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tests / testsuite-clang / openmodelica_cruntime_optimization_benchmark.runDrumBoiler.mos (from (result.xml))

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed#7 )
Took 0 ms.


Output mismatch (see stdout for details)

Standard Output

 + DrumBoiler                                                                        ... equation mismatch [time: 0]

==== Log /tmp/omc-rtest-unknown/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/runDrumBoiler.mos_temp2214/log-runDrumBoiler.mos
"Error: Failed to load package Modelica (3.2) using MODELICAPATH /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/build/lib/omlibrary.
record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "",
    simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 3600.0, numberOfIntervals = 50, tolerance = 0.0001, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-lv=LOG_IPOPT_ERROR -optimizerNP 1 -s optimization'",
    messages = "Failed to build model: drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler"
end SimulationResult;
"[openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/] Error: Base class Modelica.Icons.Example not found in scope drumBoiler.DrumBoiler.
Error: Error occurred while flattening model drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler
{"Error opening file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/testsuite/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/runDrumBoiler.mos_temp2214/drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler_res.mat"}
"Warning: 'compareSimulationResults' is deprecated. It is recommended to use 'diffSimulationResults' instead.
Error: Failed to open simulation result /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/testsuite/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/runDrumBoiler.mos_temp2214/drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler_res.mat: No such file or directory

Equation mismatch: diff says:
--- /tmp/omc-rtest-unknown/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/runDrumBoiler.mos_temp2214/equations-expected2018-12-11 10:52:55.379285794 +0000
+++ /tmp/omc-rtest-unknown/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/runDrumBoiler.mos_temp2214/equations-got2018-12-11 10:52:55.511284417 +0000
@@ -1,59 +1,17 @@
+"Error: Failed to load package Modelica (3.2) using MODELICAPATH /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/build/lib/omlibrary.
 record SimulationResult
-resultFile = "drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler_res.mat",
+resultFile = "",
 simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 3600.0, numberOfIntervals = 50, tolerance = 0.0001, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = '-lv=LOG_IPOPT_ERROR -optimizerNP 1 -s optimization'",
-messages = "assert            | warning | The following assertion has been violated at time 0.000000
-|                 | |       | der_evaporator_p >= 0.0 and der_evaporator_p <= 32000.0
-assert            | warning | Variable violating min/max constraint: 0.0 <= der_evaporator_p <= 32000.0, has value: -9.57311
-LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
-Optimizer Variables
-State[0]:controller.x(start = 0, nominal = 10, min = -Inf, max = +Inf, init = 0)
-State[1]:evaporator.V_l(start = 67, nominal = 68, min = -Inf, max = +Inf, init = 67)
-State[2]:evaporator.p(start = 100000, nominal = 1e+06, min = 611.657, max = 1e+08, init = 100000)
-State[3]:q_F(start = 0, nominal = 400, min = 0, max = 500, init = 0)
-Input[4]:Y_Valve(start = 0.5, nominal = 1, min = 0, max = 1)
-Input[5]:dq_F(start = 0.1, nominal = 0.416667, min = -0.416667, max = 0.416667)
-number of nonlinear constraints: 1
-This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
-Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
-For more information visit
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 2.49596 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 936)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 159.505 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 1368)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 157.079 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 1368)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 138.617 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 1368)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 58.0565 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 1368)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max error is 0.545275 for the approximation of the state evaporator.p(time = 1368)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 36.0501 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 1080)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max error is 0.0412625 for the approximation of the state evaporator.p(time = 1224)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max error is 0.0203336 for the approximation of the state evaporator.p(time = 3600)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max error is 0.00282562 for the approximation of the state evaporator.p(time = 3600)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max error is 0.00171499 for the approximation of the state evaporator.p(time = 3600)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max error is 0.00131765 for the approximation of the state evaporator.p(time = 3600)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max error is 5.01892e-05 for the approximation of the state evaporator.p(time = 1224)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max error is 3.24251e-06 for the approximation of the state evaporator.p(time = 1224)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 1.47354e-06 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 216)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 1.48405e-06 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 216)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 1.49979e-06 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 216)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 1.49983e-06 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 216)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 1.5e-06 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 360)
-LOG_IPOPT_ERROR   | info    | max violation is 1.5e-06 for the constraint $con$conSigma_con(time = 288)
-LOG_SUCCESS       | info    | The simulation finished successfully.
+messages = "Failed to build model: drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler"
 end SimulationResult;
-"Warning: The model contains alias variables with conflicting start and/or nominal values. It is recommended to resolve the conflicts, because otherwise the system could be hard to solve. To print the conflicting alias sets and the chosen candidates please use -d=aliasConflicts.
-Warning: There are iteration variables with default zero start attribute. For more information set -d=initialization. In OMEdit Tools->Options->Simulation->OMCFlags, in OMNotebook call setCommandLineOptions("-d=initialization").
+"[openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/] Error: Base class Modelica.Icons.Example not found in scope drumBoiler.DrumBoiler.
+Error: Error occurred while flattening model drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler
-{"Files Equal!"}
+{"Error opening file: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/testsuite/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/runDrumBoiler.mos_temp2214/drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler_res.mat"}
 "Warning: 'compareSimulationResults' is deprecated. It is recommended to use 'diffSimulationResults' instead.
+Error: Failed to open simulation result /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OpenModelica_maintenance_v1.13/testsuite/openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/runDrumBoiler.mos_temp2214/drumBoiler.optDrumBoiler_res.mat: No such file or directory

Equation mismatch: omc-diff says:
Failed 't' 'f'
Line 1: Text differs:
expected: true
got:      false

== 1 out of 1 tests failed [openmodelica/cruntime/optimization/benchmark/runDrumBoiler.mos_temp2214, time: 0]