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tests / testsuite-gcc / flattening_modelica_scodeinst.TestSampleNoClock.mos (from (result.xml))

Failing for the past 5 builds (Since #7 )
Took 0 ms.


Output mismatch (see stdout for details)

Standard Output

 + TestSampleNoClock                                                                 ... equation mismatch [time: 0]

==== Log /tmp/omc-rtest-unknown/flattening/modelica/scodeinst/TestSampleNoClock.mos_temp9335/log-TestSampleNoClock.mos
"Error: Failed to load package Modelica (3.2.1) using MODELICAPATH /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/build/lib/omlibrary.
"Error: Failed to load package Modelica (default) using MODELICAPATH /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/build/lib/omlibrary.
Error: Class Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1 not found in scope .
"Error: Failed to load package Modelica (default) using MODELICAPATH /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/build/lib/omlibrary.
Error: Class Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1 not found in scope <top>.
Error: Class Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1 not found in scope <TOP>.

Equation mismatch: diff says:
--- /tmp/omc-rtest-unknown/flattening/modelica/scodeinst/TestSampleNoClock.mos_temp9335/equations-expected2018-12-20 22:39:29.201979287 +0000
+++ /tmp/omc-rtest-unknown/flattening/modelica/scodeinst/TestSampleNoClock.mos_temp9335/equations-got2018-12-20 22:39:29.305979018 +0000
@@ -1,345 +1,12 @@
-"function Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanTable.getFirstIndex \"Get first index of table and check table\"
-input Real[:] table \"Vector of time instants\";
-input Real simulationStartTime(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") \"Simulation start time\";
-input Boolean startValue \"Value of y for time < table[1]\";
-output Integer index \"First index to be used\";
-output Real nextTime(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") \"Time instant of first event\";
-output Boolean y \"Value of y at simulationStartTime\";
-protected Integer j;
-protected Integer n = size(table, 1) \"Number of table points\";
-if size(table, 1) == 0 then
-index := 0;
-nextTime := 9.999999999999999e+59;
-y := startValue;
-elseif size(table, 1) == 1 then
-index := 1;
-if table[1] > simulationStartTime then
-nextTime := table[1];
-y := startValue;
-nextTime := 9.999999999999999e+59;
-y := not startValue;
-end if;
-for i in 2:n loop
-assert(table[i] > table[i - 1], \"Time values of table not strict monotonically increasing: table[\" + String(i - 1, 0, true) + \"] = \" + String(table[i - 1], 6, 0, true) + \", table[\" + String(i, 0, true) + \"] = \" + String(table[i], 6, 0, true));
-end for;
-j := 1;
-y := startValue;
-while j <= n and table[j] <= simulationStartTime loop
-y := not y;
-j := j + 1;
-end while;
-if j > n then
-nextTime := 9.999999999999999e+59;
-nextTime := table[j];
-end if;
-index := j;
-end if;
-end Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanTable.getFirstIndex;
-function Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.allTrue \"Returns true, if all elements of the Boolean input vector are true ('and')\"
-input Boolean[:] b \"Boolean vector\";
-output Boolean result \"= true, if all elements of b are true\";
-result := size(b, 1) > 0;
-for i in 1:size(b, 1) loop
-result := result and b[i];
-end for;
-end Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.allTrue;
-function Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.anyTrue \"Returns true, if at least on element of the Boolean input vector is true ('or')\"
-input Boolean[:] b;
-output Boolean result;
-result := false;
-for i in 1:size(b, 1) loop
-result := result or b[i];
-end for;
-end Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.anyTrue;
-function Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.countTrue \"Inline before index reduction\" \"Returns the number of true entries in a Boolean vector\"
-input Boolean[:] b \"Boolean vector\";
-output Integer n \"Number of true entries\";
-n := sum(if b[i] then 1 else 0 for i in 1:size(b, 1));
-end Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.countTrue;
-function Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.firstTrueIndex \"Returns the index of the first true element of a Boolean vector\"
-input Boolean[:] b;
-output Integer index;
-index := 0;
-for i in 1:size(b, 1) loop
-if b[i] then
-index := i;
-end if;
-end for;
-end Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.firstTrueIndex;
-function Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.oneTrue \"Returns true, if exactly one element of the Boolean input vector is true (\\\"xor\\\")\"
-input Boolean[:] b;
-output Boolean result;
-result := Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.countTrue(b) == 1;
-end Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.oneTrue;
-class Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1 \"Demonstrates the usage of blocks from Modelica.Blocks.MathBoolean\"
-parameter Boolean showValue.use_activePort = true \"= true, if activePort enabled\";
-Boolean = false \"Boolean variable to visualize if use_activePort=false (time varying)\";
-Boolean showValue.activePort \"Boolean variable to be shown in diagram layer if use_activePort = true\";
-Boolean showValue.showActive;
-parameter Integer = 0) = 3 \"Number of input connections\";
-Boolean and1.u[1] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean and1.u[2] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean and1.u[3] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean and1.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-parameter Real booleanPulse1.width(min = 1e-60, max = 100.0) = 20.0 \"Width of pulse in % of period\";
-parameter Real booleanPulse1.period(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\", min = 1e-60, start = 1.0) = 1.0 \"Time for one period\";
-parameter Real booleanPulse1.startTime(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 0.0 \"Time instant of first pulse\";
-Boolean booleanPulse1.y \"Connector of Boolean output signal\";
-protected parameter Real booleanPulse1.Twidth(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = booleanPulse1.period * booleanPulse1.width / 100.0 \"width of one pulse\";
-protected discrete Real booleanPulse1.pulsStart(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") \"Start time of pulse\";
-parameter Real booleanPulse2.width(min = 1e-60, max = 100.0) = 80.0 \"Width of pulse in % of period\";
-parameter Real booleanPulse2.period(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\", min = 1e-60, start = 1.0) = 1.0 \"Time for one period\";
-parameter Real booleanPulse2.startTime(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 0.0 \"Time instant of first pulse\";
-Boolean booleanPulse2.y \"Connector of Boolean output signal\";
-protected parameter Real booleanPulse2.Twidth(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = booleanPulse2.period * booleanPulse2.width / 100.0 \"width of one pulse\";
-protected discrete Real booleanPulse2.pulsStart(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") \"Start time of pulse\";
-parameter Real booleanStep.startTime(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 1.5 \"Time instant of step start\";
-parameter Boolean booleanStep.startValue = false \"Output before startTime\";
-Boolean booleanStep.y \"Connector of Boolean output signal\";
-parameter Integer = 0) = 2 \"Number of input connections\";
-Boolean or1.u[1] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean or1.u[2] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean or1.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-parameter Integer = 0) = 2 \"Number of input connections\";
-Boolean xor1.u[1] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean xor1.u[2] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean xor1.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-parameter Boolean showValue2.use_activePort = true \"= true, if activePort enabled\";
-Boolean = false \"Boolean variable to visualize if use_activePort=false (time varying)\";
-Boolean showValue2.activePort \"Boolean variable to be shown in diagram layer if use_activePort = true\";
-Boolean showValue2.showActive;
-parameter Boolean showValue3.use_activePort = true \"= true, if activePort enabled\";
-Boolean = false \"Boolean variable to visualize if use_activePort=false (time varying)\";
-Boolean showValue3.activePort \"Boolean variable to be shown in diagram layer if use_activePort = true\";
-Boolean showValue3.showActive;
-parameter Integer = 0) = 2 \"Number of input connections\";
-Boolean nand1.u[1] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean nand1.u[2] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean nand1.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-parameter Integer = 0) = 2 \"Number of input connections\";
-Boolean or2.u[1] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean or2.u[2] \"Vector of Boolean input signals\";
-Boolean or2.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-parameter Boolean showValue4.use_activePort = true \"= true, if activePort enabled\";
-Boolean = false \"Boolean variable to visualize if use_activePort=false (time varying)\";
-Boolean showValue4.activePort \"Boolean variable to be shown in diagram layer if use_activePort = true\";
-Boolean showValue4.showActive;
-Boolean nor1.u \"Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean nor1.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-Boolean onDelay.u \"Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean onDelay.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-parameter Real onDelay.delayTime(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 1.0 \"Delay time\";
-protected Boolean onDelay.delaySignal(start = false, fixed = true);
-protected discrete Real onDelay.t_next(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\");
-parameter Boolean rising.pre_u_start = false \"Value of pre(u) at initial time\";
-Boolean rising.u \"Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean rising.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-Boolean set1.expr[1] \"y = if u[i] then expr[i] else y_default (time varying)\";
-Boolean set1.expr[2] \"y = if u[i] then expr[i] else y_default (time varying)\";
-parameter Boolean set1.use_pre_as_default = true \"set true to hold last value as default (y_default = pre(y))\";
-parameter Boolean set1.y_default = false \"Default value of output y if all u[i] = false\";
-parameter Integer = 0) = 2 \"Number of input connections\";
-Boolean set1.u[1] \"Set y = expr[i], if u[i] = true\";
-Boolean set1.u[2] \"Set y = expr[i], if u[i] = true\";
-Boolean set1.y \"Output depending on expression\";
-protected Integer set1.firstActiveIndex;
-parameter Boolean falling.pre_u_start = false \"Value of pre(u) at initial time\";
-Boolean falling.u \"Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean falling.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-protected Boolean falling.not_u = not falling.u;
-parameter Boolean booleanTable.startValue = false \"Start value of y. At time = table[1], y changes to 'not startValue'\";
-parameter Real booleanTable.table[1](quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 2.0 \"Vector of time points. At every time point, the output y gets its opposite value (e.g., table={0,1})\";
-parameter Real booleanTable.table[2](quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 4.0 \"Vector of time points. At every time point, the output y gets its opposite value (e.g., table={0,1})\";
-parameter Real booleanTable.table[3](quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 6.0 \"Vector of time points. At every time point, the output y gets its opposite value (e.g., table={0,1})\";
-parameter Real booleanTable.table[4](quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 6.5 \"Vector of time points. At every time point, the output y gets its opposite value (e.g., table={0,1})\";
-parameter Real booleanTable.table[5](quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 7.0 \"Vector of time points. At every time point, the output y gets its opposite value (e.g., table={0,1})\";
-parameter Real booleanTable.table[6](quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 9.0 \"Vector of time points. At every time point, the output y gets its opposite value (e.g., table={0,1})\";
-parameter Real booleanTable.table[7](quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 11.0 \"Vector of time points. At every time point, the output y gets its opposite value (e.g., table={0,1})\";
-Boolean booleanTable.y \"Connector of Boolean output signal\";
-protected parameter Integer booleanTable.n = 7 \"Number of table points\";
-protected Real booleanTable.nextTime(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\");
-protected Integer booleanTable.index \"Index of actual table entry\";
-parameter Boolean changing.pre_u_start = false \"Value of pre(u) at initial time\";
-Boolean changing.u \"Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean changing.y \"Boolean output signal\";
-Integer triggeredAdd.u \"Integer input signal\";
-Integer triggeredAdd.y \"Integer output signal\";
-parameter Boolean triggeredAdd.use_reset = false \"=true, if reset port enabled\";
-parameter Boolean triggeredAdd.use_set = false \"=true, if set port enabled and used as default value when reset\";
-parameter Integer triggeredAdd.y_start = 0 \"Initial and reset value of y if set port is not used\";
-Boolean triggeredAdd.trigger;
-protected Boolean triggeredAdd.local_reset;
-protected Integer triggeredAdd.local_set;
-parameter Integer integerConstant.k(start = 1) = 2 \"Constant output value\";
-Integer integerConstant.y \"Connector of Integer output signal\";
-parameter Boolean showValue1.use_numberPort = true \"= true, if numberPort enabled\";
-Integer showValue1.number = 0 \"Number to visualize if use_numberPort=false (time varying)\";
-Integer showValue1.numberPort \"Number to be shown in diagram layer if use_numberPort = true\";
-Integer showValue1.showNumber;
-parameter Boolean showValue5.use_activePort = true \"= true, if activePort enabled\";
-Boolean = false \"Boolean variable to visualize if use_activePort=false (time varying)\";
-Boolean showValue5.activePort \"Boolean variable to be shown in diagram layer if use_activePort = true\";
-Boolean showValue5.showActive;
-parameter Boolean showValue6.use_activePort = true \"= true, if activePort enabled\";
-Boolean = false \"Boolean variable to visualize if use_activePort=false (time varying)\";
-Boolean showValue6.activePort \"Boolean variable to be shown in diagram layer if use_activePort = true\";
-Boolean showValue6.showActive;
-parameter Boolean rSFlipFlop.Qini = false \"Start value of Q at initial time\";
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.Q;
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.QI;
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.nor.u1 \"Connector of first Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.nor.u2 \"Connector of second Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.nor.y \"Connector of Boolean output signal\";
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.nor1.u1 \"Connector of first Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.nor1.u2 \"Connector of second Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.nor1.y \"Connector of Boolean output signal\";
-parameter Boolean rSFlipFlop.pre.pre_u_start = not rSFlipFlop.Qini \"Start value of pre(u) at initial time\";
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.pre.u \"Connector of Boolean input signal\";
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.pre.y \"Connector of Boolean output signal\";
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.S;
-Boolean rSFlipFlop.R;
-parameter Real sampleTriggerSet.period(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\", min = 1e-60, start = 0.01) = 0.5 \"Sample period\";
-parameter Real sampleTriggerSet.startTime(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 0.0 \"Time instant of first sample trigger\";
-Boolean sampleTriggerSet.y \"Connector of Boolean output signal\";
-parameter Real sampleTriggerReset.period(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\", min = 1e-60, start = 0.01) = 0.5 \"Sample period\";
-parameter Real sampleTriggerReset.startTime(quantity = \"Time\", unit = \"s\") = 0.3 \"Time instant of first sample trigger\";
-Boolean sampleTriggerReset.y \"Connector of Boolean output signal\";
-initial equation
-booleanPulse1.pulsStart = booleanPulse1.startTime;
-booleanPulse2.pulsStart = booleanPulse2.startTime;
-pre(onDelay.u) = false;
-pre(onDelay.t_next) = time - 1.0;
-pre(rising.u) = rising.pre_u_start;
-pre(set1.y) = set1.y_default;
-pre(falling.not_u) = not falling.pre_u_start;
-pre(changing.u) = changing.pre_u_start;
-pre(triggeredAdd.y) = triggeredAdd.y_start;
-pre(rSFlipFlop.pre.u) = rSFlipFlop.pre.pre_u_start;
-initial algorithm
-(booleanTable.index, booleanTable.nextTime, booleanTable.y) := Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanTable.getFirstIndex(booleanTable.table, time, booleanTable.startValue);
-showValue.activePort = showValue.showActive;
-showValue2.activePort = showValue2.showActive;
-showValue3.activePort = showValue3.showActive;
-showValue4.activePort = showValue4.showActive;
-showValue1.numberPort = showValue1.showNumber;
-showValue5.activePort = showValue5.showActive;
-showValue6.activePort = showValue6.showActive;
-rSFlipFlop.nor1.y = rSFlipFlop.Q;
-rSFlipFlop.nor1.y = rSFlipFlop.nor.u2;
-rSFlipFlop.nor.y = rSFlipFlop.pre.u;
-rSFlipFlop.pre.y = rSFlipFlop.QI;
-rSFlipFlop.pre.y = rSFlipFlop.nor1.u1;
-rSFlipFlop.S = rSFlipFlop.nor.u1;
-rSFlipFlop.R = rSFlipFlop.nor1.u2;
-booleanPulse1.y = and1.u[1];
-booleanStep.y = and1.u[2];
-booleanPulse2.y = changing.u;
-booleanPulse2.y = falling.u;
-booleanPulse2.y = rising.u;
-booleanPulse2.y = or2.u[2];
-booleanPulse2.y = nand1.u[2];
-booleanPulse2.y = xor1.u[2];
-booleanPulse2.y = or1.u[2];
-booleanPulse2.y = and1.u[3];
-and1.y = showValue.activePort;
-and1.y = or1.u[1];
-or1.y = showValue2.activePort;
-or1.y = xor1.u[1];
-xor1.y = nand1.u[1];
-xor1.y = showValue3.activePort;
-nand1.y = or2.u[1];
-or2.y = nor1.u;
-nor1.y = showValue4.activePort;
-rising.y = set1.u[1];
-falling.y = set1.u[2];
-booleanTable.y = onDelay.u;
-integerConstant.y = triggeredAdd.u;
-changing.y = triggeredAdd.trigger;
-triggeredAdd.y = showValue1.numberPort;
-set1.y = showValue5.activePort;
-onDelay.y = showValue6.activePort;
-sampleTriggerSet.y = rSFlipFlop.S;
-sampleTriggerReset.y = rSFlipFlop.R;
-and1.y = Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.allTrue(and1.u);
-when sample(booleanPulse1.startTime, booleanPulse1.period) then
-booleanPulse1.pulsStart = time;
-end when;
-booleanPulse1.y = time >= booleanPulse1.pulsStart and time < booleanPulse1.pulsStart + booleanPulse1.Twidth;
-when sample(booleanPulse2.startTime, booleanPulse2.period) then
-booleanPulse2.pulsStart = time;
-end when;
-booleanPulse2.y = time >= booleanPulse2.pulsStart and time < booleanPulse2.pulsStart + booleanPulse2.Twidth;
-booleanStep.y = if time >= booleanStep.startTime then not booleanStep.startValue else booleanStep.startValue;
-or1.y = Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.anyTrue(or1.u);
-xor1.y = Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.oneTrue(xor1.u);
-nand1.y = not Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.allTrue(nand1.u);
-or2.y = not Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.anyTrue(or2.u);
-nor1.y = not nor1.u;
-if onDelay.delaySignal then
-onDelay.y = time >= onDelay.t_next;
-onDelay.y = false;
-end if;
-rising.y = edge(rising.u);
-set1.expr = {false, true};
-set1.firstActiveIndex = Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.firstTrueIndex(set1.u);
-set1.y = if set1.firstActiveIndex == 0 then if set1.use_pre_as_default then pre(set1.y) else set1.y_default else set1.expr[set1.firstActiveIndex];
-falling.y = edge(falling.not_u);
-changing.y = change(changing.u);
-triggeredAdd.local_reset = false;
-triggeredAdd.local_set = 0;
-when {triggeredAdd.trigger, triggeredAdd.local_reset} then
-triggeredAdd.y = if triggeredAdd.local_reset then triggeredAdd.local_set else pre(triggeredAdd.y) + triggeredAdd.u;
-end when;
-integerConstant.y = integerConstant.k;
-rSFlipFlop.nor.y = not (rSFlipFlop.nor.u1 or rSFlipFlop.nor.u2);
-rSFlipFlop.nor1.y = not (rSFlipFlop.nor1.u1 or rSFlipFlop.nor1.u2);
-rSFlipFlop.pre.y = pre(rSFlipFlop.pre.u);
-sampleTriggerSet.y = sample(sampleTriggerSet.startTime, sampleTriggerSet.period);
-sampleTriggerReset.y = sample(sampleTriggerReset.startTime, sampleTriggerReset.period);
-when initial() then
-onDelay.delaySignal := onDelay.u;
-onDelay.t_next := time - 1.0;
-elsewhen onDelay.u then
-onDelay.delaySignal := true;
-onDelay.t_next := time + onDelay.delayTime;
-elsewhen not onDelay.u then
-onDelay.delaySignal := false;
-onDelay.t_next := time - 1.0;
-end when;
-when time >= pre(booleanTable.nextTime) and booleanTable.n > 0 then
-if booleanTable.index < booleanTable.n then
-booleanTable.index := booleanTable.index + 1;
-booleanTable.nextTime := booleanTable.table[booleanTable.index];
-booleanTable.y := not booleanTable.y;
-elseif booleanTable.index == booleanTable.n then
-booleanTable.index := booleanTable.index + 1;
-booleanTable.y := not booleanTable.y;
-end if;
-end when;
-end Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1;
+"Error: Failed to load package Modelica (3.2.1) using MODELICAPATH /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/build/lib/omlibrary.
+"Error: Failed to load package Modelica (default) using MODELICAPATH /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/build/lib/omlibrary.
+Error: Class Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1 not found in scope .
+"Error: Failed to load package Modelica (default) using MODELICAPATH /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/build/lib/omlibrary.
+Error: Class Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1 not found in scope <top>.
+Error: Class Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BooleanNetwork1 not found in scope <TOP>.

Equation mismatch: omc-diff says:
Failed 't' 'f'
Line 1: Text differs:
expected: true
got:      false

== 1 out of 1 tests failed [flattening/modelica/scodeinst/TestSampleNoClock.mos_temp9335, time: 0]