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tests / testsuite-compliance / ModelicaCompliance.Scoping.InnerOuter.Nested.Nested (from omc OMCompiler v1.14.1-v1.14.1.3+ge7881aca3a compliance suite 3.2)

Skipped for the past 32 builds (Since #0 )
Took 3.2 sec.

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This testcase still fails (as expected)

Standard Output

Simulation execution failed for model: ModelicaCompliance.Scoping.InnerOuter.Nested
assert            | warning | The following assertion has been violated during initialization at time 0.000000
|                 | |       | b.a.j == 200
assert            | error   | b.a.h.y was not set to the correct value
assert            | info    | simulation terminated by an assertion at initialization
[/var/lib/jenkins3/ws/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.14/build/lib/omlibrary/ModelicaCompliance 3.2/Scoping/InnerOuter/] Warning: No corresponding 'inner' declaration found for component .Integer b.a.i declared as 'outer '.
  The existing 'inner' components are:
    .Integer b.a.j; defined in scope: ModelicaCompliance.Scoping.InnerOuter.Nested.A$b$a.
  Check if you have not misspelled the 'outer' component name.
  Please declare an 'inner' component with the same name in the top scope.
  Continuing flattening by only considering the 'outer' component declaration.