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simulation_modelica_connectors.TankPID.mos (from (result.xml))

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #3812 )
Took 2 sec.


Output mismatch (see stdout for details)

Standard Output

 + TankPID                                                                           ... execution failed

==== Log C:\Windows\TEMP/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/simulation/modelica/connectors/TankPID.mos_temp7907/log-TankPID.mos
record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "",
    simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 250.0, numberOfIntervals = 250, tolerance = 1e-5, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'TankPID', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = 'tank\\\\.h', cflags = '', simflags = ''",
    messages = "Failed to build model: TankPID"
end SimulationResult;
Error processing file: TankPID.mos
Warning: The initial conditions are not fully specified. For more information set -d=initialization. In OMEdit Tools->Options->Simulation->Show additional information from the initialization process, in OMNotebook call setCommandLineOptions("-d=initialization").
Error: Error building simulator. Build log: make: Entering directory '/c/dev/jenkins/ws/Windows/OM_Win/TESTSU~1/SIMULA~1/modelica/CONNEC~1/TANKPI~2.MOS'
clang -municode  -O0 -DOM_HAVE_PTHREADS -Wno-parentheses-equality -falign-functions -mstackrealign -msse2 -mfpmath=sse     -I"C:/dev/jenkins/ws/Windows/OM_Win/build/include/omc/c" -I"C:/dev/jenkins/ws/Windows/OM_Win/build/include/omc" -I. -DOPENMODELICA_XML_FROM_FILE_AT_RUNTIME -DOMC_MODEL_PREFIX=TankPID -DOMC_NUM_MIXED_SYSTEMS=0 -DOMC_NUM_LINEAR_SYSTEMS=0 -DOMC_NUM_NONLINEAR_SYSTEMS=2 -DOMC_NDELAY_EXPRESSIONS=0 -DOMC_NVAR_STRING=0  -c -o TankPID.o TankPID.c
Mingw-w64 runtime failure:
  VirtualProtect failed with code 0x5afmake: *** [<builtin>: TankPID.o] Error 127
make: Leaving directory '/c/dev/jenkins/ws/Windows/OM_Win/TESTSU~1/SIMULA~1/modelica/CONNEC~1/TANKPI~2.MOS'
Error: Failed to open simulation result TankPID_res.mat: No such file or directory

# Error encountered! Exiting...
# Please check the error message and the flags.

Execution failed!

== 1 out of 1 tests failed [simulation/modelica/connectors/TankPID.mos_temp7907, time: 2]