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simulation_libraries_msl32.Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar_analytic.mos (from (result.xml))

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #3812 )
Took 7 sec.


Output mismatch (see stdout for details)

Standard Output

 + Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar_analytic                      ... equation mismatch [time: 3]

==== Log C:\Windows\TEMP/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/simulation/libraries/msl32/Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar_analytic.mos_temp1524/log-Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar_analytic.mos
Warning: Out of memory! Faking a stack overflow.
Error: Stack overflow occurred while evaluating if modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.Instantiation then
  print(if debug then "Start instantiateModel\n" else "");
  str := instantiateModel(modelName);
  res := str <> "";
  error := getErrorString();
  print(if res then "Frontend succeeded\n" else "Frontend failed\n");
  if res then
    res := translateModel(modelName);
    if res then
      print("The model now translates (generates code). Please update the test.\n");
    end if;
  end if;
  startRun := false;
elseif modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.Translation then
  print(if debug then "Start translateModel\n" else "");
  res := translateModel(modelName);
  error := getErrorString();
  print(if res then "Translation succeeded\n" else "Translation failed\n");
  if res then
    res := buildModel(modelName);
    if res[1] <> "" then
      print("The model now compiles. Please update the test.\n");
    end if;
  end if;
  startRun := false;
elseif modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.Compilation then
  print(if debug then "Start buildModel\n" else "");
  res := buildModel(modelName);
  error := getErrorString();
  print(if res[1] <> "" then "Compilation succeeded\n" else "Compilation failed\n");
  if res[1] <> "" then
    base := basename(res[1]);
    info := checkSettings();
    os := info.OS;
    if os == "Windows_NT" then
      prefix := "";
      suffix := ".exe";
      prefix := "./";
      suffix := "";
    end if;
    res := system(prefix + base + suffix + " -noemit " + simflags, outputFile = base + ".out");
    system("rm -f " + base + ".out");
    if res == 0 then
      print("The model now simulates. Please update the test.\n");
    end if;
    print(if debug and res <> 0 then "The model still does not simulate (exit " + String(res) + "). Please update the test.\n" else "");
  end if;
  startRun := false;
elseif (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation) or (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SimpleSimulation) or (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedSimulation) or (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation) then
  print(if debug then "got simulation test\n" else "");
  if size(compareVars, 1) > 0 then
    function toRegex
      input String str;
      output String re;
      re := str;
      re := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(re,\"[\",\".\");
      re := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(re,\"]\",\".\");
      re := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(re,\"(\",\"[(]\");
      re := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(re,\")\",\"[)]\");
    end toRegex;
    variableFilter := "time" + sum("|" + toRegex(var) for var in compareVars);
    simflags := simflags + " -emit_protected";
    variableFilter := ".*";
  end if;
  if stopTime > 0.0 then
    res := simulate(modelName, stopTime = stopTime, outputFormat = outputFormat, simflags = simflags, variableFilter = variableFilter);
    res := simulate(modelName, outputFormat = outputFormat, simflags = simflags, variableFilter = variableFilter);
  end if;
  print(if debug then "simulated\n" else "");
  error := getErrorString();
  resultFile := res.resultFile;
  options := res.simulationOptions;
  messages := res.messages;
  print(if debug then "got messages\n" else "");
  print("Simulation options: " + options + "\n");
  if resultFile == "" then
    print("Error: Simulation did not produce a result-file\n");
    print("Errors: " + messages + error + "\n");
/* We got a result file. This means the simulation succeeded */
    print("Result file: " + resultFile + "\n");
/* Print messages if we got them and did not suppress them */
    if messages <> "" and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedSimulation and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
      print(if messages <> "" then "Messages: " + messages + "\n" else "");
    elseif messages == "" and (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedSimulation or modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation) then
      print("Note: There were no messages so you do not need to suppress them any longer, Please update the test.\n");
    end if;
  end if;
/* We can only compare to a reference file if we have one */
  modelNameStr := typeNameString(modelName);
  referenceFile := if referenceFile == "" then getEnvironmentVar("REFERENCEFILES") + "/" + referenceFileDir + "/" + modelNameStr + ".mat" else referenceFile;
  if regularFileExists(referenceFile + ".xz") then
    system("if test ! -f " + referenceFile + " || test " + referenceFile + ".xz -nt " + referenceFile + "; then xz --keep --decompress --force " + referenceFile + ".xz ; fi");
    referenceExists := true;
  elseif regularFileExists(referenceFile) then
    referenceExists := true;
    referenceExists := false;
  end if;
/* adrpo: we might run into sandbox and here we get a relative file, try to add ../ */
  if not referenceExists then
    if regularFileExists("../" + referenceFile + ".xz") then
      system("if test ! -f ../" + referenceFile + " || test ../" + referenceFile + ".xz -nt ../" + referenceFile + "; then xz --keep --decompress --force ../" + referenceFile + ".xz ; fi");
      referenceExists := true;
    elseif regularFileExists("../" + referenceFile) then
      referenceExists := true;
      referenceExists := false;
    end if;
  end if;
  if referenceExists then
//in windows resultFile contains absolute path while compareResuslts accepts relative path
    resultFile := modelNameStr + "_res.mat";
// support for csv result files
    resultFile := if regularFileExists(resultFile) then resultFile else modelNameStr + "_res.csv";
    csvFile := modelNameStr + ".csv";
    if diffAlgorithm == OpenModelicaModelTesting.DiffAlgorithm.compareSimulationResults then
      print(if debug then "try to compare results " + resultFile + " " + referenceFile + " " + csvFile + " " + String(relTol) + " " + String(absTol) + sum(" " + v + "," for v in compareVars) + "\n" else "");
      res := OpenModelica.Scripting.compareSimulationResults(resultFile, referenceFile, csvFile, relTol, absTol, compareVars);
      print(if debug then "compareSimulationResults finished: " + sum(r for r in res) + "\n" else "");
      if size(res, 1) == 1 and res[1] == "Files Equal!" then
        res := true;
        failVars := res[2:size(res, 1)];
        res := false;
      end if;
    elseif diffAlgorithm == OpenModelicaModelTesting.DiffAlgorithm.diffSimulationResults then
      print(if debug then "Trying diffSimulationResults(" + resultFile + ", " + referenceFile + ").\n" else "");
      (res, failVars) := OpenModelica.Scripting.diffSimulationResults(resultFile, referenceFile, csvFile + "diff.", relTol, vars = compareVars);
      print(if debug then "diffSimulationResults returns " + String(res) + ".\n" else "");
      print("Unknown diff algorithm!\n");
    end if;
    if res and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
      print("Note: Result files are now equal. Please update the test to do verified simulation!\n");
    elseif modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation or modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
      if res then
        print("Files Equal!\n");
      end if;
      if not res then
        print("Failed variables: " + sum(var for var in failVars) + "\n");
        minimalResult := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(resultFile, "_res.mat", ".minimal.mat");
        OpenModelica.Scripting.filterSimulationResults(resultFile, minimalResult, vars = compareVars);
        system("xz --best --keep --force '" + minimalResult + "'");
        system("ls -lh '" + resultFile + "' '" + minimalResult + "'* '" + referenceFile + "'*");
        print("Failed variables: " + sum(var for var in failVars) + "\n");
        info := checkSettings();
        os := info.OS;
        dateCmd := if os == "Windows_NT" then "date /T" else "date";
// In case people somehow try to fool their tests, add some non-determinism
        system("cp \"" + getInstallationDirectoryPath() + "/share/doc/omc/testmodels/dygraph-combined.js\" .");
        for v in failVars[2:size(failVars, 1)] loop
// Write some html files with the diffs
          curFile := modelNameStr + "." + v + ".html";
          writeFile(curFile, diffSimulationResultsHtml(v, resultFile, referenceFile));
          print("Created diff file " + curFile + "\n");
        end for;
        print("This test cannot succeed automated testing because the test kind is wrong\n");
      end if;
    elseif modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
    end if;
    print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
    error := getErrorString();
    print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
  elseif modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation or modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
    print("Error: Reference file " + referenceFile + " does not exist and we are doing verified simulation. Something does not add up!\n");
    print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
    print("Note: Reference file " + referenceFile + " does not exist. Cannot determine if the result improved!\n");
    print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
  end if;
  error := getErrorString();
  print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
  startRun := false;
  print("Unknown model testing type\n");
  startRun := false;
end if;:
[bt] [Symbols are not generated when running the test suite]

Unknown failure (script did not finish)
Equation mismatch: diff says: 
--- "C:\\Windows\\TEMP/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/simulation/libraries/msl32/Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar_analytic.mos_temp1524/equations-expected"2024-06-13 15:16:16.041834100 +0200
+++ "C:\\Windows\\TEMP/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/simulation/libraries/msl32/Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar_analytic.mos_temp1524/equations-got"2024-06-13 15:16:19.484664000 +0200
@@ -2,14 +2,218 @@
-Simulation options: startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 5.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 1e-06, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar_analytic', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = 'time|j1.phi|j1.w', cflags = '', simflags = ' -abortSlowSimulation -alarm=360 -emit_protected'
-Result file: Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar_analytic_res.mat
-Messages: LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
-LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The simulation finished successfully.
+Warning: Out of memory! Faking a stack overflow.
+Error: Stack overflow occurred while evaluating if modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.Instantiation then
+print(if debug then "Start instantiateModel\n" else "");
+str := instantiateModel(modelName);
+res := str <> "";
+error := getErrorString();
+print(if res then "Frontend succeeded\n" else "Frontend failed\n");
+if res then
+res := translateModel(modelName);
+if res then
+print("The model now translates (generates code). Please update the test.\n");
+end if;
+end if;
+startRun := false;
+elseif modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.Translation then
+print(if debug then "Start translateModel\n" else "");
+res := translateModel(modelName);
+error := getErrorString();
+print(if res then "Translation succeeded\n" else "Translation failed\n");
+if res then
+res := buildModel(modelName);
+if res[1] <> "" then
+print("The model now compiles. Please update the test.\n");
+end if;
+end if;
+startRun := false;
+elseif modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.Compilation then
+print(if debug then "Start buildModel\n" else "");
+res := buildModel(modelName);
+error := getErrorString();
+print(if res[1] <> "" then "Compilation succeeded\n" else "Compilation failed\n");
+if res[1] <> "" then
+base := basename(res[1]);
+info := checkSettings();
+os := info.OS;
+if os == "Windows_NT" then
+prefix := "";
+suffix := ".exe";
+prefix := "./";
+suffix := "";
+end if;
+res := system(prefix + base + suffix + " -noemit " + simflags, outputFile = base + ".out");
+system("rm -f " + base + ".out");
+if res == 0 then
+print("The model now simulates. Please update the test.\n");
+end if;
+print(if debug and res <> 0 then "The model still does not simulate (exit " + String(res) + "). Please update the test.\n" else "");
+end if;
+startRun := false;
+elseif (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation) or (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SimpleSimulation) or (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedSimulation) or (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation) then
+print(if debug then "got simulation test\n" else "");
+if size(compareVars, 1) > 0 then
+function toRegex
+input String str;
+output String re;
+re := str;
+re := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(re,\"[\",\".\");
+re := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(re,\"]\",\".\");
+re := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(re,\"(\",\"[(]\");
+re := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(re,\")\",\"[)]\");
+end toRegex;
+variableFilter := "time" + sum("|" + toRegex(var) for var in compareVars);
+simflags := simflags + " -emit_protected";
+variableFilter := ".*";
+end if;
+if stopTime > 0.0 then
+res := simulate(modelName, stopTime = stopTime, outputFormat = outputFormat, simflags = simflags, variableFilter = variableFilter);
+res := simulate(modelName, outputFormat = outputFormat, simflags = simflags, variableFilter = variableFilter);
+end if;
+print(if debug then "simulated\n" else "");
+error := getErrorString();
+resultFile := res.resultFile;
+options := res.simulationOptions;
+messages := res.messages;
+print(if debug then "got messages\n" else "");
+print("Simulation options: " + options + "\n");
+if resultFile == "" then
+print("Error: Simulation did not produce a result-file\n");
+print("Errors: " + messages + error + "\n");
+/* We got a result file. This means the simulation succeeded */
+print("Result file: " + resultFile + "\n");
+/* Print messages if we got them and did not suppress them */
+if messages <> "" and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedSimulation and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
+print(if messages <> "" then "Messages: " + messages + "\n" else "");
+elseif messages == "" and (modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedSimulation or modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation) then
+print("Note: There were no messages so you do not need to suppress them any longer, Please update the test.\n");
+end if;
+end if;
+/* We can only compare to a reference file if we have one */
+modelNameStr := typeNameString(modelName);
+referenceFile := if referenceFile == "" then getEnvironmentVar("REFERENCEFILES") + "/" + referenceFileDir + "/" + modelNameStr + ".mat" else referenceFile;
+if regularFileExists(referenceFile + ".xz") then
+system("if test ! -f " + referenceFile + " || test " + referenceFile + ".xz -nt " + referenceFile + "; then xz --keep --decompress --force " + referenceFile + ".xz ; fi");
+referenceExists := true;
+elseif regularFileExists(referenceFile) then
+referenceExists := true;
+referenceExists := false;
+end if;
+/* adrpo: we might run into sandbox and here we get a relative file, try to add ../ */
+if not referenceExists then
+if regularFileExists("../" + referenceFile + ".xz") then
+system("if test ! -f ../" + referenceFile + " || test ../" + referenceFile + ".xz -nt ../" + referenceFile + "; then xz --keep --decompress --force ../" + referenceFile + ".xz ; fi");
+referenceExists := true;
+elseif regularFileExists("../" + referenceFile) then
+referenceExists := true;
+referenceExists := false;
+end if;
+end if;
+if referenceExists then
+//in windows resultFile contains absolute path while compareResuslts accepts relative path
+resultFile := modelNameStr + "_res.mat";
+// support for csv result files
+resultFile := if regularFileExists(resultFile) then resultFile else modelNameStr + "_res.csv";
+csvFile := modelNameStr + ".csv";
+if diffAlgorithm == OpenModelicaModelTesting.DiffAlgorithm.compareSimulationResults then
+print(if debug then "try to compare results " + resultFile + " " + referenceFile + " " + csvFile + " " + String(relTol) + " " + String(absTol) + sum(" " + v + "," for v in compareVars) + "\n" else "");
+res := OpenModelica.Scripting.compareSimulationResults(resultFile, referenceFile, csvFile, relTol, absTol, compareVars);
+print(if debug then "compareSimulationResults finished: " + sum(r for r in res) + "\n" else "");
+if size(res, 1) == 1 and res[1] == "Files Equal!" then
+res := true;
+failVars := res[2:size(res, 1)];
+res := false;
+end if;
+elseif diffAlgorithm == OpenModelicaModelTesting.DiffAlgorithm.diffSimulationResults then
+print(if debug then "Trying diffSimulationResults(" + resultFile + ", " + referenceFile + ").\n" else "");
+(res, failVars) := OpenModelica.Scripting.diffSimulationResults(resultFile, referenceFile, csvFile + "diff.", relTol, vars = compareVars);
+print(if debug then "diffSimulationResults returns " + String(res) + ".\n" else "");
+print("Unknown diff algorithm!\n");
+end if;
+if res and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
+print("Note: Result files are now equal. Please update the test to do verified simulation!\n");
+elseif modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation or modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
+if res then
+print("Files Equal!\n");
+end if;
+if not res then
+print("Failed variables: " + sum(var for var in failVars) + "\n");
+minimalResult := OpenModelica.Scripting.stringReplace(resultFile, "_res.mat", ".minimal.mat");
+OpenModelica.Scripting.filterSimulationResults(resultFile, minimalResult, vars = compareVars);
+system("xz --best --keep --force '" + minimalResult + "'");
+system("ls -lh '" + resultFile + "' '" + minimalResult + "'* '" + referenceFile + "'*");
+print("Failed variables: " + sum(var for var in failVars) + "\n");
+info := checkSettings();
+os := info.OS;
+dateCmd := if os == "Windows_NT" then "date /T" else "date";
+// In case people somehow try to fool their tests, add some non-determinism
+system("cp \"" + getInstallationDirectoryPath() + "/share/doc/omc/testmodels/dygraph-combined.js\" .");
+for v in failVars[2:size(failVars, 1)] loop
+// Write some html files with the diffs
+curFile := modelNameStr + "." + v + ".html";
+writeFile(curFile, diffSimulationResultsHtml(v, resultFile, referenceFile));
+print("Created diff file " + curFile + "\n");
+end for;
+print("This test cannot succeed automated testing because the test kind is wrong\n");
+end if;
+elseif modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation and modelTestingType <> OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
+end if;
+print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
+error := getErrorString();
+print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
+elseif modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.VerifiedSimulation or modelTestingType == OpenModelicaModelTesting.Kind.SuppressedVerifiedSimulation then
+print("Error: Reference file " + referenceFile + " does not exist and we are doing verified simulation. Something does not add up!\n");
+print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
+print("Note: Reference file " + referenceFile + " does not exist. Cannot determine if the result improved!\n");
+print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
+end if;
+error := getErrorString();
+print(if error <> "" then error + "\n" else "");
+startRun := false;
+print("Unknown model testing type\n");
+startRun := false;
+end if;:
+[bt] [Symbols are not generated when running the test suite]
-Files Equal!
+Unknown failure (script did not finish)
Equation mismatch: omc-diff says: 
Failed 'S' 'W'
Line 7: Text differs:
expected: Simulation options: startTime = 
got:      Warning: Out of memory! Faking a stack overflow.

== 1 out of 1 tests failed [simulation/libraries/msl32/Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar_analytic.mos_temp1524, time: 7]