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Regression (from (result.xml))

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #3812 )
Took 6 sec.


Output mismatch (see stdout for details)

Standard Output

 + redeclare10                                                                       ... equation mismatch [time: 0]

==== Log C:\Windows\TEMP/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/flattening/modelica/scodeinst/redeclare10.mo_temp190/
Stack overflow detected and was not caught.
Send us a bug report at
    Include the following trace:
[bt] [Symbols are not generated when running the test suite]
Equation mismatch: diff says: 
--- "C:\\Windows\\TEMP/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/flattening/modelica/scodeinst/redeclare10.mo_temp190/equations-expected"2024-06-13 15:34:44.121497600 +0200
+++ "C:\\Windows\\TEMP/omc-rtest-OpenModelica/flattening/modelica/scodeinst/redeclare10.mo_temp190/equations-got"2024-06-13 15:34:44.434499400 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-class D
-Real x[1];
-Real x[2];
-Real x[3];
-end D;
+Stack overflow detected and was not caught.
+Send us a bug report at
+Include the following trace:
+[bt] [Symbols are not generated when running the test suite]
Equation mismatch: omc-diff says: 
Failed 'c' 'S'
Line 1: Text differs:
expected: class D
got:      Stack overflow detected and was not caught.

== 1 out of 1 tests failed [flattening/modelica/scodeinst/redeclare10.mo_temp190, time: 6]