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[Tue Mar 29 09:04:01 CEST 2022] Starting branch indexing...
09:04:01 Connecting to using GitHub Access Token
Examining OpenModelica/OMSens

  Checking branches...

  Getting remote branches...

    Checking branch master
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: master (still at e3268e9e3ee9cf5129f6509351df084b2562be99)

    Checking branch JKRT-patch-1
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch dev
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

    Checking branch pedro
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

  4 branches were processed

  Checking pull-requests...

  Getting remote pull requests...

    Checking pull request #21
    (not from a trusted source)
      ‘Jenkinsfile’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-21 (still at bd73f685d83047c37773bc4c1ed933c4794642a8+e3268e9e3ee9cf5129f6509351df084b2562be99 (b70437b08e59e4e547901c7706f54fed2fbf45a5))

  1 pull requests were processed

Finished examining OpenModelica/OMSens

[Tue Mar 29 09:04:05 CEST 2022] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 3.6 sec
Evaluating orphaned items in OMSens
Will remove PR-16
Will remove PR-9
Will remove PR-8
Will remove PR-7
Finished: SUCCESS