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tests / testsuite-compliance-newinst / ModelicaCompliance.Functions.HigherOrder.Quadrature2.Quadrature2 (from omc OMCompiler v1.14.0-v1.14.0.3+g3f9ed55893 compliance suite 3.2)

Skipped for the past 28 builds (Since #0 )
Took 0.48 sec.

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This testcase still fails (as expected)

Standard Output

Failed to build model: ModelicaCompliance.Functions.HigherOrder.Quadrature2[/var/lib/jenkins3/ws/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.14_4/build/lib/omlibrary/ModelicaCompliance 3.2/Functions/HigherOrder/] Error: Cannot resolve type of expression integrand(BOX(x1)) + integrand(BOX(x2)). The operands have types #Real, #Real in component <NO_COMPONENT>.