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tests / testsuite-compliance-newinst / ModelicaCompliance.Classes.Declarations.Long.QuotedIdentifiers.?abfnrtv.?abfnrtv (from omc OMCompiler v1.14.2-v1.14.2.4+gcd83a0fbc6 compliance suite 3.2)

Skipped for the past 34 builds (Since #0 )
Took 4.8 sec.

Skip Message

This testcase still fails (as expected)

Standard Output

Simulation execution failed for model: ModelicaCompliance.Classes.Declarations.Long.QuotedIdentifiers.'/'/'/?///a/b/f/n/r/t/v'
stdout            | warning | simulation_input_xml.c: Error: failed to read the XML file ModelicaCompliance.Classes.Declarations.Long.QuotedIdentifiers.Q_5C225C275C3F5C5C5Ca5Cb5Cf5Cn5Cr5Ct5Cv_Q_init.xml: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 7
assert            | debug   | see last warning