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  1. Cure unphysical behaviour of YD-switch (#3377) (details)
Commit eec223c8713c863bb66467ed2e33654b223f3d33 by noreply
Cure unphysical behaviour of YD-switch (#3377)

* Electrical.Machines.Utilities.SwitchYD: introducing a time delay (default 0) between Y off and D on

* implemented switchYD with arc, as well as an example

* Implemented the delay in the QS switchYD, too

* removed vendor-specific annotation

* removed superfluous ","

* replaced unnecessary not_u by not u

* move LogicalDelay to Blocks.Logical
The file was addedModelica/Electrical/Machines/Examples/InductionMachines/
The file was addedModelica/Electrical/Machines/Utilities/
The file was modified Modelica/Blocks/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Machines/Examples/InductionMachines/package.order (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Machines/Utilities/package.order (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Machines/Utilities/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Electrical/Machines/Examples/InductionMachines/ (diff)
The file was modified Modelica/Magnetic/QuasiStatic/FundamentalWave/Utilities/ (diff)