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  1. fix ticket #6307 (#7180) (#7184) (details)
Commit cc033c042488411ca5a72675b953fc59cbd67115 by adrian.pop
fix ticket #6307 (#7180) (#7184)

- keep only the annotations for components in getComponentAnnotations so it returns the same number of items as getComponents
- this bug only happens if you use the old API getComponentAnnotations with -d=nfAPI
- add a test
The file was modified OMCompiler/Compiler/Script/ (diff)
The file was modified OMCompiler/Compiler/Script/ (diff)
The file was modified testsuite/openmodelica/interactive-API/Makefile (diff)
The file was addedtestsuite/openmodelica/interactive-API/Ticket6307.mos