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  1. Updated nightly build (details)
  2. release v1.23.1 (details)
  3. Updated nightly build (details)
Commit 1b3c8932a986b32ecb7fe1e3fba22165f1ab44eb by openmodelica
Updated nightly build
The file was modified projects.json
Commit 1f6e140225325334a23d6ef80857116b1075fa6a by adrian.pop
release v1.23.1
The file was modified projects.json
Commit d84fbeed1d22e52dd28fe3707d76d45c1c7c9909 by openmodelica
Updated nightly build
The file was modified projects.json


  1. Updated Linux versions in the JSON (details)
Commit 7933403350bb4611bd63c6ad022b85badb520e92 by openmodelica
Updated Linux versions in the JSON
The file was modified static/api/linux.json (diff)