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nce `predefined-types-and-classes' on page 288 undefined o
n input line 131.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `predefined-types-and-classes' on page 288 undefined o
n input line 134.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `real-type' on page 288 undefined on input line 137.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `real-type' on page 288 undefined on input line 140.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `attributes-start-fixed-nominal-and-unbounded' on page
 288 undefined on input line 140.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `string-type' on page 288 undefined on input line 143.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `enumeration-types' on page 288 undefined on input lin
e 146.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `attributes-start-fixed-nominal-and-unbounded' on page
 288 undefined on input line 150.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `stream-operator-instream-and-connection-equations' on
 page 288 undefined on input line 151.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `connections' on page 288 undefined on input line 154.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `simple-name-lookup' on page 288 undefined on input li
ne 157.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `composite-name-lookup' on page 288 undefined on input
 line 160.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `expressions' on page 288 undefined on input line 160.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `instance-hierarchy-name-lookup-of-inner-declarations'
 on page 288 undefined on input line 163.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-the-graphical-user-interface' on page
 288 undefined on input line 164.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `interface-compatibility-or-subtyping' on page 288 und
efined on input line 168.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `type-compatible-expressions' on page 288 undefined on
 input line 171.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `inheritance-extends-clause' on page 288 undefined on 
input line 174.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `instantiation' on page 288 undefined on input line 17

LaTeX Warning: Reference `inheritance-extends-clause' on page 288 undefined on 
input line 178.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-on-the-kind-of-base-class' on page 288 u
ndefined on input line 181.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `merging-of-modifications' on page 288 undefined on in
put line 184.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `single-modification' on page 288 undefined on input l
ine 187.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `modifiers-for-array-elements' on page 288 undefined o
n input line 187.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `redeclaration' on page 288 undefined on input line 19

LaTeX Warning: Reference `redeclaration' on page 288 undefined on input line 19

LaTeX Warning: Reference `constraining-type' on page 288 undefined on input lin
e 193.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `the-class-extends-redeclaration-mechanism' on page 28
8 undefined on input line 196.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `constraining-type' on page 288 undefined on input lin
e 200.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `constraining-clause-annotations' on page 288 undefine
d on input line 203.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotation-choices-for-suggested-redeclarations-and-m
odifications' on page 288 undefined on input line 206.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `for-equations-repetitive-equation-structures' on page
 288 undefined on input line 209.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 288 undefined on 
input line 212.


LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm
' on page 289 undefined on input line 215.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm
' on page 289 undefined on input line 219.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `the-number-of-equations-needed-for-initialization' on
 page 289 undefined on input line 222.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 289 undefined on input
 line 226.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 289 undefined on input
 line 229.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 289 undefined on input
 line 232.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `generation-of-connection-equations' on page 289 undef
ined on input line 235.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-of-connections-and-connectors' on page 2
89 undefined on input line 238.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `balancing-restriction-and-size-of-connectors' on page
 289 undefined on input line 241.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `overconstrained-equation-operators-for-connection-gra
phs' on page 289 undefined on input line 244.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `an-overdetermined-connector-for-power-systems' on pag
e 289 undefined on input line 247.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `reduction-functions-and-operators' on page 289 undefi
ned on input line 250.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `reduction-functions-and-operators' on page 289 undefi
ned on input line 253.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `reduction-expressions' on page 289 undefined on input
 line 256.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `array-constructor-with-several-iterators' on page 289
 undefined on input line 259.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `vector-construction' on page 289 undefined on input l
ine 262.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `array-element-wise-addition-subtraction-and-string-co
ncatenation' on page 289 undefined on input line 265.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `array-indexing' on page 289 undefined on input line 2

LaTeX Warning: Reference `slice-operation' on page 289 undefined on input line 

LaTeX Warning: Reference `array-element-wise-division' on page 289 undefined on
 input line 272.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `execution-of-an-algorithm-in-a-model' on page 289 und
efined on input line 275.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `assignments-from-called-functions-with-multiple-resul
ts' on page 289 undefined on input line 279.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 289 undefine
d on input line 283.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 289 undefine
d on input line 287.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-and-declaration-assignments-of-compone
nts-in-functions' on page 289 undefined on input line 290.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 289 undefine
d on input line 294.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `function-partial-application' on page 289 undefined o
n input line 297.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-and-declaration-assignments-of-compone
nts-in-functions' on page 289 undefined on input line 301.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `flexible-array-sizes-and-resizing-of-arrays-in-functi
ons' on page 289 undefined on input line 304.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `record-constructor-functions' on page 289 undefined o
n input line 307.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `using-the-derivative-annotation' on page 289 undefine
d on input line 310.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-function-interface' on page 289 undefined on
 input line 322.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-function-interface' on page 289 undefined on
 input line 325.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `simple-types' on page 289 undefined on input line 329

LaTeX Warning: Reference `simple-types' on page 289 undefined on input line 332

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-external-libraries-and-include-files'
 on page 289 undefined on input line 335.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-external-libraries-and-include-files'
 on page 289 undefined on input line 339.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `utility-functions' on page 289 undefined on input lin
e 342.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-objects' on page 289 undefined on input line


LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-objects' on page 290 undefined on input line

LaTeX Warning: Reference `mapping-package-class-structures-to-a-hierarchical-fi
le-system' on page 290 undefined on input line 351.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `mapping-a-package-class-hierarchy-into-a-directory-hi
erarchy-structured-entity' on page 290 undefined on input line 354.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `mapping-a-package-class-hierarchy-into-a-single-file-
nonstructured-entity' on page 290 undefined on input line 357.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-resources' on page 290 undefined on input li
ne 360.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-resources' on page 290 undefined on input li
ne 364.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `stream-operator-instream-and-connection-equations' on
 page 290 undefined on input line 367.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `stream-operator-actualstream' on page 290 undefined o
n input line 370.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `clock-constructors' on page 290 undefined on input li
ne 373.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `solver-methods' on page 290 undefined on input line 3

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-graphical-objects' on page 290 undefi
ned on input line 380.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `common-definitions' on page 290 undefined on input li
ne 383.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `coordinate-systems' on page 290 undefined on input li
ne 386.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `coordinate-systems' on page 290 undefined on input li
ne 390.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `extends-clause' on page 290 undefined on input line 3

LaTeX Warning: Reference `graphical-primitives' on page 290 undefined on input 
line 393.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `graphical-properties' on page 290 undefined on input 
line 393.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `graphical-properties' on page 290 undefined on input 
line 396.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `connections' on page 290 undefined on input line 399.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `graphical-primitives' on page 290 undefined on input 
line 402.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `component-instance' on page 290 undefined on input li
ne 406.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `bitmap' on page 290 undefined on input line 406.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `line' on page 290 undefined on input line 409.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `text' on page 290 undefined on input line 412.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `text' on page 290 undefined on input line 415.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `text' on page 290 undefined on input line 418.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `mouse-input' on page 290 undefined on input line 421.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-the-graphical-user-interface' on page
 290 undefined on input line 424.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-the-graphical-user-interface' on page
 290 undefined on input line 427.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `the-syntax-of-unit-expressions' on page 290 undefined
 on input line 432.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `the-modelica-standard-library' on page 290 undefined 
on input line 435.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `the-modelica-standard-library' on page 290 undefined 
on input line 438.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `grammar' on page 290 undefined on input line 441.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `class-definition' on page 290 undefined on input line

LaTeX Warning: Reference `expressions' on page 290 undefined on input line 447.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `expressions' on page 290 undefined on input line 451.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `rationale-for-the-formulation-of-the-instream-operato
r' on page 290 undefined on input line 454.


LaTeX Warning: Reference `numeric-functions-and-conversion-functions' on page 2
91 undefined on input line 474.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `numeric-functions-and-conversion-functions' on page 2
91 undefined on input line 477.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `type-conversion-of-enumeration-values-to-string-or-in
teger' on page 291 undefined on input line 477.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `built-in-mathematical-functions-and-external-built-in
-functions' on page 291 undefined on input line 480.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `cardinality-deprecated' on page 291 undefined on inpu
t line 483.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `constant-expressions' on page 291 undefined on input 
line 486.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `prefix-rules' on page 291 undefined on input line 489

LaTeX Warning: Reference `acyclic-bindings-of-constants-and-parameters' on page
 291 undefined on input line 495.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `conditional-component-declaration' on page 291 undefi
ned on input line 498.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `class-declarations' on page 291 undefined on input li
ne 501.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `class-declarations' on page 291 undefined on input li
ne 504.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `short-class-definitions' on page 291 undefined on inp
ut line 507.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `specialized-classes' on page 291 undefined on input l
ine 510.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `assertionlevel' on page 291 undefined on input line 5

LaTeX Warning: Reference `enumeration-types' on page 291 undefined on input lin
e 517.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `implicit-iteration-ranges-of-for-equations' on page 2
91 undefined on input line 518.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `composite-name-lookup' on page 291 undefined on input
 line 521.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `modifications' on page 291 undefined on input line 52

LaTeX Warning: Reference `modifiers-for-array-elements' on page 291 undefined o
n input line 527.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `final-element-modification-prevention' on page 291 un
defined on input line 530.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `the-class-extends-redeclaration-mechanism' on page 29
1 undefined on input line 533.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `constraining-type' on page 291 undefined on input lin
e 536.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-on-redeclarations' on page 291 undefined
 on input line 540.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotation-choices-for-suggested-redeclarations-and-m
odifications' on page 291 undefined on input line 544.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-on-equations-within-when-equations' on p
age 291 undefined on input line 548.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-on-when-statements' on page 291 undefine
d on input line 549.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `reinit' on page 291 undefined on input line 552.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm
' on page 291 undefined on input line 552.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm
' on page 291 undefined on input line 555.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 291 undefined on input
 line 559.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 291 undefined on input
 line 562.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 291 undefined on input
 line 565.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-of-connections-and-connectors' on page 2
91 undefined on input line 568.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-of-connections-and-connectors' on page 2
91 undefined on input line 572.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `array-declarations' on page 291 undefined on input li
ne 575.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `array-dimension-and-size-functions' on page 291 undef
ined on input line 578.


LaTeX Warning: Reference `specialized-array-constructor-functions' on page 292 
undefined on input line 581.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `reduction-functions-and-operators' on page 292 undefi
ned on input line 584.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `array-constructor-with-iterators' on page 292 undefin
ed on input line 588.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `indexing-with-boolean-or-enumeration-values' on page 
292 undefined on input line 591.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 292 undefine
d on input line 594.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `positional-or-named-input-arguments-of-functions' on 
page 292 undefined on input line 598.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `function-partial-application' on page 292 undefined o
n input line 601.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-function-interface' on page 292 undefined on
 input line 604.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-function-interface' on page 292 undefined on
 input line 608.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `aliasing' on page 292 undefined on input line 611.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-external-libraries-and-include-files'
 on page 292 undefined on input line 614.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-objects' on page 292 undefined on input line

LaTeX Warning: Reference `overloaded-operators' on page 292 undefined on input 
line 620.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `overloaded-binary-operations' on page 292 undefined o
n input line 624.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `overloaded-binary-operations' on page 292 undefined o
n input line 629.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `clock-constructors' on page 292 undefined on input li
ne 632.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `sub-clock-conversion-operators' on page 292 undefined
 on input line 635.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `solver-methods' on page 292 undefined on input line 6

LaTeX Warning: Reference `state-machine-semantics' on page 292 undefined on inp
ut line 644.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `line' on page 292 undefined on input line 647.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-the-graphical-user-interface' on page
 292 undefined on input line 650.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `licensing' on page 292 undefined on input line 653.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 292 undefined on input l
ine 657.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `class-definition' on page 292 undefined on input line


LaTeX Warning: Reference `synchronous-language-elements' on page 293 undefined 
on input line 697.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `state-machines' on page 293 undefined on input line 6

LaTeX Warning: Reference `spatialdistribution' on page 293 undefined on input l
ine 702.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `getinstancename' on page 293 undefined on input line 

LaTeX Warning: Reference `composite-name-lookup' on page 293 undefined on input
 line 706.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm
' on page 293 undefined on input line 709.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `recommended-selection-of-start-values' on page 293 un
defined on input line 712.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 293 undefine
d on input line 714.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `pure-modelica-functions' on page 293 undefined on inp
ut line 717.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `external-objects' on page 293 undefined on input line

LaTeX Warning: Reference `interface-or-type-relationships' on page 293 undefine
d on input line 720.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `importing-definitions-from-a-package' on page 293 und
efined on input line 722.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-code-generation' on page 293 undefine
d on input line 728.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-simulation-experiments' on page 293 u
ndefined on input line 731.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotation-for-single-use-of-class' on page 293 undef
ined on input line 733.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `text' on page 293 undefined on input line 735.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-the-graphical-user-interface' on page
 293 undefined on input line 737.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `version-handling' on page 293 undefined on input line

LaTeX Warning: Reference `licensing' on page 293 undefined on input line 743.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `synchronous-language-elements' on page 293 undefined 
on input line 751.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `synchronous-language-elements' on page 293 undefined 
on input line 753.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `state-machines' on page 293 undefined on input line 7

LaTeX Warning: Reference `synchronous-language-elements' on page 293 undefined 
on input line 754.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `conditional-component-declaration' on page 293 undefi
ned on input line 764.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-of-connections-and-connectors' on page 2
93 undefined on input line 765.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `synchronous-language-elements' on page 293 undefined 
on input line 772.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `state-machines' on page 293 undefined on input line 7

[293] [294]

LaTeX Warning: Reference `synchronous-language-elements' on page 295 undefined 
on input line 858.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `state-machines' on page 295 undefined on input line 8

LaTeX Warning: Reference `composite-name-lookup' on page 295 undefined on input
 line 885.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `overconstrained-equation-operators-for-connection-gra
phs' on page 295 undefined on input line 893.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotation-choices-for-suggested-redeclarations-and-m
odifications' on page 295 undefined on input line 898.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-documentation' on page 295 undefined 
on input line 899.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-code-generation' on page 295 undefine
d on input line 899.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-simulation-experiments' on page 295 u
ndefined on input line 900.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `connections' on page 295 undefined on input line 900.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-the-graphical-user-interface' on page
 295 undefined on input line 900.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-code-generation' on page 295 undefine
d on input line 903.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `text' on page 295 undefined on input line 906.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `discrete-time-expressions' on page 295 undefined on i
nput line 911.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `using-the-derivative-annotation' on page 295 undefine
d on input line 914.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-the-graphical-user-interface' on page
 295 undefined on input line 919.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `access-control-public-and-protected-elements' on page
 295 undefined on input line 922.


LaTeX Warning: Reference `prefix-rules' on page 296 undefined on input line 931

LaTeX Warning: Reference `balanced-models' on page 296 undefined on input line 

LaTeX Warning: Reference `unspecified-enumeration' on page 296 undefined on inp
ut line 937.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `transitively-non-replaceable' on page 296 undefined o
n input line 940.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `modifications' on page 296 undefined on input line 94

LaTeX Warning: Reference `constraining-type' on page 296 undefined on input lin
e 947.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `constraining-type' on page 296 undefined on input lin
e 950.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `connect-equations' on page 296 undefined on input lin
e 954.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `if-equations' on page 296 undefined on input line 957

LaTeX Warning: Reference `reinit' on page 296 undefined on input line 960.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm
' on page 296 undefined on input line 966.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `connectors-and-connections' on page 296 undefined on 
input line 970.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `connect-equations-and-connectors' on page 296 undefin
ed on input line 972.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-of-connections-and-connectors' on page 2
96 undefined on input line 975.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `reduction-functions-and-operators' on page 296 undefi
ned on input line 978.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `matrix-and-vector-algebra-functions' on page 296 unde
fined on input line 979.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `execution-of-an-algorithm-in-a-model' on page 296 und
efined on input line 984.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `record-constructor-functions' on page 296 undefined o
n input line 988.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `mapping-a-package-class-hierarchy-into-a-single-file-
nonstructured-entity' on page 296 undefined on input line 991.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `the-within-clause' on page 296 undefined on input lin
e 992.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `mapping-of-versions-to-file-system' on page 296 undef
ined on input line 992.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `example-of-overloading-for-complex-numbers' on page 2
96 undefined on input line 998.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `licensing' on page 296 undefined on input line 1006.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `class-declarations' on page 296 undefined on input li
ne 1010.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `class-definition' on page 296 undefined on input line


LaTeX Warning: Reference `comments' on page 297 undefined on input line 1057.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `identifiers' on page 297 undefined on input line 1062

LaTeX Warning: Reference `built-in-variable-time' on page 297 undefined on inpu
t line 1065.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `built-in-mathematical-functions-and-external-built-in
-functions' on page 297 undefined on input line 1069.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-functio
n-syntax' on page 297 undefined on input line 1072.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `stream-connectors' on page 297 undefined on input lin
e 1074.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `event-related-operators-with-function-syntax' on page
 297 undefined on input line 1076.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `discrete-time-expressions' on page 297 undefined on i
nput line 1080.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `conditional-component-declaration' on page 297 undefi
ned on input line 1084.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `specialized-classes' on page 297 undefined on input l
ine 1087.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `enumeration-types' on page 297 undefined on input lin
e 1092.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `simultaneous-inner-outer-declarations' on page 297 un
defined on input line 1095.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `inheritance-extends-clause' on page 297 undefined on 
input line 1098.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `modifications' on page 297 undefined on input line 11

LaTeX Warning: Reference `redeclaration' on page 297 undefined on input line 11

LaTeX Warning: Reference `the-class-extends-redeclaration-mechanism' on page 29
7 undefined on input line 1110.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `reinit' on page 297 undefined on input line 1113.


LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm
' on page 298 undefined on input line 1116.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `reduction-expressions' on page 298 undefined on input
 line 1120.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `types-as-iteration-ranges' on page 298 undefined on i
nput line 1123.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 298 undefine
d on input line 1126.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `positional-or-named-input-arguments-of-functions' on 
page 298 undefined on input line 1130.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `initialization-and-declaration-assignments-of-compone
nts-in-functions' on page 298 undefined on input line 1133.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `records' on page 298 undefined on input line 1137.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `bitmap' on page 298 undefined on input line 1140.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 298 undefined on input l
ine 1143.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `grammar' on page 298 undefined on input line 1146.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-functio
n-syntax' on page 298 undefined on input line 1185.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `functional-input-arguments-to-functions' on page 298 
undefined on input line 1187.


LaTeX Warning: Reference `overloaded-operators' on page 299 undefined on input 
line 1189.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 299 undefined on input l
ine 1213.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `mapping-a-package-class-hierarchy-into-a-single-file-
nonstructured-entity' on page 299 undefined on input line 1216.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `constant-expressions' on page 299 undefined on input 
line 1220.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `global-name-lookup' on page 299 undefined on input li
ne 1223.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `utility-functions' on page 299 undefined on input lin
e 1226.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-external-libraries-and-include-files'
 on page 299 undefined on input line 1235.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-the-graphical-user-interface' on page
 299 undefined on input line 1239.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-the-graphical-user-interface' on page
 299 undefined on input line 1242.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-access-control-to-protect-intellectua
l-property' on page 299 undefined on input line 1245.

[299] [300] [301]

LaTeX Warning: Reference `modelica-keywords' on page 302 undefined on input lin
e 1479.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restriction-on-combining-base-classes-and-other-eleme
nts' on page 302 undefined on input line 1485.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `execution-of-an-algorithm-in-a-model' on page 302 und
efined on input line 1487.

[302] [303]

LaTeX Warning: Reference `interface-or-type-relationships' on page 304 undefine
d on input line 1690.

[304] [305]

LaTeX Warning: Reference `restrictions-of-connections-and-connectors' on page 3
06 undefined on input line 1812.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `balanced-models' on page 306 undefined on input line 


LaTeX Warning: Reference `vendor-specific-annotations' on page 307 undefined on
 input line 1885.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations' on page 307 undefined on input line 1888

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-documentation' on page 307 undefined 
on input line 1893.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-code-generation' on page 307 undefine
d on input line 1896.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-simulation-experiments' on page 307 u
ndefined on input line 1900.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-graphical-objects' on page 307 undefi
ned on input line 1904.

LaTeX Warning: Reference `annotations-for-graphical-objects' on page 307 undefi
ned on input line 1916.

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Appendix F.

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Latexmk: List of undefined refs and citations:
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  Reference `array-dimension-lower-and-upper-index-bounds' on page 15 undefined on input line 372
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  Reference `attributes-start-fixed-nominal-and-unbounded' on page 288 undefined on input line 150
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  Reference `built-in-intrinsic-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 287 undefined on input line 72
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  Reference `built-in-mathematical-functions-and-external-built-in-functions' on page 297 undefined on input line 1069
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  Reference `cardinality-deprecated' on page 27 undefined on input line 1332
  Reference `cardinality-deprecated' on page 291 undefined on input line 483
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  Reference `clock-constructors' on page 54 undefined on input line 1789
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  Reference `clock-partitioning' on page 219 undefined on input line 1445
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  Reference `clocked-discrete-time-and-clocked-discretized-continuous-time-partition' on page 21 undefined on input line 872
  Reference `clocked-discrete-time-and-clocked-discretized-continuous-time-partition' on page 287 undefined on input line 33
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  Reference `component-declarations' on page 269 undefined on input line 77
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  Reference `connect-equations-and-connectors' on page 34 undefined on input line 296
  Reference `connect-equations-and-connectors' on page 91 undefined on input line 166
  Reference `connections' on page 288 undefined on input line 154
  Reference `connections' on page 290 undefined on input line 399
  Reference `connections' on page 295 undefined on input line 900
  Reference `connectors-and-connections' on page 296 undefined on input line 970
  Reference `connectors-and-connections' on page 64 undefined on input line 764
  Reference `constant-expressions' on page 291 undefined on input line 486
  Reference `constant-expressions' on page 299 undefined on input line 1220
  Reference `constraining-clause-annotations' on page 235 undefined on input line 12
  Reference `constraining-clause-annotations' on page 288 undefined on input line 203
  Reference `constraining-type' on page 288 undefined on input line 193
  Reference `constraining-type' on page 288 undefined on input line 200
  Reference `constraining-type' on page 291 undefined on input line 536
  Reference `constraining-type' on page 296 undefined on input line 947
  Reference `constraining-type' on page 296 undefined on input line 950
  Reference `constraining-type' on page 68 undefined on input line 213
  Reference `constraining-type' on page 82 undefined on input line 630
  Reference `continuous-time-expressions' on page 202 undefined on input line 189
  Reference `continuous-time-expressions' on page 208 undefined on input line 616
  Reference `conversion-rules' on page 254 undefined on input line 1484
  Reference `coordinate-systems' on page 243 undefined on input line 624
  Reference `coordinate-systems' on page 290 undefined on input line 386
  Reference `coordinate-systems' on page 290 undefined on input line 390
  Reference `declaration-equations' on page 269 undefined on input line 93
  Reference `declaration-equations' on page 89 undefined on input line 14
  Reference `declaration-order-and-usage-before-declaration' on page 60 undefined on input line 377
  Reference `declaring-derivatives-of-functions' on page 61 undefined on input line 528
  Reference `declaring-inverses-of-functions' on page 263 undefined on input line 2165
  Reference `declaring-inverses-of-functions' on page 61 undefined on input line 528
  Reference `delay' on page 17 undefined on input line 591
  Reference `derivation-of-stream-equations' on page 194 undefined on input line 32
  Reference `derivation-of-stream-equations' on page 196 undefined on input line 201
  Reference `derivation-of-stream-equations' on page 197 undefined on input line 239
  Reference `derivation-of-stream-equations' on page 198 undefined on input line 359
  Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 15 undefined on input line 368
  Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 157 undefined on input line 960
  Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 23 undefined on input line 1013
  Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 287 undefined on input line 77
  Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 287 undefined on input line 80
  Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 287 undefined on input line 83
  Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 297 undefined on input line 1072
  Reference `derivative-and-special-purpose-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 298 undefined on input line 1185
  Reference `discrete-time-expressions' on page 13 undefined on input line 257
  Reference `discrete-time-expressions' on page 202 undefined on input line 188
  Reference `discrete-time-expressions' on page 202 undefined on input line 199
  Reference `discrete-time-expressions' on page 25 undefined on input line 1170
  Reference `discrete-time-expressions' on page 295 undefined on input line 911
  Reference `discrete-time-expressions' on page 297 undefined on input line 1080
  Reference `division-of-scalars-or-numeric-arrays-by-numeric-scalars' on page 73 undefined on input line 688
  Reference `ellipse' on page 241 undefined on input line 514
  Reference `ellipse' on page 287 undefined on input line 38
  Reference `enclosing-classes' on page 74 undefined on input line 26
  Reference `enum:exc-conn-case' on page 111 undefined on input line 630
  Reference `enumeration-types' on page 288 undefined on input line 146
  Reference `enumeration-types' on page 291 undefined on input line 517
  Reference `enumeration-types' on page 297 undefined on input line 1092
  Reference `enumeration-types' on page 31 undefined on input line 90
  Reference `enumeration-types' on page 32 undefined on input line 182
  Reference `eq:D1' on page 286 undefined on input line 252
  Reference `eq:D1' on page 286 undefined on input line 253
  Reference `eq:D2' on page 286 undefined on input line 252
  Reference `eq:D2a' on page 283 undefined on input line 109
  Reference `eq:D2b' on page 283 undefined on input line 114
  Reference `eq:crossing' on page 280 undefined on input line 84
  Reference `eq:dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 151
  Reference `eq:dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 153
  Reference `eq:dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 156
  Reference `eq:dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 78
  Reference `eq:dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 80
  Reference `eq:hydrid-dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 108
  Reference `eq:hydrid-dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 123
  Reference `eq:hydrid-dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 132
  Reference `eq:hydrid-dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 133
  Reference `eq:hydrid-dae' on page 280 undefined on input line 91
  Reference `equality-and-assignment' on page 12 undefined on input line 201
  Reference `equality-relational-and-logical-operators' on page 135 undefined on input line 1208
  Reference `equation-categories' on page 268 undefined on input line 51
  Reference `equation-operators-for-overconstrained-connection-based-equation-systems' on page 53 undefined on input line 1778
  Reference `equation-operators-for-overconstrained-connection-based-equation-systems' on page 91 undefined on input line 170
  Reference `equation-operators-for-overconstrained-connection-based-equation-systems' on page 96 undefined on input line 560
  Reference `equations' on page 12 undefined on input line 201
  Reference `equations' on page 137 undefined on input line 19
  Reference `equations' on page 269 undefined on input line 122
  Reference `equations-in-equation-sections' on page 89 undefined on input line 11
  Reference `evaluation-order' on page 135 undefined on input line 1216
  Reference `evaluation-order' on page 14 undefined on input line 300
  Reference `event-related-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 15 undefined on input line 370
  Reference `event-related-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 157 undefined on input line 962
  Reference `event-related-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 201 undefined on input line 95
  Reference `event-related-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 208 undefined on input line 638
  Reference `event-related-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 216 undefined on input line 1169
  Reference `event-related-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 288 undefined on input line 94
  Reference `event-related-operators-with-function-syntax' on page 297 undefined on input line 1076
  Reference `event-triggering-mathematical-functions' on page 15 undefined on input line 388
  Reference `event-triggering-mathematical-functions' on page 216 undefined on input line 1184
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 13 undefined on input line 251
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 25 undefined on input line 1138
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 26 undefined on input line 1228
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 269 undefined on input line 127
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 28 undefined on input line 1369
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 280 undefined on input line 87
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 288 undefined on input line 212
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 35 undefined on input line 367
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 35 undefined on input line 384
  Reference `events-and-synchronization' on page 35 undefined on input line 389
  Reference `example-of-overloading-for-complex-numbers' on page 296 undefined on input line 998
  Reference `execution-of-an-algorithm-in-a-model' on page 289 undefined on input line 275
  Reference `execution-of-an-algorithm-in-a-model' on page 296 undefined on input line 984
  Reference `execution-of-an-algorithm-in-a-model' on page 302 undefined on input line 1487
  Reference `execution-of-an-algorithm-in-a-model' on page 99 undefined on input line 781
  Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 289 undefined on input line 226
  Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 289 undefined on input line 229
  Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 289 undefined on input line 232
  Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 291 undefined on input line 559
  Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 291 undefined on input line 562
  Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 291 undefined on input line 565
  Reference `expandable-connectors' on page 64 undefined on input line 765
  Reference `explicit-iteration-ranges-of-for-equations' on page 139 undefined on input line 192
  Reference `exponentiation-of-scalars-of-numeric-elements' on page 73 undefined on input line 687
  Reference `expressions' on page 288 undefined on input line 160
  Reference `expressions' on page 290 undefined on input line 447
  Reference `expressions' on page 290 undefined on input line 451
  Reference `extends-clause' on page 240 undefined on input line 441
  Reference `extends-clause' on page 290 undefined on input line 390
  Reference `external-function-interface' on page 145 undefined on input line 11
  Reference `external-function-interface' on page 289 undefined on input line 322
  Reference `external-function-interface' on page 289 undefined on input line 325
  Reference `external-function-interface' on page 292 undefined on input line 604
  Reference `external-function-interface' on page 292 undefined on input line 608
  Reference `external-function-interface' on page 61 undefined on input line 528
  Reference `external-objects' on page 178 undefined on input line 2522
  Reference `external-objects' on page 289 undefined on input line 345
  Reference `external-objects' on page 290 undefined on input line 348
  Reference `external-objects' on page 292 undefined on input line 617
  Reference `external-objects' on page 293 undefined on input line 719
  Reference `external-objects' on page 33 undefined on input line 235
  Reference `external-objects' on page 53 undefined on input line 1764
  Reference `external-objects' on page 67 undefined on input line 194
  Reference `external-objects' on page 69 undefined on input line 342
  Reference `external-resources' on page 173 undefined on input line 2184
  Reference `external-resources' on page 173 undefined on input line 2190
  Reference `external-resources' on page 235 undefined on input line 56
  Reference `external-resources' on page 235 undefined on input line 58
  Reference `external-resources' on page 247 undefined on input line 914
  Reference `external-resources' on page 251 undefined on input line 1222
  Reference `external-resources' on page 290 undefined on input line 360
  Reference `external-resources' on page 290 undefined on input line 364
  Reference `fig:roots' on page 185 undefined on input line 340
  Reference `fig:roots' on page 185 undefined on input line 354
  Reference `final-element-modification-prevention' on page 291 undefined on input line 530
  Reference `flattening-process' on page 269 undefined on input line 140
  Reference `flattening-process' on page 270 undefined on input line 205
  Reference `flattening-process' on page 287 undefined on input line 22
  Reference `flexible-array-sizes-and-resizing-of-arrays-in-functions' on page 120 undefined on input line 53
  Reference `flexible-array-sizes-and-resizing-of-arrays-in-functions' on page 122 undefined on input line 203
  Reference `flexible-array-sizes-and-resizing-of-arrays-in-functions' on page 147 undefined on input line 228
  Reference `flexible-array-sizes-and-resizing-of-arrays-in-functions' on page 289 undefined on input line 304
  Reference `for-equations-repetitive-equation-structures' on page 288 undefined on input line 209
  Reference `for-equations-repetitive-equation-structures' on page 56 undefined on input line 74
  Reference `for-statement' on page 56 undefined on input line 74
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 145 undefined on input line 7
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 155 undefined on input line 796
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 155 undefined on input line 803
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 288 undefined on input line 125
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 289 undefined on input line 283
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 289 undefined on input line 287
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 289 undefined on input line 294
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 292 undefined on input line 594
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 293 undefined on input line 714
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 298 undefined on input line 1126
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 33 undefined on input line 203
  Reference `function-as-a-specialized-class' on page 41 undefined on input line 829
  Reference `function-call' on page 146 undefined on input line 85
  Reference `function-call' on page 147 undefined on input line 195
  Reference `function-call' on page 33 undefined on input line 263
  Reference `function-compatibility-or-function-subtyping-for-functions' on page 151 undefined on input line 539
  Reference `function-compatibility-or-function-subtyping-for-functions' on page 152 undefined on input line 592
  Reference `function-compatibility-or-function-subtyping-for-functions' on page 269 undefined on input line 148
  Reference `function-compatibility-or-function-subtyping-for-functions' on page 70 undefined on input line 432
  Reference `function-partial-application' on page 151 undefined on input line 530
  Reference `function-partial-application' on page 151 undefined on input line 535
  Reference `function-partial-application' on page 289 undefined on input line 297
  Reference `function-partial-application' on page 292 undefined on input line 601
  Reference `function-return-statements' on page 142 undefined on input line 357
  Reference `functional-input-arguments-to-functions' on page 147 undefined on input line 202
  Reference `functional-input-arguments-to-functions' on page 298 undefined on input line 1187
  Reference `functional-input-arguments-to-functions' on page 33 undefined on input line 229
  Reference `functions' on page 269 undefined on input line 142
  Reference `generation-of-connection-equations' on page 105 undefined on input line 163
  Reference `generation-of-connection-equations' on page 116 undefined on input line 992
  Reference `generation-of-connection-equations' on page 116 undefined on input line 995
  Reference `generation-of-connection-equations' on page 196 undefined on input line 152
  Reference `generation-of-connection-equations' on page 279 undefined on input line 17
  Reference `generation-of-connection-equations' on page 289 undefined on input line 235
  Reference `generation-of-connection-equations' on page 64 undefined on input line 765
  Reference `getinstancename' on page 17 undefined on input line 669
  Reference `getinstancename' on page 293 undefined on input line 704
  Reference `global-name-lookup' on page 299 undefined on input line 1223
  Reference `glossary' on page 5 undefined on input line 97
  Reference `grammar' on page 290 undefined on input line 441
  Reference `grammar' on page 298 undefined on input line 1146
  Reference `graphical-primitives' on page 290 undefined on input line 393
  Reference `graphical-primitives' on page 290 undefined on input line 402
  Reference `graphical-properties' on page 290 undefined on input line 393
  Reference `graphical-properties' on page 290 undefined on input line 396
  Reference `homotopy' on page 17 undefined on input line 622
  Reference `identifiers' on page 287 undefined on input line 62
  Reference `identifiers' on page 287 undefined on input line 69
  Reference `identifiers' on page 297 undefined on input line 1062
  Reference `identifiers-names-and-keywords' on page 269 undefined on input line 151
  Reference `if-equations' on page 296 undefined on input line 957
  Reference `implicit-iteration-ranges' on page 125 undefined on input line 467
  Reference `implicit-iteration-ranges' on page 127 undefined on input line 599
  Reference `implicit-iteration-ranges' on page 91 undefined on input line 143
  Reference `implicit-iteration-ranges-of-for-equations' on page 291 undefined on input line 518
  Reference `importing-definitions-from-a-package' on page 293 undefined on input line 722
  Reference `indexing-with-boolean-or-enumeration-values' on page 292 undefined on input line 591
  Reference `inheritance-extends-clause' on page 268 undefined on input line 47
  Reference `inheritance-extends-clause' on page 288 undefined on input line 174
  Reference `inheritance-extends-clause' on page 288 undefined on input line 178
  Reference `inheritance-extends-clause' on page 297 undefined on input line 1098
  Reference `inheritance-interface-or-class-type' on page 268 undefined on input line 65
  Reference `inheritance-interface-or-class-type' on page 270 undefined on input line 160
  Reference `inheritance-modification-and-redeclaration' on page 146 undefined on input line 115
  Reference `inheritance-modification-and-redeclaration' on page 269 undefined on input line 135
  Reference `inheritance-modification-and-redeclaration' on page 269 undefined on input line 96
  Reference `inheritance-of-protected-and-public-elements' on page 31 undefined on input line 51
  Reference `initialization-and-binding-equations-of-components-in-functions' on page 10 undefined on input line 34
  Reference `initialization-and-binding-equations-of-components-in-functions' on page 138 undefined on input line 76
  Reference `initialization-and-binding-equations-of-components-in-functions' on page 147 undefined on input line 183
  Reference `initialization-and-binding-equations-of-components-in-functions' on page 147 undefined on input line 185
  Reference `initialization-and-binding-equations-of-components-in-functions' on page 147 undefined on input line 212
  Reference `initialization-and-binding-equations-of-components-in-functions' on page 268 undefined on input line 54
  Reference `initialization-and-declaration-assignments-of-components-in-functions' on page 289 undefined on input line 290
  Reference `initialization-and-declaration-assignments-of-components-in-functions' on page 289 undefined on input line 301
  Reference `initialization-and-declaration-assignments-of-components-in-functions' on page 298 undefined on input line 1133
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 101 undefined on input line 969
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 137 undefined on input line 24
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 279 undefined on input line 71
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 289 undefined on input line 215
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 289 undefined on input line 219
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 291 undefined on input line 552
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 291 undefined on input line 555
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 293 undefined on input line 709
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 296 undefined on input line 966
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 298 undefined on input line 1116
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 35 undefined on input line 368
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 89 undefined on input line 23
  Reference `initialization-initial-equation-and-initial-algorithm' on page 94 undefined on input line 435
  Reference `initialization-of-clocked-partitions' on page 205 undefined on input line 472
  Reference `initialization-of-clocked-partitions' on page 208 undefined on input line 599
  Reference `initialization-of-clocked-partitions' on page 208 undefined on input line 650
  Reference `initialization-of-clocked-partitions' on page 209 undefined on input line 796
  Reference `initialization-of-clocked-partitions' on page 287 undefined on input line 34
  Reference `inside-and-outside-connectors' on page 194 undefined on input line 49
  Reference `inside-and-outside-connectors' on page 194 undefined on input line 55
  Reference `inside-and-outside-connectors' on page 195 undefined on input line 105
  Reference `instance-hierarchy-name-lookup-of-inner-declarations' on page 108 undefined on input line 377
  Reference `instance-hierarchy-name-lookup-of-inner-declarations' on page 249 undefined on input line 1089
  Reference `instance-hierarchy-name-lookup-of-inner-declarations' on page 288 undefined on input line 163
  Reference `instance-hierarchy-name-lookup-of-inner-declarations' on page 63 undefined on input line 668
  Reference `instance-hierarchy-name-lookup-of-inner-declarations' on page 65 undefined on input line 6
  Reference `instance-hierarchy-name-lookup-of-inner-declarations' on page 78 undefined on input line 347
  Reference `instantiation' on page 288 undefined on input line 177
  Reference `interface-compatibility-or-subtyping' on page 271 undefined on input line 251
  Reference `interface-compatibility-or-subtyping' on page 271 undefined on input line 254
  Reference `interface-compatibility-or-subtyping' on page 288 undefined on input line 168
  Reference `interface-compatibility-or-subtyping' on page 37 undefined on input line 539
  Reference `interface-compatibility-or-subtyping' on page 65 undefined on input line 11
  Reference `interface-compatibility-or-subtyping' on page 87 undefined on input line 1043
  Reference `interface-or-type' on page 270 undefined on input line 174
  Reference `interface-or-type' on page 271 undefined on input line 264
  Reference `interface-or-type' on page 66 undefined on input line 104
  Reference `interface-or-type' on page 66 undefined on input line 109
  Reference `interface-or-type-relationships' on page 186 undefined on input line 56
  Reference `interface-or-type-relationships' on page 293 undefined on input line 720
  Reference `interface-or-type-relationships' on page 304 undefined on input line 1690
  Reference `interface-or-type-relationships' on page 41 undefined on input line 850
  Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 292 undefined on input line 657
  Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 298 undefined on input line 1143
  Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 299 undefined on input line 1213
  Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 5 undefined on input line 121
  Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 6 undefined on input line 20
  Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 7 undefined on input line 111
  Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 8 undefined on input line 140
  Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 8 undefined on input line 177
  Reference `lexical-conventions' on page 9 undefined on input line 244
  Reference `licensing' on page 292 undefined on input line 653
  Reference `licensing' on page 293 undefined on input line 743
  Reference `licensing' on page 296 undefined on input line 1006
  Reference `line' on page 290 undefined on input line 409
  Reference `line' on page 292 undefined on input line 647
  Reference `literal-constants' on page 270 undefined on input line 177
  Reference `local-class-definitions-nested-classes' on page 288 undefined on input line 112
  Reference `lookup-of-imported-names' on page 57 undefined on input line 169
  Reference `mapping-a-package-class-hierarchy-into-a-directory-hierarchy-structured-entity' on page 290 undefined on input line 354
  Reference `mapping-a-package-class-hierarchy-into-a-single-file-nonstructured-entity' on page 290 undefined on input line 357
  Reference `mapping-a-package-class-hierarchy-into-a-single-file-nonstructured-entity' on page 296 undefined on input line 991
  Reference `mapping-a-package-class-hierarchy-into-a-single-file-nonstructured-entity' on page 299 undefined on input line 1216
  Reference `mapping-of-versions-to-file-system' on page 182 undefined on input line 152
  Reference `mapping-of-versions-to-file-system' on page 296 undefined on input line 992
  Reference `mapping-package-class-structures-to-a-hierarchical-file-system' on page 272 undefined on input line 33
  Reference `mapping-package-class-structures-to-a-hierarchical-file-system' on page 290 undefined on input line 351
  Reference `mapping-package-class-structures-to-a-hierarchical-file-system' on page 55 undefined on input line 19
  Reference `matrix-and-vector-algebra-functions' on page 123 undefined on input line 228
  Reference `matrix-and-vector-algebra-functions' on page 296 undefined on input line 979
  Reference `matrix-and-vector-multiplication-of-numeric-arrays' on page 189 undefined on input line 265
  Reference `merging-of-modifications' on page 288 undefined on input line 184
  Reference `merging-of-modifications' on page 60 undefined on input line 430
  Reference `merging-of-modifications' on page 64 undefined on input line 710
  Reference `merging-variable-definitions' on page 229 undefined on input line 451
  Reference `modelica-3-4' on page 2 undefined on input line 44
  Reference `modelica-concrete-syntax' on page 10 undefined on input line 28
  Reference `modelica-concrete-syntax' on page 10 undefined on input line 45
  Reference `modelica-concrete-syntax' on page 10 undefined on input line 5
  Reference `modelica-concrete-syntax' on page 5 undefined on input line 129
  Reference `modelica-concrete-syntax' on page 6 undefined on input line 14
  Reference `modelica-concrete-syntax' on page 7 undefined on input line 88
  Reference `modelica-dae-representation' on page 43 undefined on input line 1011
  Reference `modelica-keywords' on page 302 undefined on input line 1479
  Reference `modelica-revision-history' on page 1 undefined on input line 50
  Reference `modification' on page 78 undefined on input line 337
  Reference `modification-environment' on page 270 undefined on input line 188
  Reference `modification-environment' on page 55 undefined on input line 9
  Reference `modification-environment' on page 56 undefined on input line 123
  Reference `modification-environment' on page 57 undefined on input line 154
  Reference `modifications' on page 269 undefined on input line 105
  Reference `modifications' on page 270 undefined on input line 184
  Reference `modifications' on page 291 undefined on input line 524
  Reference `modifications' on page 296 undefined on input line 944
  Reference `modifications' on page 297 undefined on input line 1105
  Reference `modifications' on page 89 undefined on input line 17
  Reference `modifiers-for-array-elements' on page 288 undefined on input line 187
  Reference `modifiers-for-array-elements' on page 291 undefined on input line 527
  Reference `mouse-input' on page 290 undefined on input line 421
  Reference `names' on page 270 undefined on input line 192
  Reference `nested-for-loops-and-reduction-expressions-with-multiple-iterators' on page 139 undefined on input line 180
  Reference `nested-for-loops-and-reduction-expressions-with-multiple-iterators' on page 90 undefined on input line 91
  Reference `noevent-and-smooth' on page 25 undefined on input line 1138
  Reference `noevent-and-smooth' on page 25 undefined on input line 1149
  Reference `noevent-and-smooth' on page 288 undefined on input line 91
  Reference `notation-and-grammar' on page 287 undefined on input line 59
  Reference `numeric-functions-and-conversion-functions' on page 15 undefined on input line 364
  Reference `numeric-functions-and-conversion-functions' on page 157 undefined on input line 957
  Reference `numeric-functions-and-conversion-functions' on page 291 undefined on input line 474
  Reference `numeric-functions-and-conversion-functions' on page 291 undefined on input line 477
  Reference `numeric-functions-and-conversion-functions' on page 52 undefined on input line 1670
  Reference `operator-precedence-and-associativity' on page 10 undefined on input line 27
  Reference `operator-precedence-and-associativity' on page 186 undefined on input line 59
  Reference `operator-precedence-and-associativity' on page 9 undefined on input line 245
  Reference `operators-and-expressions' on page 269 undefined on input line 131
  Reference `other-operators' on page 287 undefined on input line 34
  Reference `output-formal-parameters-of-functions' on page 31 undefined on input line 86
  Reference `overconstrained-equation-operators-for-connection-graphs' on page 112 undefined on input line 670
  Reference `overconstrained-equation-operators-for-connection-graphs' on page 289 undefined on input line 244
  Reference `overconstrained-equation-operators-for-connection-graphs' on page 295 undefined on input line 893
  Reference `overloaded-binary-operations' on page 186 undefined on input line 28
  Reference `overloaded-binary-operations' on page 292 undefined on input line 624
  Reference `overloaded-binary-operations' on page 292 undefined on input line 629
  Reference `overloaded-constructors' on page 186 undefined on input line 24
  Reference `overloaded-operators' on page 270 undefined on input line 195
  Reference `overloaded-operators' on page 292 undefined on input line 620
  Reference `overloaded-operators' on page 299 undefined on input line 1189
  Reference `overloaded-operators' on page 41 undefined on input line 856
  Reference `overloaded-operators' on page 41 undefined on input line 865
  Reference `overloaded-operators' on page 67 undefined on input line 194
  Reference `overloaded-operators' on page 69 undefined on input line 337
  Reference `overloaded-string-conversions' on page 186 undefined on input line 26
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  Reference `packages' on page 7 undefined on input line 106
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  Reference `partitioning-operators' on page 213 undefined on input line 922
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  Reference `plug-compatibility-or-restricted-subtyping' on page 270 undefined on input line 233
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  Reference `plug-compatibility-or-restricted-subtyping' on page 70 undefined on input line 441
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  Reference `positional-or-named-input-arguments-of-functions' on page 12 undefined on input line 202
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  Reference `positional-or-named-input-arguments-of-functions' on page 155 undefined on input line 787
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  Reference `positional-or-named-input-arguments-of-functions' on page 292 undefined on input line 598
  Reference `positional-or-named-input-arguments-of-functions' on page 298 undefined on input line 1130
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  Reference `positional-or-named-input-arguments-of-functions' on page 64 undefined on input line 742
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  Reference `predefined-types-and-classes' on page 270 undefined on input line 220
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  Reference `predefined-types-and-classes' on page 288 undefined on input line 134
  Reference `predefined-types-and-classes' on page 66 undefined on input line 102
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  Reference `prefix-rules' on page 288 undefined on input line 103
  Reference `prefix-rules' on page 291 undefined on input line 489
  Reference `prefix-rules' on page 296 undefined on input line 931
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  Reference `pure-modelica-functions' on page 293 undefined on input line 717
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  Reference `real-type' on page 288 undefined on input line 137
  Reference `real-type' on page 288 undefined on input line 140
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  Reference `restriction-on-combining-base-classes-and-other-elements' on page 39 undefined on input line 687
  Reference `restriction-on-combining-base-classes-and-other-elements' on page 39 undefined on input line 718
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  Reference `restrictions-on-base-classes-and-constraining-types-to-be-transitively-non-replaceable' on page 68 undefined on input line 253
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  Reference `restrictions-on-the-kind-of-base-class' on page 288 undefined on input line 181
  Reference `restrictions-on-the-kind-of-base-class' on page 40 undefined on input line 805
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  Reference `the-class-extends-redeclaration-mechanism' on page 297 undefined on input line 1110
  Reference `the-class-extends-redeclaration-mechanism' on page 68 undefined on input line 256
  Reference `the-class-tree' on page 56 undefined on input line 68
  Reference `the-concepts-of-type-interface-and-subtype' on page 65 undefined on input line 11
  Reference `the-concepts-of-type-interface-and-subtype' on page 65 undefined on input line 12
  Reference `the-modelica-standard-library' on page 290 undefined on input line 435
  Reference `the-modelica-standard-library' on page 290 undefined on input line 438
  Reference `the-number-of-equations-needed-for-initialization' on page 289 undefined on input line 222
  Reference `the-syntax-of-unit-expressions' on page 290 undefined on input line 432
  Reference `the-within-clause' on page 296 undefined on input line 992
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  Reference `transitively-non-replaceable' on page 296 undefined on input line 940
  Reference `transitively-non-replaceable' on page 67 undefined on input line 158
  Reference `transitively-non-replaceable' on page 68 undefined on input line 273
  Reference `transitively-non-replaceable' on page 69 undefined on input line 347
  Reference `transitively-non-replaceable' on page 77 undefined on input line 247
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  Reference `type-compatible-expressions' on page 128 undefined on input line 646
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  Reference `type-compatible-expressions' on page 288 undefined on input line 171
  Reference `type-compatible-expressions' on page 77 undefined on input line 279
  Reference `type-compatible-expressions' on page 90 undefined on input line 65
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  Reference `type-conversion-of-enumeration-values-to-string-or-integer' on page 15 undefined on input line 424
  Reference `type-conversion-of-enumeration-values-to-string-or-integer' on page 291 undefined on input line 477
  Reference `type-conversion-of-enumeration-values-to-string-or-integer' on page 52 undefined on input line 1677
  Reference `type-conversion-of-integer-to-enumeration-values' on page 15 undefined on input line 409
  Reference `type-conversion-of-integer-to-enumeration-values' on page 150 undefined on input line 410
  Reference `type-conversion-of-integer-to-enumeration-values' on page 287 undefined on input line 26
  Reference `type-conversion-of-integer-to-enumeration-values' on page 56 undefined on input line 59
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  Reference `types-as-iteration-ranges' on page 127 undefined on input line 600
  Reference `types-as-iteration-ranges' on page 298 undefined on input line 1123
  Reference `types-as-iteration-ranges' on page 50 undefined on input line 1555
  Reference `types-as-iteration-ranges' on page 90 undefined on input line 112
  Reference `unspecified-enumeration' on page 296 undefined on input line 937
  Reference `using-the-derivative-annotation' on page 161 undefined on input line 1234
  Reference `using-the-derivative-annotation' on page 263 undefined on input line 2161
  Reference `using-the-derivative-annotation' on page 287 undefined on input line 42
  Reference `using-the-derivative-annotation' on page 289 undefined on input line 310
  Reference `using-the-derivative-annotation' on page 295 undefined on input line 914
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  Reference `utility-functions' on page 299 undefined on input line 1226
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  Reference `variability-of-expressions' on page 216 undefined on input line 1153
  Reference `variability-of-expressions' on page 271 undefined on input line 280
  Reference `variability-of-expressions' on page 35 undefined on input line 412
  Reference `variability-of-expressions' on page 35 undefined on input line 416
  Reference `variability-of-structured-entities' on page 33 undefined on input line 248
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  Reference `vector-matrix-and-array-constructors' on page 125 undefined on input line 461
  Reference `vector-matrix-and-array-constructors' on page 13 undefined on input line 277
  Reference `vector-matrix-and-array-constructors' on page 268 undefined on input line 24
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  Reference `vectorized-calls-of-functions' on page 17 undefined on input line 592
  Reference `vectorized-calls-of-functions' on page 17 undefined on input line 636
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  Reference `vendor-specific-annotations' on page 307 undefined on input line 1885
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  Reference `when-equations' on page 279 undefined on input line 58
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Chapter 1.
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Chapter 3.

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Chapter 5.
[57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65]) (./chapters/interface.tex
Chapter 6.
[67] (/usr/local/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/omscmr.fd) [68] [69 <./media
/subtype.pdf>] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74]) (./chapters/inheritance.tex [75]
Chapter 7.
[76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82]

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmss/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `OMS/cmsy/m/n' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textbraceleft' on input line 589.

[83] [84] [85] [86]
Overfull \hbox (70.48387pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 845--848
[]\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 To de-tect this is-sue the rule on lookup of com-pos-ite nam
es ([][]sec-tion 5.3.2[][][]) en-sures that []
[87] [88] [89]) (./chapters/equations.tex [90]
Chapter 8.
[91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103])
(./chapters/connectors.tex [104]
Chapter 9.
[105] [106 <./media/innerouterconnector.pdf>] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111]
[112] [113] [114] [115] [116]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 895--895

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Underfull \hbox (badness 1052) in paragraph at lines 941--948
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 the first ar-gu-ment of [][][][]). In that case

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 949--952
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 [\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 This op-er-a-tor can be used to avoid equa-

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 949--952
\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 tion sys-tems by pro-vid-ing an-a-lytic in-verses, see
[117] [118] [119 <./media/overdetermined.pdf>] [120]) (./chapters/arrays.tex
Chapter 10.
Overfull \vbox (2.42628pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
[123] [124]
Overfull \vbox (3.0248pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (25.60732pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 395--400
[126] [127]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 514--515

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 522--523
[128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [137])
(./chapters/statements.tex [138]
Chapter 11.
[139] [140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145]) (./chapters/functions.tex [146]
Chapter 12.

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OML/cmtt/m/it' undefined
(Font)              using `OML/cmm/m/it' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textless' on input line 29.

[147] [148] [149] [150] [151] [152] [153] [154] [155] [156] [157] [158]
[159] [160] [161] [162] [163] [164] [165] [166] [167] [168] [169] [170]
(/usr/local/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/listings/lstlang1.sty) [171] [172]

Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed
(longtable)                in table 12.5 on input line 2075.

[174] [175] [176] [177] [178]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 2495--2496
\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 ModelicaDuplicateStringWithErrorReturn(const
[179] [180] [181]) (./chapters/packages.tex [182]
Chapter 13.
[183] [184] [185]
Overfull \hbox (54.00316pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 295--302
\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 ref-er-ence [] must also re-fer to a dif-fer-ent re-source tha
n [].\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ] 

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmss/m/it' undefined
(Font)              using `OMS/cmss/m/n' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textbackslash' on input line 340.

) (./chapters/overloaded.tex [187 <./media/modelicapath.pdf>]
Chapter 14.
[188] [189] [190] [191] [192] [193] [194]) (./chapters/stream.tex [195]
Chapter 15.
[196] [197] [198 <./media/fluidsystem.pdf>]

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmtt/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `OMS/cmsy/m/n' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textbar' on input line 257.

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OML/cmtt/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `OML/cmtt/m/it' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textgreater' on input line 257.

[199] [200]) (./chapters/synchronous.tex [201] [202]
Chapter 16.

Overfull \hbox (52.92856pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 21--22
[203 <./media/plantmodel.pdf>] [204]
Overfull \hbox (17.64514pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 198--199

Overfull \hbox (3.46408pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 197--199

Overfull \hbox (3.46408pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 199--210

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Overfull \hbox (3.46408pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 231--233

Overfull \hbox (3.46408pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 234--251

Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed
(longtable)                in table 16.1 on input line 252.

[206 <./media/piecewise.pdf> <./media/clock.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./media/clock.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs
 with page group included in a single page
> <./media/clocked.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./media/clocked.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pd
fs with page group included in a single page
>] [207] [208] [209] [210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215] [216] [217] [218]
[219] [220] [221] [222] [223] [224]) (./chapters/statemachines.tex [225]
Chapter 17.
[226] [227] [228 <./media/statemachine.png>] [229] [230] [231] [232] [233 <./me
dia/statemachine2.png>] [234] [235 <./media/statemachineplot.png>] [236])
(./chapters/annotations.tex [237]
Chapter 18.
Underfull \hbox (badness 2088) in paragraph at lines 145--148
[][][][][] \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 is for ex-am-ple used in the con-nec-tors of the

Overfull \hbox (11.74738pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 201--202
[239] [240] [241] [242] [243] [244 <./media/bezierpoints.png>] [245] [246]
Overfull \hbox (56.4463pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 812--814
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 The de-fault clo-sure is [][][][] when [][][][] is 0 and [][]
[][] is 360, or []
[248] [249] [250] [251] [252] [253] [254] [255 <./media/disabledparameter.png> 
<./media/tabparameter.png>] [256] [257] [258] [259]
Overfull \hbox (71.66058pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1719--1720

Overfull \hbox (83.00055pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1728--1729
Overfull \hbox (60.32062pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1741--1742
[261] [262] [263] [264] [265] [266]) (./chapters/unitexpressions.tex [267]
Chapter 19.
[268]) (./chapters/library.tex [269]
Chapter 20.
) (./chapters/glossary.tex [270]
Appendix A.
[271] [272] [273]) (./chapters/syntax.tex [274]
Appendix B.
[275] [276] [277] [278] [279] [280]) (./chapters/dae.tex [281]
Appendix C.
[282]) [283] (./chapters/derivationofstream.tex [284]
Appendix D.
[285] [286 <./media/fluidmix.png>] [287 <./media/fluidmix3.png>] [288 <./media/
fluidmix4.png>]) (./chapters/revisions.tex [289]
Appendix E.
[290] [291] [292] [293] [294] [295] [296] [297] [298] [299] [300] [301]
[302] [303] [304] [305] [306] [307] [308] [309] [310] [311] [312] [313]
[314] [315] [316] [317]) (./chapters/literature.tex [318]
Appendix F.

Package longtable Warning: Table widths have changed. Rerun LaTeX.

[319] (./MLS.aux)

LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.

LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.

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Rule 'pdflatex': File changes, etc:
   Changed files, or newly in use since previous run(s):
Run number 3 of rule 'pdflatex'
Running 'pdflatex  -recorder  "MLS.tex"'
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Latexmk: applying rule 'pdflatex'...
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
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(/usr/local/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/inputenc.sty) (./preamble.tex
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.

Package tocloft Warning: \@starttoc has already been redefined; tocloft bailing
 out. on input line 1156.

) (/usr/local/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/geometry/geometry.sty
*geometry* driver: auto-detecting
*geometry* detected driver: pdftex
[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
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(./MLS.out) (./MLS.out) [1{/usr/local/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.
map} <./media/Modelica_Language.pdf>] (./chapters/abstract.tex

Package hyperref Warning: Option `destlabel' has already been used,
(hyperref)                setting the option has no effect on input line 6.

[1] (./MLS.tocpdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name
{page.1}) has been already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again> 
l.102 ...{5.6}Flattening Process}{62}{section.5.6}
                                                  % [1]

Package Fancyhdr Warning: \headheight is too small (12.0pt): 
Make it at least 28.98978pt.
We now make it that large for the rest of the document.
This may cause the page layout to be inconsistent, however.

[2])) (./chapters/preface.tex [3]) (./chapters/introduction.tex [4 <./media/ima
ge2.png>] [5]
Chapter 1.
Overfull \hbox (132.50096pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 94--118
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 glos-sary in [][]Ap-pendix A[][][]. Some im-por-tant terms are:
) (./chapters/lexicalstructure.tex [7]
Chapter 2.
(/usr/local/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ts1cmss.fd) [8]
Overfull \vbox (9.01918pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
[9] [10]) (./chapters/operatorsandexpressions.tex [11]
Chapter 3.

Overfull \hbox (28.45276pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 63--67

Overfull \hbox (28.45276pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 69--72

Overfull \hbox (28.45276pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 82--85
[12] [13]
Overfull \vbox (1.4957pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
[14] [15] [16]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 415--418

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 415--418
| [][][][][][][][][][]

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 444--447
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 for Re-als: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 444--447

Underfull \hbox (badness 1953) in paragraph at lines 447--449
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 for In-te-gers: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
[17] [18]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 584--585

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 587--593
[]|\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Returns: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][] for [][][]

Underfull \hbox (badness 1210) in paragraph at lines 616--618
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 [\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 Example:  [][][][][][][][][][][][][]

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 632--637
[]|\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Returns: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

Underfull \hbox (badness 1048) in paragraph at lines 662--664
[]|\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 The [][][][][][][][][][][][] op-er-a-tor al-lows
[19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OML/cmss/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `OML/cmm/m/it' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textgreater' on input line 1418.

[30]) (./chapters/classes.tex [31]
Chapter 4.
[32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46]
[47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55]) (./chapters/scoping.tex [56]
Chapter 5.
[57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65]) (./chapters/interface.tex
Chapter 6.
[67] (/usr/local/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/omscmr.fd) [68] [69 <./media
/subtype.pdf>] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74]) (./chapters/inheritance.tex [75]
Chapter 7.
[76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82]

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmss/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `OMS/cmsy/m/n' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textbraceleft' on input line 589.

[83] [84] [85] [86]
Overfull \hbox (70.48387pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 845--848
[]\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 To de-tect this is-sue the rule on lookup of com-pos-ite nam
es ([][]sec-tion 5.3.2[][][]) en-sures that []
[87] [88] [89]) (./chapters/equations.tex [90]
Chapter 8.
[91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103])
(./chapters/connectors.tex [104]
Chapter 9.
[105] [106 <./media/innerouterconnector.pdf>] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111]
[112] [113] [114] [115] [116]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 895--895

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 915--916

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 934--934

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 938--939

Underfull \hbox (badness 1052) in paragraph at lines 941--948
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 the first ar-gu-ment of [][][][]). In that case

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 949--952
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 [\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 This op-er-a-tor can be used to avoid equa-

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 949--952
\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 tion sys-tems by pro-vid-ing an-a-lytic in-verses, see
[117] [118] [119 <./media/overdetermined.pdf>] [120]) (./chapters/arrays.tex
Chapter 10.
Overfull \vbox (2.42628pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
[123] [124]
Overfull \vbox (3.0248pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (25.60732pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 395--400
[126] [127]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 514--515

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 522--523
[128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [137])
(./chapters/statements.tex [138]
Chapter 11.
[139] [140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145]) (./chapters/functions.tex [146]
Chapter 12.

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OML/cmtt/m/it' undefined
(Font)              using `OML/cmm/m/it' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textless' on input line 29.

[147] [148] [149] [150] [151] [152] [153] [154] [155] [156] [157] [158]
[159] [160] [161] [162] [163] [164] [165] [166] [167] [168] [169] [170]
(/usr/local/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/listings/lstlang1.sty) [171] [172]
[173] [174] [175] [176] [177] [178]
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 2495--2496
\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 ModelicaDuplicateStringWithErrorReturn(const
[179] [180] [181]) (./chapters/packages.tex [182]
Chapter 13.
[183] [184] [185]
Overfull \hbox (54.00316pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 295--302
\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 ref-er-ence [] must also re-fer to a dif-fer-ent re-source tha
n [].\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ] 

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmss/m/it' undefined
(Font)              using `OMS/cmss/m/n' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textbackslash' on input line 340.

) (./chapters/overloaded.tex [187 <./media/modelicapath.pdf>]
Chapter 14.
[188] [189] [190] [191] [192] [193] [194]) (./chapters/stream.tex [195]
Chapter 15.
[196] [197] [198 <./media/fluidsystem.pdf>]

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmtt/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `OMS/cmsy/m/n' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textbar' on input line 257.

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OML/cmtt/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `OML/cmtt/m/it' instead
(Font)              for symbol `textgreater' on input line 257.

[199] [200]) (./chapters/synchronous.tex [201] [202]
Chapter 16.

Overfull \hbox (52.92856pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 21--22
[203 <./media/plantmodel.pdf>] [204]
Overfull \hbox (17.64514pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 198--199

Overfull \hbox (3.46408pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 197--199

Overfull \hbox (3.46408pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 199--210

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Overfull \hbox (3.46408pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 231--233

Overfull \hbox (3.46408pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 234--251
[205] [206 <./media/piecewise.pdf> <./media/clock.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./media/clock.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pdfs
 with page group included in a single page
> <./media/clocked.pdf

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file ./media/clocked.pdf): PDF inclusion: multiple pd
fs with page group included in a single page
>] [207] [208] [209] [210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215] [216] [217] [218]
[219] [220] [221] [222] [223] [224]) (./chapters/statemachines.tex [225]
Chapter 17.
[226] [227] [228 <./media/statemachine.png>] [229] [230] [231] [232] [233 <./me
dia/statemachine2.png>] [234] [235 <./media/statemachineplot.png>] [236])
(./chapters/annotations.tex [237]
Chapter 18.
Underfull \hbox (badness 2088) in paragraph at lines 145--148
[][][][][] \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 is for ex-am-ple used in the con-nec-tors of the

Overfull \hbox (11.74738pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 201--202
[239] [240] [241] [242] [243] [244 <./media/bezierpoints.png>] [245] [246]
Overfull \hbox (56.4463pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 812--814
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 The de-fault clo-sure is [][][][] when [][][][] is 0 and [][]
[][] is 360, or []
[248] [249] [250] [251] [252] [253] [254] [255 <./media/disabledparameter.png> 
<./media/tabparameter.png>] [256] [257] [258] [259]
Overfull \hbox (71.66058pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1719--1720

Overfull \hbox (83.00055pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1728--1729
Overfull \hbox (60.32062pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1741--1742
[261] [262] [263] [264] [265] [266]) (./chapters/unitexpressions.tex [267]
Chapter 19.
[268]) (./chapters/library.tex [269]
Chapter 20.
) (./chapters/glossary.tex [270]
Appendix A.
[271] [272] [273]) (./chapters/syntax.tex [274]
Appendix B.
[275] [276] [277] [278] [279] [280]) (./chapters/dae.tex [281]
Appendix C.
[282]) [283] (./chapters/derivationofstream.tex [284]
Appendix D.
[285] [286 <./media/fluidmix.png>] [287 <./media/fluidmix3.png>] [288 <./media/
fluidmix4.png>]) (./chapters/revisions.tex [289]
Appendix E.
[290] [291] [292] [293] [294] [295] [296] [297] [298] [299] [300] [301]
[302] [303] [304] [305] [306] [307] [308] [309] [310] [311] [312] [313]
[314] [315] [316] [317]) (./chapters/literature.tex [318]
Appendix F.
) [319] (./MLS.aux)

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