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tests / 06 testsuite-clang 3/3 / openmodelica_cruntime_optimization_basic.testAlgLoop3.mos (from (result.xml))

Failing for the past 65 builds (Since #8 )
Took 3 sec.


Output mismatch (see stdout for details)

Standard Output

 + testAlgLoop3                                                                      ... equation mismatch [time: 3]

==== Log /tmp/omc-rtest-omtmpuser/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/basic/testAlgLoop3.mos_temp934/log-testAlgLoop3.mos
record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "testAlgLoop3_res.mat",
    simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 50, tolerance = 1e-8, method = 'optimization', fileNamePrefix = 'testAlgLoop3', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-lv LOG_IPOPT_ERROR -optimizerNP 3'",
    messages = "LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.

Optimizer Variables
Input[0]:$y1(start = 0, nominal = 1, min = -Inf, max = +Inf)
Input[1]:$y2(start = 0, nominal = 1, min = -Inf, max = +Inf)
number of nonlinear constraints: 2

This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
 Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
         For more information visit

LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 1 for the constraint $EqCon$y1(time = 1)
LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 0.491941 for the constraint $EqCon$y2(time = 1)
LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 0.0251223 for the constraint $EqCon$y1(time = 1)
LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 9.99863e-05 for the constraint $EqCon$y1(time = 1)
LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 1.53473e-09 for the constraint $EqCon$y1(time = 1)
LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The simulation finished successfully.
end SimulationResult;
"[BackEnd/] Error: Internal error function generateSparsePattern failed
{"Files Equal!"}
"Warning: 'compareSimulationResults' is deprecated. It is recommended to use 'diffSimulationResults' instead.

Equation mismatch: diff says:
--- /tmp/omc-rtest-omtmpuser/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/basic/testAlgLoop3.mos_temp934/equations-expected2024-09-14 02:58:07.233193931 +0000
+++ /tmp/omc-rtest-omtmpuser/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/basic/testAlgLoop3.mos_temp934/equations-got2024-09-14 02:58:10.629194923 +0000
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 record SimulationResult
 resultFile = "testAlgLoop3_res.mat",
-simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 50, tolerance = 1e-08, method = 'optimization', fileNamePrefix = 'testAlgLoop3', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-lv LOG_IPOPT_ERROR -optimizerNP 3'",
+simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 50, tolerance = 1e-8, method = 'optimization', fileNamePrefix = 'testAlgLoop3', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-lv LOG_IPOPT_ERROR -optimizerNP 3'",
 messages = "LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
 Optimizer Variables
 Input[0]:$y1(start = 0, nominal = 1, min = -Inf, max = +Inf)
@@ -27,9 +27,10 @@
 LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 9.99863e-05 for the constraint $EqCon$y1(time = 1)
 LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 1.53473e-09 for the constraint $EqCon$y1(time = 1)
 LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The simulation finished successfully.
 end SimulationResult;
+"[BackEnd/] Error: Internal error function generateSparsePattern failed
 {"Files Equal!"}
 "Warning: 'compareSimulationResults' is deprecated. It is recommended to use 'diffSimulationResults' instead.

Equation mismatch: omc-diff says:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Failed '"' '['
Line 32: Text differs:
expected: ""
got:      "[BackEnd/

== 1 out of 1 tests failed [openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/basic/testAlgLoop3.mos_temp934, time: 3]