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Console Output

02:09:32 + docker build -t rpm-build-tmp .
02:09:32 DEPRECATED: The legacy builder is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
02:09:32             Install the buildx component to build images with BuildKit:
02:09:33 Sending build context to Docker daemon  259.1MB

02:09:33 Step 1/3 : FROM
02:09:33  ---> 6f15ad1489cd
02:09:33 Step 2/3 : COPY rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/openmodelica-nightly-1.24.0~dev~168~g907b8bd-1.fc40.x86_64.rpm /root
02:09:35  ---> 2ab88dd58378
02:09:35 Step 3/3 : RUN rpm -i /root/openmodelica-nightly-1.24.0~dev~168~g907b8bd-1.fc40.x86_64.rpm
02:09:35  ---> Running in 41b305ccb49a
02:09:45 Removing intermediate container 41b305ccb49a
02:09:45  ---> 89439726cca6
02:09:45 Successfully built 89439726cca6
02:09:45 Successfully tagged rpm-build-tmp:latest