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openmodelica_dataReconciliation.Pipe6.mos (from (result.xml))

Failing for the past 405 builds (Since #3553 )
Took 18 sec.


Output mismatch (see stdout for details)

Standard Output

 + Pipe6                                                                             ... equation mismatch [time: 17]

==== Log C:\Users\OPENMO~1\AppData\Local\Temp/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/openmodelica/dataReconciliation/Pipe6.mos_temp7913/log-Pipe6.mos
"Notification: Automatically loaded package Modelica 3.2.3 due to uses annotation from NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.
Notification: Automatically loaded package Complex 3.2.3 due to uses annotation from Modelica.
Notification: Automatically loaded package ModelicaServices 3.2.3 due to uses annotation from Modelica.
Notification: Automatically loaded package ThermoSysPro 3.2 due to uses annotation from NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.

ModelInfo: NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6

OrderedVariables (5)
1: P:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: Q2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
3: Q1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
4: P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
5: P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real

OrderedEquation (5, 5)
1/1 (1): P1 = 3.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
2/2 (1): P2 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
3/3 (1): P1 - P = k * Q1 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
4/4 (1): P - P2 = k * Q2 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
5/5 (1): Q1 = Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]

5 variables and equations
var 1 is solved in eqn 3
var 2 is solved in eqn 4
var 3 is solved in eqn 5
var 4 is solved in eqn 1
var 5 is solved in eqn 2

Standard BLT of the original model:(5)

5: P2: (2/2): (1): P2 = 1.0
4: P1: (1/1): (1): P1 = 3.0
3: Q1: (5/5): (1): Q1 = Q2
2: Q2: (4/4): (1): P - P2 = k * Q2 ^ 2.0
1: P: (3/3): (1): P1 - P = k * Q1 ^ 2.0

Variables of interest (2)
1: Q2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
2: Q1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

Boundary conditions (2)
1: P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real

Binding equations:(2)

5: P2: (2/2): (1): P2 = 1.0
4: P1: (1/1): (1): P1 = 3.0

E-BLT: equations that compute the variables of interest:(2)

2: Q2: (4/4): (1): P - P2 = k * Q2 ^ 2.0
3: Q1: (5/5): (1): Q1 = Q2

Extracting SET-C and SET-S from E-BLT
Procedure is applied on each equation in the E-BLT
>>>2: Q2: (4/4): (1): P - P2 = k * Q2 ^ 2.0
P2 is a boundary condition ---> exit procedure
Procedure failed

>>>3: Q1: (5/5): (1): Q1 = Q2
Procedure success

Extraction procedure failed for iteration count: 1, re-running with modified model

OrderedVariables (5)
1: P:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: Q2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
3: Q1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
4: P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
5: P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real

OrderedEquation (5, 5)
1/1 (1): Q2 = 0.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
2/2 (1): P1 = 3.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
3/3 (1): P2 = 1.0   [binding |0|0|0|0|]
4/4 (1): P1 - P = k * Q1 ^ 2.0   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]
5/5 (1): Q1 = Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]

5 variables and equations
var 1 is solved in eqn 4
var 2 is solved in eqn 1
var 3 is solved in eqn 5
var 4 is solved in eqn 2
var 5 is solved in eqn 3

Standard BLT of the original model:(5)

5: P2: (3/3): (1): P2 = 1.0
4: P1: (2/2): (1): P1 = 3.0
3: Q1: (5/5): (1): Q1 = Q2
2: Q2: (1/1): (1): Q2 = 0.0
1: P: (4/4): (1): P1 - P = k * Q1 ^ 2.0

Variables of interest (2)
1: Q2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
2: Q1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

Boundary conditions (2)
1: P1:VARIABLE()  type: Real
2: P2:VARIABLE()  type: Real

Binding equations:(3)

5: P2: (3/3): (1): P2 = 1.0
4: P1: (2/2): (1): P1 = 3.0
2: Q2: (1/1): (1): Q2 = 0.0

E-BLT: equations that compute the variables of interest:(1)

3: Q1: (5/5): (1): Q1 = Q2

Extracting SET-C and SET-S from E-BLT
Procedure is applied on each equation in the E-BLT
>>>3: Q1: (5/5): (1): Q1 = Q2
Procedure success

Extraction procedure is successfully completed in iteration count: 2

Final set of equations after extraction algorithm
SET_C: {5}
SET_S: {}

SET_C (1, 1)
1/1 (1): Q1 = Q2   [dynamic |0|0|0|0|]

Unknown variables in SET_S (0)

Automatic Verification Steps of DataReconciliation Algorithm

knownVariables:{2, 3} (2)
1: Q2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
2: Q1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real


Condition-1 "SET_C and SET_S must not have no equations in common"

Condition-2 "All variables of interest must be involved in SET_C or SET_S"

-SET_C has all known variables:{2, 3} (2)
1: Q2:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real
2: Q1:VARIABLE(uncertain=Uncertainty.refine)  type: Real

Condition-3 "SET_C equations must be strictly less than Variable of Interest"
-SET_C contains:1 equations < 2 known variables

Condition-4 "SET_S should contain all intermediate variables involved in SET_C"
-SET_C contains No Intermediate Variables

record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "",
    simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 1e-6, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-reconcile -sx=./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/DataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6_Inputs.csv -eps=0.0023 -lv=LOG_JAC'",
    messages = "Simulation execution failed for model: NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6
LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The simulation finished successfully.
LOG_STDOUT        | info    | DataReconciliation Starting!
LOG_STDOUT        | info    | NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6
LOG_STDOUT        | error   | Measurement input file path not found ./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/DataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6_Inputs.csv.
end SimulationResult;
Equation mismatch: diff says: 
--- "C:\\Users\\OPENMO~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/openmodelica/dataReconciliation/Pipe6.mos_temp7913/equations-expected"2024-09-23 16:58:44.876630600 +0200
+++ "C:\\Users\\OPENMO~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/openmodelica/dataReconciliation/Pipe6.mos_temp7913/equations-got"2024-09-23 16:59:01.871633000 +0200
@@ -207,15 +207,16 @@
 -SET_C contains No Intermediate Variables
 record SimulationResult
-resultFile = "econcile",
-simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 1e-06, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-reconcile -sx=./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/DataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6_Inputs.csv -eps=0.0023 -lv=LOG_JAC'",
-messages = "LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
+resultFile = "",
+simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 1e-6, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-reconcile -sx=./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/DataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6_Inputs.csv -eps=0.0023 -lv=LOG_JAC'",
+messages = "Simulation execution failed for model: NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6
+LOG_SUCCESS | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
 LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The simulation finished successfully.
 LOG_STDOUT        | info    | DataReconciliation Starting!
 LOG_STDOUT        | info    | NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6
-LOG_STDOUT        | info    | DataReconciliation Completed!
+LOG_STDOUT | error   | Measurement input file path not found ./NewDataReconciliationSimpleTests/resources/DataReconciliationSimpleTests.Pipe6_Inputs.csv.
 end SimulationResult;
Equation mismatch: omc-diff says: 
----Failed 'e' '"'
Line 212: Text differs:
expected: resultFile = "econcile",
got:      resultFile = "",

== 1 out of 1 tests failed [openmodelica/dataReconciliation/Pipe6.mos_temp7913, time: 18]