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  1. Updated nightly build (details)
  2. Updated nightly build (details)
  3. Updated nightly build (details)
Commit 80f180b311f555a482fee225ef366df24a697f82 by openmodelica
Updated nightly build
The file was modified projects.json
Commit b1be25fb7f0d459bddb2b76cfdb3c14c2b9c08f1 by openmodelica
Updated nightly build
The file was modified projects.json
Commit a7fa6fb284d549174e325a025608b7723eee47c1 by openmodelica
Updated nightly build
The file was modified projects.json


  1. Updated Linux versions in the JSON (details)
Commit 0411f1e4514a95b56d6f5634f3312922a58a97d5 by openmodelica
Updated Linux versions in the JSON
The file was modified static/api/linux.json (diff)