLE()  type: Real

Binding equations:(10)

33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 1e5
34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 1e5
35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 1e5
36: Q03: (45/45): (1): Q03 = 1.0
37: Q02: (44/44): (1): Q02 = 1.0
38: P01: (43/43): (1): P01 = 3.0
47: Q2: (4/4): (1): Q2 = 0.0
46: Q3: (3/3): (1): Q3 = 0.0
43: T3: (2/2): (1): T3 = 0.0
42: T: (1/1): (1): T = 0.0

E-BLT: equations that compute the variables of interest:(3)

44: T2: (37/37): (1): T2_h = cp * T2 + b * P2
45: T1: (36/36): (1): T1_h = cp * T1 + b * P1
48: Q1: (16/16): (1): T1_Q2 = Q1

Extracting SET-C and SET-S from E-BLT
Procedure is applied on each equation in the E-BLT
>>>44: T2: (37/37): (1): T2_h = cp * T2 + b * P2
40: P2: (41/41): (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)
27: T2_P2: (12/12): (1): T2_P1 - T2_P2 = Q2 ^ 2.0
28: T2_P1: (23/23): (1): T2_P1 = V_P2
11: V_P2: (24/24): (1): V_P2 = P
13: P: (26/26): (1): V_P3 = P
10: V_P3: (25/25): (1): T3_P1 = V_P3
26: T3_P1: (13/13): (1): T3_P1 - T3_P2 = Q3 ^ 2.0
25: T3_P2: (42/42): (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)
39: P3: (38/38): (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3
1: T3_h: (35/35): (1): T3_h = V_h
9: V_h: (39/39): (1): V_h = cp * T
2: T2_h: (34/34): (1): T2_h = V_h
Procedure success

>>>45: T1: (36/36): (1): T1_h = cp * T1 + b * P1
41: P1: (40/40): (1): P1 = 0.5 * (T1_P1 + T1_P2)
29: T1_P2: (21/21): (1): T1_P2 = V_P1
12: V_P1: (22/22): (1): V_P1 = P
13: P: (26/26): (1): V_P3 = P
10: V_P3: (25/25): (1): T3_P1 = V_P3
26: T3_P1: (13/13): (1): T3_P1 - T3_P2 = Q3 ^ 2.0
25: T3_P2: (42/42): (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)
39: P3: (38/38): (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3
1: T3_h: (35/35): (1): T3_h = V_h
9: V_h: (39/39): (1): V_h = cp * T
30: T1_P1: (11/11): (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0
3: T1_h: (31/31): (1): V_h1 = T1_h
8: V_h1: (30/30): (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2
4: V_h5: (8/8): (1): V_h5 = 1e5
5: V_h4: (6/6): (1): V_h4 = 1e5
6: V_h3: (33/33): (1): V_h3 = T3_h
7: V_h2: (32/32): (1): V_h2 = T2_h
2: T2_h: (34/34): (1): T2_h = V_h
20: V_Q5: (10/10): (1): V_Q5 = Q05
31: Q05: (7/7): (1): Q05 = 0.0
21: V_Q4: (9/9): (1): V_Q4 = Q04
32: Q04: (5/5): (1): Q04 = 0.0
22: V_Q3: (19/19): (1): V_Q3 = T3_Q1
15: T3_Q1: (20/20): (1): T3_Q1 = Q3
23: V_Q2: (17/17): (1): V_Q2 = T2_Q1
17: T2_Q1: (18/18): (1): T2_Q1 = Q2
24: V_Q1: (14/14): (1): V_Q1 = V_Q2 + V_Q3 + V_Q4 + V_Q5
Procedure success

>>>48: Q1: (16/16): (1): T1_Q2 = Q1
18: T1_Q2: (15/15): (1): V_Q1 = T1_Q2
24: V_Q1: (14/14): (1): V_Q1 = V_Q2 + V_Q3 + V_Q4 + V_Q5
20: V_Q5: (10/10): (1): V_Q5 = Q05
31: Q05: (7/7): (1): Q05 = 0.0
21: V_Q4: (9/9): (1): V_Q4 = Q04
32: Q04: (5/5): (1): Q04 = 0.0
22: V_Q3: (19/19): (1): V_Q3 = T3_Q1
15: T3_Q1: (20/20): (1): T3_Q1 = Q3
23: V_Q2: (17/17): (1): V_Q2 = T2_Q1
17: T2_Q1: (18/18): (1): T2_Q1 = Q2
Procedure success

Extraction procedure is successfully completed in iteration count: 2

Final set of equations after extraction algorithm
SET_C: {37, 36, 16}
SET_S: {34, 39, 35, 38, 42, 13, 25, 26, 24, 23, 12, 41, 14, 18, 17, 20, 19, 5, 9, 7, 10, 32, 33, 6, 8, 30, 31, 11, 22, 21, 40, 15}

SET_C (3, 3)
1/1 (1): T2_h = cp * T2 + b * P2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
2/2 (1): T1_h = cp * T1 + b * P1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
3/3 (1): T1_Q2 = Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]

SET_S (32, 32)
1/1 (1): T2_h = V_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
2/2 (1): V_h = cp * T   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
3/3 (1): T3_h = V_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
4/4 (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
5/5 (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
6/6 (1): T3_P1 - T3_P2 = Q3 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
7/7 (1): T3_P1 = V_P3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
8/8 (1): V_P3 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
9/9 (1): V_P2 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
10/10 (1): T2_P1 = V_P2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
11/11 (1): T2_P1 - T2_P2 = Q2 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
12/12 (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
13/13 (1): V_Q1 = V_Q2 + V_Q3 + V_Q4 + V_Q5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
14/14 (1): T2_Q1 = Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
15/15 (1): V_Q2 = T2_Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
16/16 (1): T3_Q1 = Q3   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
17/17 (1): V_Q3 = T3_Q1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
18/18 (1): Q04 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
19/19 (1): V_Q4 = Q04   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
20/20 (1): Q05 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
21/21 (1): V_Q5 = Q05   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
22/22 (1): V_h2 = T2_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
23/23 (1): V_h3 = T3_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
24/24 (1): V_h4 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
25/25 (1): V_h5 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
26/26 (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
27/27 (1): V_h1 = T1_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
28/28 (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
29/29 (1): V_P1 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
30/30 (1): T1_P2 = V_P1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
31/31 (1): P1 = 0.5 * (T1_P1 + T1_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
32/32 (1): V_Q1 = T1_Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]

Unknown variables in SET_S (32)

1: V_h type: Real
2: P3 type: Real
3: T3_P2 type: Real
4: T3_P1 type: Real
5: V_P3 type: Real
6: V_P2 type: Real
7: P2 type: Real
8: T2_P1 type: Real
9: T2_P2 type: Real
10: T2_Q1 type: Real
11: T3_Q1 type: Real
12: Q04 type: Real
13: Q05 type: Real
14: T2_h type: Real
15: T3_h type: Real
16: V_Q2 type: Real
17: V_Q3 type: Real
18: V_Q4 type: Real
19: V_Q5 type: Real
20: V_h2 type: Real
21: V_h3 type: Real
22: V_h4 type: Real
23: V_h5 type: Real
24: V_h1 type: Real
25: T1_h type: Real
26: P type: Real
27: V_P1 type: Real
28: P1 type: Real
29: T1_P1 type: Real
30: T1_P2 type: Real
31: V_Q1 type: Real
32: T1_Q2 type: Real

Parameters in SET_S (3)
1: W:PARAM()  = 1e6  type: Real
2: b:PARAM()  = -0.01  type: Real
3: cp:PARAM()  = 5000.0  type: Real

Automatic Verification Steps of DataReconciliation Algorithm

knownVariables:{42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48} (7)
1: T:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
2: T3:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
3: T2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
4: T1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
5: Q3:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
6: Q2:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
7: Q1:VARIABLE(start = 2.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

-SET_C:{37, 36, 16}
-SET_S:{34, 39, 35, 38, 42, 13, 25, 26, 24, 23, 12, 41, 14, 18, 17, 20, 19, 5, 9, 7, 10, 32, 33, 6, 8, 30, 31, 11, 22, 21, 40, 15}

Condition-1 "SET_C and SET_S must not have no equations in common"

Condition-2 "All variables of interest must be involved in SET_C or SET_S"

-SET_C has known variables:{48, 45, 44} (3)
1: Q1:VARIABLE(start = 2.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
2: T1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
3: T2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

-SET_S has known variables:{47, 46, 43, 42} (4)
1: Q2:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
2: Q3:VARIABLE(start = 1.0 uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
3: T3:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
4: T:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

Condition-3 "SET_C equations must be strictly less than Variable of Interest"
-SET_C contains:3 equations < 7 known variables

Condition-4 "SET_S should contain all intermediate variables involved in SET_C"

-SET_C has intermediate variables:{18, 3, 41, 2, 40} (5)
1: T1_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: T1_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
3: P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
4: T2_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
5: P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real

-SET_S has intermediate variables involved in SET_C:{18, 3, 41, 2, 40} (5)
1: T1_Q2:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: T1_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
3: P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
4: T2_h:VARIABLE()  type: Real
5: P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real


Condition-5 "SET_S should be square"
 Set_S has 32 equations and 32 variables

record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "",
    simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 1e-6, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-reconcile -sx=./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e_Inputs.csv -eps=0.0023 -lv=LOG_JAC'",
    messages = "Simulation execution failed for model: NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e
LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The simulation finished successfully.
LOG_STDOUT        | info    | DataReconciliation Starting!
LOG_STDOUT        | info    | NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e
LOG_STDOUT        | error   | Measurement input file path not found ./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e_Inputs.csv.
end SimulationResult;
Equation mismatch: diff says: 
--- "C:\\Users\\adrpo33\\AppData\\Local\\Temp/omc-rtest-adrpo33/openmodelica/dataReconciliation/Splitter5e.mos_temp5799/equations-expected"2024-05-17 22:12:40.998584600 +0200
+++ "C:\\Users\\adrpo33\\AppData\\Local\\Temp/omc-rtest-adrpo33/openmodelica/dataReconciliation/Splitter5e.mos_temp5799/equations-got"2024-05-17 22:13:03.201584900 +0200
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@
 OrderedEquation (48, 48)
 1/1 (1): Q04 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
-2/2 (1): V_h4 = 100000.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
+2/2 (1): V_h4 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 3/3 (1): Q05 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
-4/4 (1): V_h5 = 100000.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
+4/4 (1): V_h5 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 5/5 (1): V_Q4 = Q04   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 6/6 (1): V_Q5 = Q05   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 7/7 (1): T1_P1 = P01   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 8/8 (1): T2_Q2 = Q02   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 9/9 (1): T3_Q2 = Q03   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@
 41/41 (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 42/42 (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 43/43 (1): P01 = 3.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 44/44 (1): Q02 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 45/45 (1): Q03 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
-46/46 (1): h01 = 100000.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
-47/47 (1): h02 = 100000.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
-48/48 (1): h03 = 100000.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
+46/46 (1): h01 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
+47/47 (1): h02 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
+48/48 (1): h03 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 48 variables and equations
 var 1 is solved in eqn 35
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@
 40: P2: (41/41): (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)
 39: P3: (42/42): (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)
 38: P01: (43/43): (1): P01 = 3.0
 37: Q02: (44/44): (1): Q02 = 1.0
 36: Q03: (45/45): (1): Q03 = 1.0
-35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 100000.0
-34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 100000.0
-33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 100000.0
+35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 1e5
+34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 1e5
+33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 1e5
 32: Q04: (1/1): (1): Q04 = 0.0
 31: Q05: (3/3): (1): Q05 = 0.0
 30: T1_P1: (7/7): (1): T1_P1 = P01
 29: T1_P2: (10/10): (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0
 28: T2_P1: (22/22): (1): T2_P1 = V_P2
@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@
 10: V_P3: (25/25): (1): V_P3 = P
 9: V_h: (34/34): (1): T2_h = V_h
 8: V_h1: (30/30): (1): V_h1 = T1_h
 7: V_h2: (29/29): (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2
 6: V_h3: (32/32): (1): V_h3 = T3_h
-5: V_h4: (2/2): (1): V_h4 = 100000.0
-4: V_h5: (4/4): (1): V_h5 = 100000.0
+5: V_h4: (2/2): (1): V_h4 = 1e5
+4: V_h5: (4/4): (1): V_h5 = 1e5
 3: T1_h: (33/33): (1): T1_h = h01
 2: T2_h: (31/31): (1): V_h2 = T2_h
 1: T3_h: (35/35): (1): T3_h = V_h
@@ -241,13 +241,13 @@
 Binding equations:(6)
-33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 100000.0
-34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 100000.0
-35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 100000.0
+33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 1e5
+34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 1e5
+35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 1e5
 36: Q03: (45/45): (1): Q03 = 1.0
 37: Q02: (44/44): (1): Q02 = 1.0
 38: P01: (43/43): (1): P01 = 3.0
@@ -268,12 +268,12 @@
 >>>42: T: (39/39): (1): V_h = cp * T
 9: V_h: (34/34): (1): T2_h = V_h
 2: T2_h: (31/31): (1): V_h2 = T2_h
 7: V_h2: (29/29): (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2
-4: V_h5: (4/4): (1): V_h5 = 100000.0
-5: V_h4: (2/2): (1): V_h4 = 100000.0
+4: V_h5: (4/4): (1): V_h5 = 1e5
+5: V_h4: (2/2): (1): V_h4 = 1e5
 6: V_h3: (32/32): (1): V_h3 = T3_h
 1: T3_h: (35/35): (1): T3_h = V_h
 8: V_h1: (30/30): (1): V_h1 = T1_h
 3: T1_h: (33/33): (1): T1_h = h01
 h01 is a boundary condition ---> exit procedure
@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@
 1/1 (1): T = 0.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 2/2 (1): T3 = 0.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 3/3 (1): Q3 = 0.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 4/4 (1): Q2 = 0.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 5/5 (1): Q04 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
-6/6 (1): V_h4 = 100000.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
+6/6 (1): V_h4 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 7/7 (1): Q05 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
-8/8 (1): V_h5 = 100000.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
+8/8 (1): V_h5 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 9/9 (1): V_Q4 = Q04   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 10/10 (1): V_Q5 = Q05   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 11/11 (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 12/12 (1): T2_P1 - T2_P2 = Q2 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 13/13 (1): T3_P1 - T3_P2 = Q3 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
@@ -433,13 +433,13 @@
 41/41 (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 42/42 (1): P3 = 0.5 * (T3_P1 + T3_P2)   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 43/43 (1): P01 = 3.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 44/44 (1): Q02 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 45/45 (1): Q03 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
-46/46 (1): h01 = 100000.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
-47/47 (1): h02 = 100000.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
-48/48 (1): h03 = 100000.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
+46/46 (1): h01 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
+47/47 (1): h02 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
+48/48 (1): h03 = 1e5   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
 48 variables and equations
 var 1 is solved in eqn 35
@@ -505,13 +505,13 @@
 40: P2: (41/41): (1): P2 = 0.5 * (T2_P1 + T2_P2)
 39: P3: (38/38): (1): T3_h = cp * T3 + b * P3
 38: P01: (43/43): (1): P01 = 3.0
 37: Q02: (44/44): (1): Q02 = 1.0
 36: Q03: (45/45): (1): Q03 = 1.0
-35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 100000.0
-34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 100000.0
-33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 100000.0
+35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 1e5
+34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 1e5
+33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 1e5
 32: Q04: (5/5): (1): Q04 = 0.0
 31: Q05: (7/7): (1): Q05 = 0.0
 30: T1_P1: (11/11): (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0
 29: T1_P2: (21/21): (1): T1_P2 = V_P1
 28: T2_P1: (23/23): (1): T2_P1 = V_P2
@@ -535,12 +535,12 @@
 10: V_P3: (25/25): (1): T3_P1 = V_P3
 9: V_h: (39/39): (1): V_h = cp * T
 8: V_h1: (30/30): (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2
 7: V_h2: (32/32): (1): V_h2 = T2_h
 6: V_h3: (33/33): (1): V_h3 = T3_h
-5: V_h4: (6/6): (1): V_h4 = 100000.0
-4: V_h5: (8/8): (1): V_h5 = 100000.0
+5: V_h4: (6/6): (1): V_h4 = 1e5
+4: V_h5: (8/8): (1): V_h5 = 1e5
 3: T1_h: (31/31): (1): V_h1 = T1_h
 2: T2_h: (34/34): (1): T2_h = V_h
 1: T3_h: (35/35): (1): T3_h = V_h
@@ -566,13 +566,13 @@
 Binding equations:(10)
-33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 100000.0
-34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 100000.0
-35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 100000.0
+33: h03: (48/48): (1): h03 = 1e5
+34: h02: (47/47): (1): h02 = 1e5
+35: h01: (46/46): (1): h01 = 1e5
 36: Q03: (45/45): (1): Q03 = 1.0
 37: Q02: (44/44): (1): Q02 = 1.0
 38: P01: (43/43): (1): P01 = 3.0
 47: Q2: (4/4): (1): Q2 = 0.0
 46: Q3: (3/3): (1): Q3 = 0.0
@@ -618,12 +618,12 @@
 1: T3_h: (35/35): (1): T3_h = V_h
 9: V_h: (39/39): (1): V_h = cp * T
 30: T1_P1: (11/11): (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0
 3: T1_h: (31/31): (1): V_h1 = T1_h
 8: V_h1: (30/30): (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2
-4: V_h5: (8/8): (1): V_h5 = 100000.0
-5: V_h4: (6/6): (1): V_h4 = 100000.0
+4: V_h5: (8/8): (1): V_h5 = 1e5
+5: V_h4: (6/6): (1): V_h4 = 1e5
 6: V_h3: (33/33): (1): V_h3 = T3_h
 7: V_h2: (32/32): (1): V_h2 = T2_h
 2: T2_h: (34/34): (1): T2_h = V_h
 20: V_Q5: (10/10): (1): V_Q5 = Q05
 31: Q05: (7/7): (1): Q05 = 0.0
@@ -688,12 +688,12 @@
 19/19 (1): V_Q4 = Q04   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 20/20 (1): Q05 = 0.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 21/21 (1): V_Q5 = Q05   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 22/22 (1): V_h2 = T2_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 23/23 (1): V_h3 = T3_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
-24/24 (1): V_h4 = 100000.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
-25/25 (1): V_h5 = 100000.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
+24/24 (1): V_h4 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
+25/25 (1): V_h5 = 1e5   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 26/26 (1): 0.0 = V_h1 * V_Q1 + W - V_h5 * V_Q5 - V_h4 * V_Q4 - V_h3 * V_Q3 - V_h2 * V_Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 27/27 (1): V_h1 = T1_h   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 28/28 (1): T1_P1 - T1_P2 = Q1 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 29/29 (1): V_P1 = P   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
 30/30 (1): T1_P2 = V_P1   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
@@ -738,11 +738,11 @@
 32: T1_Q2 type: Real
 Parameters in SET_S (3)
-1: W:PARAM()  = 1000000.0  type: Real
+1: W:PARAM()  = 1e6  type: Real
 2: b:PARAM()  = -0.01  type: Real
 3: cp:PARAM()  = 5000.0  type: Real
@@ -815,15 +815,16 @@
 Set_S has 32 equations and 32 variables
 record SimulationResult
-resultFile = "econcile",
-simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 1e-06, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-reconcile -sx=./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e_Inputs.csv -eps=0.0023 -lv=LOG_JAC'",
-messages = "LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
+resultFile = "",
+simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 1e-6, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-reconcile -sx=./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e_Inputs.csv -eps=0.0023 -lv=LOG_JAC'",
+messages = "Simulation execution failed for model: NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e
+LOG_SUCCESS | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
 LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The simulation finished successfully.
 LOG_STDOUT        | info    | DataReconciliation Starting!
 LOG_STDOUT        | info    | NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e
-LOG_STDOUT        | info    | DataReconciliation Completed!
+LOG_STDOUT | error   | Measurement input file path not found ./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Splitter5e_Inputs.csv.
 end SimulationResult;
Equation mismatch: omc-diff says: 
------------------------Failed 'e' '"'
Line 820: Text differs:
expected: resultFile = "econcile",
got:      resultFile = "",

== 1 out of 1 tests failed [openmodelica/dataReconciliation/Splitter5e.mos_temp5799, time: 23]