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Console Output

Started by user Asghar Adeel
Running as SYSTEM
Building remotely on (omdev omsimulator-windows windows) in workspace c:\dev\OpenModelica_releases
[OpenModelica_releases] $ cmd /c call C:\Users\adrpo33\AppData\Local\Compiling\jenkins16050160085473278081.bat

c:\dev\OpenModelica_releases>echo Running the Nightly Build script .... 
Running the Nightly Build script ....
The following usage of the path operator in batch-parameter
substitution is invalid: %~G"

For valid formats type CALL /? or FOR /?
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
c:\dev\OpenModelica_releases> for /d \dev\OpenModelica_releases\v*") do rd /s "do rd /s "%~G"
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Sending e-mails to:
Finished: FAILURE