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Console Output

+ latexmlpost MLS.xml -format html -pmml --splitat=chapter --javascript=css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js --navigationtoc=context --css=css/LaTeXML-navbar-left.css --dest MLS.html
latexmlpost (LaTeXML version 0.8.3; revision f43a7209)
processing started Thu Dec 12 09:14:16 2019
Error:malformed:document Document fails RelaxNG validation (LaTeXML)
	Validation reports: MLS.xml:0: Relax-NG validity error : Invalid attribute rowspan for element td
	MLS.xml:0: Relax-NG validity error : Did not expect element title there
	MLS.xml:0: Relax-NG validity error : Element document has extra content: resource
	In Post::Document[MLS.html] ->validate

(Split MLS.html processing... 0.60 sec)
(Scan MLS.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Scan Chx1.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Scan Ch1.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Scan Ch2.html processing... 0.03 sec)
(Scan Ch3.html processing... 0.18 sec)
(Scan Ch4.html processing... 0.27 sec)
(Scan Ch5.html processing... 0.10 sec)
(Scan Ch6.html processing... 0.09 sec)
(Scan Ch7.html processing... 0.14 sec)
(Scan Ch8.html processing... 0.12 sec)
(Scan Ch9.html processing... 0.15 sec)
(Scan Ch10.html processing... 0.16 sec)
(Scan Ch11.html processing... 0.08 sec)
(Scan Ch12.html processing... 0.37 sec)
(Scan Ch13.html processing... 0.03 sec)
(Scan Ch14.html processing... 0.10 sec)
(Scan Ch15.html processing... 0.08 sec)
(Scan Ch16.html processing... 0.20 sec)
(Scan Ch17.html processing... 0.11 sec)
(Scan Ch18.html processing... 0.22 sec)
(Scan Ch19.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Scan Ch20.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Scan A1.html processing... 0.02 sec)
(Scan A2.html processing... 0.09 sec)
(Scan A3.html processing... 0.02 sec)
(Scan A4.html processing... 0.18 sec)
(Scan A5.html processing... 0.35 sec)
(Scan A6.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(CrossRef MLS.html processing... 0.28 sec)
(CrossRef Chx1.html processing... 0.05 sec)
(CrossRef Ch1.html processing... 0.05 sec)
(CrossRef Ch2.html processing... 0.07 sec)
(CrossRef Ch3.html processing... 0.17 sec)
(CrossRef Ch4.html processing... 0.20 sec)
(CrossRef Ch5.html processing... 0.11 sec)
(CrossRef Ch6.html processing... 0.10 sec)
(CrossRef Ch7.html processing... 0.12 sec)
(CrossRef Ch8.html processing... 0.12 sec)
(CrossRef Ch9.html processing... 0.11 sec)
(CrossRef Ch10.html processing... 0.15 sec)
(CrossRef Ch11.html processing... 0.10 sec)
(CrossRef Ch12.html processing... 0.23 sec)
(CrossRef Ch13.html processing... 0.08 sec)
(CrossRef Ch14.html processing... 0.09 sec)
(CrossRef Ch15.html processing... 0.08 sec)
(CrossRef Ch16.html processing... 0.17 sec)
(CrossRef Ch17.html processing... 0.09 sec)
(CrossRef Ch18.html processing... 0.16 sec)
(CrossRef Ch19.html processing... 0.06 sec)
(CrossRef Ch20.html processing... 0.05 sec)
(CrossRef A1.html processing... 0.09 sec)
(CrossRef A2.html processing... 0.08 sec)
(CrossRef A3.html processing... 0.07 sec)
(CrossRef A4.html processing... 0.11 sec)
(CrossRef A5.html processing... 0.44 sec)
(CrossRef A6.html processing... 0.05 sec)
(Graphics MLS.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Graphics Chx1.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Graphics Ch6.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Graphics Ch9.html 2 to process... 0.00 sec)
(Graphics Ch13.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Graphics Ch15.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Graphics Ch16.html 4 to process... 0.01 sec)
(Graphics Ch17.html 3 to process... 0.00 sec)
(Graphics Ch18.html 3 to process... 0.00 sec)
(Graphics A4.html 3 to process... 0.00 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch3.html 47 to process... 0.08 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch4.html 33 to process... 0.04 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch9.html 6 to process... 0.01 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch10.html 35 to process... 0.03 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch12.html 53 to process... 0.04 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch14.html 92 to process... 0.07 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch15.html 91 to process... 0.07 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch16.html 21 to process... 0.14 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch17.html 4 to process... 0.00 sec)
(MathML::Presentation Ch19.html 3 to process... 0.00 sec)
(MathML::Presentation A3.html 4 to process... 0.01 sec)
(MathML::Presentation A4.html 60 to process... 0.58 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] MLS.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.03 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Chx1.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.01 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch1.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.01 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch2.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.05 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch3.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.23 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch4.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.35 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch5.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.08 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch6.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.07 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch7.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.20 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch8.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.15 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch9.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.18 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch10.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.26 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch11.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.10 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch12.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.46 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch13.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.04 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch14.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.10 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch15.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.10 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch16.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.24 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch17.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.16 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch18.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.31 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch19.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.02 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] Ch20.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.01 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] A1.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.02 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] A2.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.13 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] A3.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.02 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] A4.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.06 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] A5.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.21 sec)
(XSLT[using LaTeXML-html5.xsl] A6.html processing...
Warning:perl:warn Perl warning
	Couldn't find resource file css/LatexML-maybeMathJax.js in paths 
	In Post::XSLT[@0x56131d0a6fe0] ->copyResource
 0.01 sec)
(Writer MLS.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Chx1.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch1.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch2.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch3.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Writer Ch4.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Writer Ch5.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch6.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch7.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Writer Ch8.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch9.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Writer Ch10.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Writer Ch11.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch12.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Writer Ch13.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch14.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch15.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch16.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Writer Ch17.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch18.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Writer Ch19.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer Ch20.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer A1.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer A2.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer A3.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer A4.html processing... 0.00 sec)
(Writer A5.html processing... 0.01 sec)
(Writer A6.html processing... 0.00 sec) 12.09 sec)
Postprocessing complete: 28 warnings
processing finished Thu Dec 12 09:14:29 2019