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Console Output

+ ulimit -t 1500
+ cd testsuite/partest
+ ./ -asan -fast -j20 -nocolour -with-xml
20 threads
[AircraftVehicleDemonstrator.lua:0] OK
[table.lua:0] OK
[connections.lua:0] OK
[test02.lua:0] OK
[test01.lua:0] OK
[buses.lua:0] OK
[simulation.lua:0] OK
[import_export.lua:1] OK
[DualMassOscillator.lua:1] OK
[PI_Controller.lua:5] OK

Use of uninitialized value $username in concatenation (.) or string at ./ line 423.

Slowest test 4.673s ./OMSimulator/PI_Controller.lua
0 of 10 failed
+ CODE=0
+ test 0 = 0 -o 0 = 7
+ test 0 = 0
+ mkdir -p /cache/runtest//
+ cp ../runtest.db.dir ../runtest.db.pag /cache/runtest//