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build / osxcross / test / OMTLMSimulator.tlmbuses.lua (from (result.xml))

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #1 )
Took 0 ms.


Output mismatch (see stdout for details)

Standard Output

 + tlmbuses.lua                                                                      ... equation mismatch [time:0]

==== Log /tmp/oms-rtest-hudson/OMTLMSimulatortmp_4990/log-tlmbuses.lua
error:   [oms_setTLMSocketData] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_setTLMSocketData will return a failure.
error:   [addSystem] Model "model" does not contain any system
error:   [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
error:   [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
error:   [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
error:   [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
error:   [addSystem] Model "model" does not contain any system
error:   [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
error:   [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
error:   [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
error:   [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
error:   [oms_addTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [correct] error
error:   [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [correct] error
error:   [oms_addTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [correct] error
error:   [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [oms_addTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [oms_addTLMConnection] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addTLMConnection will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [list] Model "model" does not contain any system

error:   [oms_deleteConnectorFromTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_deleteConnectorFromTLMBus will return a failure.
status:  [wrong] error
error:   [list] Model "model" does not contain any system

status:  [correct] ok
info:    0 warnings
info:    26 errors

Equation mismatch: diff says:
--- /tmp/oms-rtest-hudson/OMTLMSimulatortmp_4990/equations-expectedtmp_expected-tlmbuses.lua2019-02-08 11:16:46.000000000 +0100
+++ /tmp/oms-rtest-hudson/OMTLMSimulatortmp_4990/equations-got_tmp_got-tlmbuses.lua2019-02-08 11:16:46.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,164 +1,44 @@
-status:  [correct] ok
-status:  [correct] ok
-error:   [addConnectorToTLMBus] Connector "z" not found in system "model.tlm.wc1"
+error: [oms_setTLMSocketData] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_setTLMSocketData will return a failure.
+error: [addSystem] Model "model" does not contain any system
+error: [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
+error: [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
+error: [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
+error: [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
+error: [addSystem] Model "model" does not contain any system
+error: [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
+error: [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
+error: [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
+error: [oms_addConnector] Model "model" does not contain system "tlm"
+error: [oms_addTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addTLMBus will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
 status:  [correct] error
-error:   [addConnector] Unknown TLM variable type: "effort"
+error: [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
 status:  [correct] error
-status:  [correct] ok
-status:  [correct] ok
-status:  [correct] ok
-error: [addConnector] TLM bus connector "bus2" already contains a variable with type "flow"
+error: [oms_addTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addTLMBus will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
 status:  [correct] error
-status:  [correct] ok
-status:  [correct] ok
-status:  [correct] ok
-status:  [correct] ok
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<ssd:System name="tlm">
-<ssd:Annotation type="org.openmodelica">
-<oms:TlmMaster ip="" managerport="11111" monitorport="11121" />
-<ssd:System name="wc2">
-<FixedStepMaster description="oms-ma" stepSize="0.100000" />
-<ssd:Elements />
-<ssd:Connector name="y" kind="input" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="x" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="v" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="f" kind="input" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connections />
-<ssd:Annotation type="org.openmodelica">
-<oms:Bus name="bus2" type="tlm" domain="output" dimensions="1" interpolation="none">
-<oms:Signal name="y" type="value" />
-<ssd:System name="wc1">
-<FixedStepMaster description="oms-ma" stepSize="0.100000" />
-<ssd:Elements />
-<ssd:Connector name="y" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="x" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="v" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="f" kind="input" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connections />
-<ssd:Annotation type="org.openmodelica">
-<oms:Bus name="bus1" type="tlm" domain="input" dimensions="1" interpolation="none">
-<oms:Signal name="y" type="value" />
-<oms:Bus name="bus2" type="tlm" domain="mechanical" dimensions="1" interpolation="none">
-<oms:Signal name="f" type="effort" />
-<oms:Signal name="v" type="flow" />
-<oms:Signal name="x" type="state" />
-<ssd:Connectors />
-<ssd:Connections />
-<ssd:Annotation type="org.openmodelica">
-<oms:Connection startElement="wc1" startConnector="bus1" endElement="wc2" endConnector="bus2" delay="0.001000" alpha="0.300000" linearimpedance="100.000000" angularimpedance="0.000000" />
+error: [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [oms_addTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addTLMBus will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [oms_addConnectorToTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addConnectorToTLMBus will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [oms_addTLMConnection] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_addTLMConnection will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [list] Model "model" does not contain any system
-status:  [correct] ok
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<ssd:System name="tlm">
-<ssd:Annotation type="org.openmodelica">
-<oms:TlmMaster ip="" managerport="11111" monitorport="11121" />
-<ssd:System name="wc2">
-<FixedStepMaster description="oms-ma" stepSize="0.100000" />
-<ssd:Elements />
-<ssd:Connector name="y" kind="input" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="x" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="v" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="f" kind="input" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connections />
-<ssd:Annotation type="org.openmodelica">
-<oms:Bus name="bus2" type="tlm" domain="output" dimensions="1" interpolation="none">
-<oms:Signal name="y" type="value" />
-<ssd:System name="wc1">
-<FixedStepMaster description="oms-ma" stepSize="0.100000" />
-<ssd:Elements />
-<ssd:Connector name="y" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="x" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="v" kind="output" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connector name="f" kind="input" type="Real" />
-<ssd:Connections />
-<ssd:Annotation type="org.openmodelica">
-<oms:Bus name="bus1" type="tlm" domain="input" dimensions="1" interpolation="none">
-<oms:Signal name="y" type="value" />
-<oms:Bus name="bus2" type="tlm" domain="mechanical" dimensions="1" interpolation="none">
-<oms:Signal name="f" type="effort" />
-<oms:Signal name="v" type="flow" />
-<ssd:Connectors />
-<ssd:Connections />
-<ssd:Annotation type="org.openmodelica">
-<oms:Connection startElement="wc1" startConnector="bus1" endElement="wc2" endConnector="bus2" delay="0.001000" alpha="0.300000" linearimpedance="100.000000" angularimpedance="0.000000" />
+error: [oms_deleteConnectorFromTLMBus] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_deleteConnectorFromTLMBus will return a failure.
+status: [wrong] error
+error: [list] Model "model" does not contain any system
 status:  [correct] ok
 info:    0 warnings
-info:    3 errors
+info: 26 errors

Equation mismatch: omc-diff says:
Failed 's' 'e'
Line 1: Text differs:
expected: status:  [correct] ok
got:      error: [oms_setTLMSocketData] OMSimulator was compiled without TLM support. oms_setTLMSocketData will return a failure.

== 1 out of 1 tests failed [OMTLMSimulator, time: 0]