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  1. Replace 'may not' by 'shall not' (details)
  2. Spelling (details)
  3. AvoidLetsOne (details)
Commit def54a691540c6866baaca9b847e0ae6015f4054 by Hans.Olsson
Replace 'may not' by 'shall not'
And in some cases 'cannot',
and in one case rewrite it completely.
Closes #901
The file was modified chapters/connectors.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/inheritance.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/classes.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/statements.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/functions.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/operatorsandexpressions.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/statemachines.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/syntax.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/equations.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/packages.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/lexicalstructure.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/introduction.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/interface.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/scoping.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/synchronous.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/revisions.tex (diff)


  1. Replace 'may not' by 'shall not' (details)
  2. Spelling (details)
  3. AvoidLetsOne (details)
Commit def54a691540c6866baaca9b847e0ae6015f4054 by Hans.Olsson
Replace 'may not' by 'shall not'
And in some cases 'cannot',
and in one case rewrite it completely.
Closes #901
The file was modified chapters/equations.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/scoping.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/classes.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/connectors.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/operatorsandexpressions.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/functions.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/inheritance.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/introduction.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/statemachines.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/statements.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/syntax.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/lexicalstructure.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/interface.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/packages.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/synchronous.tex (diff)
The file was modified chapters/revisions.tex (diff)