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Started 3 yr 6 mo ago
Took 1 hr 10 min

Build #28 (Nov 30, 2020, 1:06:58 PM)

Build Artifacts
compliance-1.16-v1.16.1-v1.16.1.5+gc01d479c53.html70.32 KB view
compliance-newinst-1.16-v1.16.1-v1.16.1.5+gc01d479c53.html70.36 KB view
compliance-newinst.failures12.25 KB view
compliance.failures13.39 KB view
OpenModelicaUsersGuide-1.16.epub5.45 MB view
OpenModelicaUsersGuide-1.16.html.tar.xz5.49 MB view
OpenModelicaUsersGuide-1.16.pdf6.56 MB view
Test_FMUs.tar.gz98.81 MB view
BouncingBall.fmu1.45 MB view
FmuExportCrossCompile.fmu1.44 MB view
RoomHeating_OM_RH.fmu1.49 MB view
WaterTank_Control.fmu1.64 MB view
WaterTank_TestSingleWaterTank.fmu1.67 MB view
  1. OriginItem paint event is called even before we set visible false (details / githubweb)
  2. Disconnect inherited classes (#6964) (details / githubweb)
  3. Fixes ticket:6234 check if the ModelWidget is NULL (#6974) (details / githubweb)
  4. Call deleteLater for GraphicsViews when unloading a class (#6975) (details / githubweb)
  5. Check for replaceable feature when making the replaceable drop down (#6981) (details / githubweb)

Push event to branch maintenance/v1.16 at 1:06:52 PM on Nov 30, 2020

Revision: c01d479c53f963a4dcba47f6112e4b0292f8a18e
  • maintenance/v1.16
Test Result (no failures)